DIS - Case Record for 96-1021-TP-ARB Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
04/10/1997 Entry ordering that Sprint's request for additional time and motion to elect the AT&T/GTE contract are granted, and closing this case of record. (4 pgs.)
03/13/1997 Reply memorandum of Sprint Communications Company L.P. to GTE North's memorandum contra motion of Sprint's extension of time to file interconnection agreement, filed by M. Jen- kins. (18 pgs.)
03/04/1997 Memorandum contra motion of Sprint Communications Company L.P. for extension of time to file interconnection agree- ment, filed on behalf of GTE North by J. Stewart. (16 pgs.)
03/04/1997 Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed on behalf of GTE North by J. Stewart. (3 pgs.)
02/14/1997 Sprint Communications Company L.P.'s motion for extension of time for filing of interconnection agreement filed by M. Jenkins. (4 pgs.)
02/13/1997 Motion for extension of time for filing of interconnection agreement filed on behalf of Sprint Communications L.P. by M. Jenkins. (4 pgs.)
01/30/1997 Arbitration Award ordering that the Docketing Division maintain, under seal, the protected information submitted in this case for 18 months from the date of this award; that Sprint and GTE incorporate the directives as set forth in this arbitration aware within their interconnection agreement; that, by February 13, 1997, Sprint and GTE file their entire interconnection agreement for the Commission's review; if the parties are unable to agree upon an entire interconnection agreement within this time frame, each party shall file for Commission review its version of the language that should be used in a Commission-approved interconnection agreement; that any motions not expressly ruled upon in this award are denied; that this docket shall remain open until further order of the Commission. (21 pgs.)
01/24/1997 Letter stating that GTE North has no objection to the Com- mission taking an additional two weeks to issue its order filed by J. Stewart. (1 pg.)
01/13/1997 Replies to GTE North's exceptions for late filing, filed on behalf of Sprint Communications by M. Jenkins. (9 pgs.)
01/10/1997 Reply to exceptions of Sprint Communications Co., filed on behalf of GTE North by J. Stewart. (10 pgs.)
01/08/1997 Exceptions to panel's recommendations filed on behalf of GTE North by J. Stewart. (66 pgs.) (FILED 1/7/97)
01/08/1997 Exceptions to certain decisions of the arbitration panel and request for approval of remaining decisions filed on behalf of Sprint Communications by M. Jenkins. (5 pgs.)
12/27/1996 Arbitration Panel report ordering that the Commission adopt the recommendations of the panel and instruct the parties to incorporate such within their interconnection agreement; that any exceptions that Sprint and GTE may have to this report be filed by January 7, 1997, and any replies that Sprint and GTE may have to those exceptions be filed by January 10, 1997. (41 pgs.)
12/16/1996 Transcript for hearing held 12/2/96, (RG), Vol. IV, 67 pgs. sub.
12/10/1996 Transcript for hearing held 11/25/96, (RG), Vol. III, 144 pgs., cont.
12/09/1996 GTE North's Exhibit 5, cost study, filed with transcript Volume I. (717 pgs.) (FILED ON 12/6/96 UNDER SEAL)
12/09/1996 Transcript of hearing held November 22, 1996 at the Commission (Arbitration Com.) (cont'd)
12/06/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 11/21/96, (RG) (HM) (AW) (LB) (AF), 152 pgs., Con't. (Volume I) (Columbus, OH-PUCO) Part II
12/06/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 11/21/96, (RG) (HM) (AW) (LB) (AF), 152 pgs., Con't. (Volume I) (Columbus, OH-PUCO)
11/27/1996 GTE's motion in limine regarding, or, in the alternative, to strike, certain testimony to be offered by Sprint filed by J. Stewart. (91 pgs.)
11/20/1996 Memorandum contra to Sprint's prehearing motion to adopt terms from the arbitrated agreement between GTE and AT&T, filed on behalf of GTE North by J. Stewart. (15 pgs.)
11/19/1996 Motion pro hac vice filed on behalf of Sprint Communications by S. Williams. (2 pgs.)
11/14/1996 Arbitration package filed on behalf of Sprint by M. Jenkins. (158 pgs.)
11/14/1996 Arbitration package containing direct prefiled testimony from David Sibley, Don McLeod, Bert Steele, Dennis Trimble, Dwight Grimm, Mike Drew, Doug Wellemeyer, and Tom Agase; copy of letter dated November 11, 1996, from John Ivanuska of Sprint and Laurel Parr of GTE together with that letter's attachments, being the GTE and Sprint Joint Issues List, revised November 11, 1996, and two matrices which show the issues which are open and those with respect to which agree- ment has been reached; and glossary, filed on behalf of GTE North by J. Stewart. (620 pgs.)
11/14/1996 Direct testimony of Dennis B. Trimble filed on behalf of GTE North Incorporated.
11/06/1996 Petition for modification of its arbitration petition incorporating rates, terms, conditions, and prices from GTE North, filed on behalf of Sprint Communications by M. Jenkins. (31 pgs.)
11/06/1996 Prehearing motion and amended petition filed on behalf of Sprint by M. Jenkins. (7 pgs.)
10/25/1996 Entry ordering that the arbitration hearing commence at 9:30 a.m., on November 21, 1996, and continue for a maximum of four days, as set forth in finding (3). Oral arguments will be held on December 2, 1996, beginning at 9:30 a.m., at the offices of the Commission it is further ordered that the parties arbitration packages be filed and a copy served upon the other party by noon on November 14, 1996 in accordance with finding (6), it is further ordered that the cost assoc- iated with transport and termination of local calls and unbundled network elements be severed from this proceeding to the extent set forth in finding (7). (AE) (3 pgs.)
10/21/1996 GTE North Incorporated (Ohio) TELRIC/TSLRIC cost study filed by J. Stewart. (717 pgs.) (filed under seal)
10/21/1996 GTE North Response brief filed by J. Stewart. (333 pgs.)
10/21/1996 Motion of GTE North Incorporated for a protective order filed by J. Stewart. (10 pgs.)
10/10/1996 Letter to Mr. Joe Stewart and Ms. Martha Jenkins regarding the conference to be held at 1:00 p.m. on October 17, 1996, filed by R. Gooden, PUCO staff. (2 pgs.)
09/25/1996 In the matter of the petition of Sprint Communications Com- pany L.P. for arbitration of interconnection rates, terms, conditions and prices from GTE North Incorporated. (174 pgs.)