Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
04/29/2003 | Revised tariff, PUCO No. 4, filed on behalf of applicant by T. Powell. | 15 |
09/25/2000 | Letter stating that Nextlink Ohio will be doing business as XO Ohio, Inc., filed on behalf of applicant by D. Kinkoph. (1 pg.) | 1 |
09/25/2000 | Letter advising the Commission that effective immediately Nextlink Ohio will be doing business as XO Ohio, Inc., filed by D. Kinkoph. (1 pg.) | 1 |
09/17/1997 | Memorandum of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. regarding Brooks Fiber Communications of Ohio, Inc.'s motion for clarification filed by B. Kahn. (8 pgs.) | 8 |
07/22/1997 | Fresh Look Notice filed on behalf of Nextlink Ohio LLC by D. Clayton. (4 pgs.) | 4 |
07/22/1997 | Motion for extension of time filed on behalf of ICG Telecom Group, Inc. by B. Ferris. (6 pgs.) | 6 |
07/17/1997 | Finding & Order that the comments set forth in Finding 4 are accepted as timely filed; that the Commission's fresh look policies are further clarified in accordance with Finding 6; that Nextlink, ICG, Time Warner, Brooks Fiber, and any other operational new entrant providers as defined herein, file notice within five calendar days as set forth in Finding 6. (30 pgs.) | 30 |
07/16/1997 | Change of address filed on behalf of Time Warner Communi- cations by M. Schermer. (1 pg.) | 1 |
07/14/1997 | Comments filed on behalf of Voice-Tel by S. Dowd. (2 pgs.) | 2 |
07/01/1997 | Comments concerning Fresh Look implementation filed on behalf of City of Columbus by G. Dunn. (7 pgs.) | 7 |
06/30/1997 | Letter requesting the Commission to consider adapting Fresh Look Provisions to coincide with Number Portability in Ohio filed on behalf of Eastland Telecommunications Consulting by S. Longenecker. (1 pg.) | 1 |
06/03/1997 | Certificate No. 90-9017 issued. (1 pg.) (ISSUED 5/28/97) | 1 |
06/02/1997 | Additional information filed on behalf of application by N. Hawthorne. (3 pgs.) | 3 |
05/29/1997 | Reply filed on behalf of Brooks Fiber Communications of Ohio by T. Stein. (7 pgs.) | 7 |
05/29/1997 | Reply comments filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Sanders. (11 pgs.) | 11 |
05/28/1997 | Reply comments of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. regard- ing implementation of fresh look filed by B. Kahn. (11 pgs) | 11 |
05/28/1997 | "Fresh Look" reply by Telecommunications Resellers Associa- tion filed by S. Bloomfield. (5 pgs.) | 5 |
05/28/1997 | Time Warner Communications of Ohio, L.P.'s reply comments filed by R. Rosenberry, M. Schermer. (10 pgs.) | 10 |
05/28/1997 | Reply comments of NextLink Ohio, L.L.C. filed by D. Clayton. (13 pgs.) | 13 |
05/28/1997 | Reply comments of GTE North Incorporated regarding "Fresh Look" filed by J. Kennedy. (7 pgs.) | 7 |
05/28/1997 | Reply comments of OCOM Corporation filed by W. Adams. (9pgs) | 9 |
05/28/1997 | Ameritech Ohio's reply filed by M. Mulcahy. (13 pgs.) | 13 |
05/22/1997 | Comments filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by B. Kahn. (10 pgs.) | 10 |
05/22/1997 | Initial comments filed on behalf of ICG Telecom Group by B. Ferris. (4 pgs.) | 4 |
05/22/1997 | Questions and proposed answers filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by M. Mulcahy. (34 pgs.) | 34 |
05/22/1997 | Comments filed on behalf of Brooks Fiber Communications of Ohio by T. Stein. (12 pgs.) | 12 |
05/22/1997 | Comments and additional questions filed on behalf of Nexlink Ohio by D. Clayton. (12 pgs.) | 12 |
05/22/1997 | Comments filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Sanders and M. Berns. (11 pgs.) | 11 |
05/22/1997 | Comments filed on behalf of Time Warner Communications of Ohio by R. Rosenberry and M. Schermer. (9 pgs.) | 9 |
05/22/1997 | Comments filed on behalf of CBG Telecommunications by N. Hawthorne. (8 pgs.) | 8 |
05/22/1997 | Comments filed on behalf of Telecommunications Resellers Assn. by S. Bloomfield. (8 pgs.) | 8 |
05/22/1997 | Initial comments filed on behalf of OCOM Corp. by W. Adams. (6 pgs.) | 6 |
05/22/1997 | Responses filed on behalf of Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve Telephone Co. by D. Mennenga. (4 pgs.) | 4 |
05/01/1997 | Letter stating that its interconnection agreement with Ameritech Ohio is operational in the Cleveland and Columbus markets, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Clayton. (3 pgs.) | 3 |
04/23/1997 | Notice of withdrawal filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Co. by C. Wilson. (5 pgs.) | 5 |
03/28/1997 | Tariff, PUCO No. 4, original title page; original pages 1 thru 86; Price List, pages 1 thru 6, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Clayton. (92 pgs.) | 92 |
03/28/1997 | Tariff, PUCO No. 2, original title page; original pages 1 thru 105; Price List, pages 1, 2, and 3, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Clayton. (109 pgs.) | 109 |
