DIS - Case Record for 96-1200-TP-UNC Skip to main content
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06/25/1999 Supreme Court Case returned. (5 boxes) located in the Fileroom for future use.
03/08/1999 Supreme Court Papers. (64 pgs.)
02/05/1999 Notice of Appeal filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by B. Kahn. (15 pgs.) (S.C. #99-0290)
12/09/1998 Entry denying the joint application for rehearing filed by AT&T Communications of Ohio and MCI Telecommunications Corp. (7 pgs.)
11/19/1998 Memorandum contra the joint application for rehearing of MCI Telecommunications and AT&T Communications, filed on behalf of applicant by G. Cooper. (8 pgs.)
11/09/1998 Joint application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. San- ders; and AT&T Communications of Ohio by B. Kahn. (28 pgs.)
10/08/1998 Finding & Order that the intent of Section X.F. of the Commission's local service guidelines in Case No. 95-845- TP-COI is clarified as indicated herein; that, by this entry, the intraLATA toll presubscription implementation cost recovery MOU rates filed by the LEC's are approved; that in accordance with Finding 18, the Sprint, AT&T and MCI motions for suspension and intervention are denied. (7 pgs.)
10/08/1998 Finding & Order that the intent of Section X.F. of the Commission's local service guidelines in Case No. 95-845- TP-COI is clarified as indicated herein; that, by this entry, the intraLATA toll presubscription implementation cost recovery MOU rates filed by the LEC's are approved; that in accordance with Finding 18, the Sprint, AT&T and MCI motions for suspension and intervention are denied. (7 pgs.)
10/08/1998 Finding and Order that the intent of Section X.F. of the Commission's local service guidelines in this case is clarified as indicated herein; that, by this entry, the intraLATA toll presubscription implementation cost recovery MOU rates filed by the LECs are approved; that, in accordance with Finding 18 the Sprint, AT&T and MCI motion for suspension and intervention are denied
10/05/1998 Motion of AT&T for leave to intervene and memorandum in support of MCI's and Sprint's motions to suspend and request for investigation, filed by D. Chorzempa. (12 pgs.)
10/05/1998 Motion of AT&T for leave to intervene and memorandum in support of MCI's and Sprint's motions to suspend and request for investigation, filed by D. Chorzempa.
10/05/1998 Memorandum contra to the motion of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint and Sprint Communications Co. L.P. to intervene and suspend the company's presubscription imple- mentation charge, filed on behalf of applicant by G. Cooper. (6 pgs.)
10/05/1998 Motion of AT&T for leave to intervene and memorandum in support of MCI's and Sprint's motions to suspend and re- quest for investigation, filed by D. Chorzempa. (12 pgs.)
10/02/1998 Supplemental motion of MCI Telecommunications Corp. for leave to intervene and request for clarification and/or Commission-ordered investigation and memorandum in sup- port filed by J. Sanders and M. Berns. (12 pgs.)
10/02/1998 Supplemental motion for leave to intervene, memorandum in support and request for clarification and/or Commission Ordered Investigation, filed by J. Sanders and M. Berns.
09/24/1998 Motion and memorandum of MCI for leave to intervene and suspend the implementation of IntraLATA Toll Presubscription Charges filed by J. Sanders/M. Berns. (12 pgs.)
09/24/1998 Motion and Memorandum of MCI for leave to intervene and to suspend the implementation of IntraLATA Toll Presubscription Charges filed by J. Sanders/M. Berns.
09/21/1998 Final tariff sheets, PUCO no. 1, first revised sheet no. 4 filed by G. Cooper. (2 pgs)
09/21/1998 Final tariff sheets, PUCO no. 1, first revised sheet no. 4 filed by G. Cooper. (2 pgs)
09/17/1998 Motion to intervene and suspend the applicant's presubscrip- tion implementation charges and memorandum in support filed on behalf of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint by J. Stewart; and Sprint Communication Company L.P. by L. Lauridsen. (8 pgs.)
08/21/1998 Revised tariff sheet; first revised sheet 4 filed by G. Cooper. (2 pgs)
07/10/1997 Finding & Order that Ameritech Ohio's motion to intervene is moot in this case and, therefore, denied; that the applicant's motion to suspend this case is no longer relevant and, therefore, denied; that with the exception of the implementation cost recovery MOU rate, the propsed application application of the applicant to amend its tariff to include a service offering for intrastate intra- LATA equal access is approved; that applicant's plan for intraLATA toll presubscription procedures and presubscrip- tion change charge schedules are approved and sould be im- plemented by the application as indicated in the plan; that applicant file its proposed MOU rate for incremental cost recovery no later than August 24, 1998. (5 pgs.)
07/03/1997 Final tariff, PUCO No. 1, original sheets 2, 3, 4; Preface, 1st sheet 1, filed on behalf of applicant by G. Cooper. (5 pgs.)
05/21/1997 Amendment to supplemental application. Amended exhibit B- original sheet No 2 and the amended exhibit C replace the original sheet No 2 and the exhibit C filed on 4/30/97. Filed on behalf of applicant by G. Cooper. (5 pgs)
04/30/1997 Supplement application filed on behalf of applicant by G. Cooper. (12 pgs.)
02/14/1997 Motion and memorandum in support of the applicant, The Germantown Independent Telephone Company to suspend application filed by T. Lodge.
02/14/1997 Motion of the applicant, The Germantown Independent Tele- phone Company to suspend application filed by T. Lodge. (3 pgs.)
12/06/1996 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on be- half of Ameritech Ohio by J. Kelly. (4 pgs.)
11/12/1996 Revised tariff sheet; first reevised Sheet No. 4 filed by G. Cooper. (2 pgs) In the matter of the application of The Germantown Indepen- dent Telephone Company to establish Intra LATA Equal Access and to amend its tariff accordingly. (15 pgs.)