Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
01/19/2001 | Memo closing this case of record. | 2 |
08/01/1996 | ICN #0005 Letter informing the Commission that construction on this project was completed and the line was energized on July 22, 1996, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Musko, Jr. (1 pg.) | 1 |
04/01/1996 | Letter to Chairman Glazer informing of date of initial construction on project is April 8, 1996, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Musko. | 1 |
04/01/1996 | ICN #0004 Letter informing the Commission that the planned date of initial construction on this project is the week of April 8, 1996, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Musko, Jr. (1 pg.) | 1 |
02/09/1996 | ICN #0003 Response to Letter of Notification filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by K. Wissman. (1 pg.) | 1 |
02/09/1996 | ICN No. 0003, Letter in response to Letter of Notification, filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Wissman. | 1 |
02/07/1996 | ICN No. 0002, Investigation Report, Letter of Notification, filed by J. O'Dell. | 1 |
02/07/1996 | ICN #0002 Investigation Report approving the Letter of Notification, filed by J. O'Dell, PUCO staff. (1 pg.) | 1 |
01/04/1996 | Letter of notification and appendix A, covering the installation of a 138Kv transmission supply line to service a new customer (Worthington) substation, filed on behalf of The Toledo Edison Co. by T. Denzler. | 16 |
01/04/1996 | The Toledo Edison Company Letter of Notification - Worthing- ton 138 kV supply line. (16 pgs.) | 16 |