03/28/1997 | Tariff, PUCO No. 3, original title page; original pages 1 thru 7; Price List, original page 1, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Clayton. (9 pgs.) | 9 |
03/27/1997 | Finding & Order approving the application and ordering that a certificate be issued; that applicant notify the Commis- sion of the roll-out of service in its authorized service territory; and closing this case of record. (3 pgs.) | 3 |
03/21/1997 | Revised tariff, PUCO No. 2, original pages 83, 86, 89; Price List, original pages 1 and 2, filed on behalf of applicant. (5 pgs.) | 5 |
03/20/1997 | Corrected page ninety from the local exchange tariff and corrected copy of page six filed on behalf of applicant by D. Clayton. (3 pgs.) | 3 |
03/20/1997 | Competitive local exchange tariff filed on behalf of appli- cant by D. Clayton. (110 pgs.) (filed 3/19/97) | 110 |
03/18/1997 | Final MTS and Access tariffs filed on behalf of applicant by D. Clayton. (103 pgs.) | 103 |
03/06/1997 | Entry ordering that the motion for leave to file late-filed comments made by MFS Intelenet of Ohio is granted; that the January 16, 1997 Supplemental Finding & Order is clarified to the limited extent outline in Findings 8 and 9; that, in all other respects, the applications for rehearing filed by OCC, APAC, Edgemont, and CBT are denied in their entirety. | 7 |
03/06/1997 | Entry ordering that the motion for leave to file late-filed comments made by MFS Intelenet of Ohio is granted in accor- dance with Finding 3; that the January 16, 1997 Supplemental Finding & Order is clarified to the limited extent outlined in Findings 8 and 9; that, in all other respects, the appli- cations for rehearing filed by OCC, APAC, Edgemont, and CBT are denied in their entirety. (7 pgs.) | 7 |
03/06/1997 | Entry ordering that the motion for leave to file late-filed comments made by MPS Intelenet of Ohio is granted; that the January 16, 1997 Supplemental Finding & Order is clarified to the limited extent outlined in Findings 8 and 9; that, in all other respects, the applications for rehearing filed by OCC, APAC, Edgemont, and CBT are denied in their entirety. | 8 |
03/04/1997 | Opposition of MFS Intelenet of Ohio to Cincinnati Bell's application for rehearing, and motion for leave to late file memorandum in opposition, filed by D. Myers. (14 pgs.) | 14 |
03/03/1997 | Notice of additional appearance of counsel and change in applicant's company contact filed on behalf of applicant by J. Bentine and D. Clayton. (2 pgs.) | 2 |
03/03/1997 | Entry ordering that this case shall remain partially sus- pended for an indefinite period, pending tariff approval by the Commission. (AE) (9 pgs.) | 9 |
03/03/1997 | Entry automatically approving the tariffs as of March 3, 1997, and closing this case of record. (AE) (9 pgs.) | 9 |
02/28/1997 | Memorandum contra to application for rehearing of Cincinnati Bell, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Small. (6 pgs.) | 6 |
02/28/1997 | Opposition to application for rehearing of Cincinnati Bell Telephone, filed on behalf of Midcom Communications by C. Hunter. (14 pgs.) | 14 |
02/28/1997 | Memorandum contra CBT's application for rehearing, filed on behalf of CBG by N. Hawthorne. (8 pgs.) | 8 |
02/18/1997 | Application for rehearing filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company by C. Wilson. (9 pgs.) | 9 |
01/16/1997 | Supplemental Finding & Order that this application shall be approved; however, this case is partially suspended pending review of the tariffs which will be automatically approved and this case closed of record, absent full or partial sus- pension, on March 3, 1997; that the requests for interven- tion and hearing are denied. (13 pgs.) | 13 |
01/14/1997 | 563 Registration Form filed on behalf of applicant by H. Cathey. (5 pgs.) | 5 |
12/05/1996 | Reply of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company to memorandum contra motion to intervene filed by C. Wilson. (4 pgs.) | 4 |
11/25/1996 | Memorandum Contra of Nextlink Ohio to motion to intervene and request for hearing of Cincinnati Bell Telephone filed by J. Bentine. (7 pgs.) | 7 |
11/18/1996 | Motion for extension to respond to motions to intervene of Cincinnati Bell and Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Bentine. (2 pgs.) | 2 |
10/31/1996 | Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition by E. Jacobs. (6 pgs.) | 6 |
10/31/1996 | Motion to intervene and request for hearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell by C. Wilson. (6 pgs.) | 6 |
10/02/1996 | Confidential portion of application. (228 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL) | 228 |
10/02/1996 | In the matter of the application of Nextlink Ohio, L.L.C. to amend its certificate of public convenience and necessity to include authority to provide local exchange telecommunica- tions services. (226 pgs.) | 226 |