DIS - Case Record for 95-0958-TP-PEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
05/30/1997 Tariff, PUCO No. 9, Check List; Section A, 16th sheet 4; Section 22, 6th sheet 1, filed on behalf of respondent, Western Reserve, by L. Whipkey. (4 pgs.)
05/29/1997 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 20, Part 4, Section 1, 3rd sheet 3; Section 2, 4th sheet 15.2, filed on behalf of respondent, Ameritech Ohio, by D. McKenzie. (3 pgs.)
05/28/1997 Revised tariff sheets P.U.C.O. No. 6, check list section 2.3 365th revised sheet No. 1, 44th revised sheet No. 4 filed on behalf of GTE North by J. Kennedy. (3 pgs.)
09/09/1996 Letter stating that the in-service date for the institution of two-way measured-rate service between GTE's Barlow ex- change and the Belpre exchange of Ameritech and the Little Hocking exchange of Western Reserve is June 5, 1997, at 12:01 a.m., filed by K. Hobbs. (1 pg.)
08/21/1996 Letter stating that the in-service date for the institution of two-way measured-rate EAS between GTE's Barlow exchange and the Belpre exchange of Ameritech and the Little Hocking exchange of Wester Reserve is June 5, 1997, at 12:01 a.m., filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Kennedy. (1 pg.)
08/07/1996 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Alltel Ohio, by T. Lodge. (1 pg.)
07/31/1996 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Ameri- tech Ohio, by C. Rawlings. (2 pgs.)
05/23/1996 Entry ordering that implementation of EAS service in this matter occur by 6/30/97. (2 pgs.)
05/08/1996 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Stewart. (4 pgs.)
05/02/1996 Letter requesting that it not be required to implement the extended area service prior to the end of June, 1997, filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Stewart. (1 pg.)
05/02/1996 Finding & Order that the stipulation filed on April 16, 1996, is approved except for the date of implementation; that GTE institute measured-rate EAS from the Barlow ex- change to the Belpre and Little Hocking exchanges, that Ameritech institute measured-rate EAS from the Belpre ex- change to the Barlow exchange, and that Western Reserve institute measured-rate EAS from the Little Hocking exchange to the Barlow exchange as soon as practicable, or within 12 months from the date of this finding and order. (7 pgs.)
04/16/1996 Stipulation, agreement and recommendation filed on behalf of complainant by T. Dye; respondents, GTE North by J. Stewart; Ameritech Ohio by C. Rawlings; Western Reserve by T. Lodge. (10 pgs.)
12/29/1995 Entry ordering that GTE's December 12, 1995 motion is granted and, as a result, the cost and revenue data filing requirements imposed on both respondents within the November 3, 1995 entry are waived; that such waiver is granted subject to the parties' expected filing of, and pending the Commission's subsequent consideration and disposition of, a stipulation which all the parties believe will resolve the issues presented in this matter. (AE) (2 pgs.)
12/12/1995 Motion to defer and ultimately waive cost studies filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Stewart. (3 pgs.)
12/04/1995 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Ameri- tech Ohio, by C. Rawlings. (20 pgs.)
12/04/1995 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, Ameritech Ohio, by C. Rawlings. (3 pgs.)
12/04/1995 Answer and information response filed on behalf of respon- dent, GTE North, by J. Stewart. (18 pgs.)
12/04/1995 Answer and information response filed on behalf of respon- dent, Western Reserve Telephone, by T. Lodge. (11 pgs.)
11/03/1995 Entry ordering that GTE, Ameritech and Alltel shall file their answers by 12/4/95; that GTE, Ameriech and Alltel shall provide the information required by Finding 3 by 12/4/95; that GTE, Ameritech and Alltel shall provide the information required by Finding 4 by 1/2/96; scheduling a settlement conference at 10:00 a.m. on 12/11/95 at the Commission offices. (AE) (6 pgs.)
10/18/1995 In the matter of the petition of Teresa Dye and subscribers of the 678 exchange of GTE North for extended area service to the 423 and 989 exchanges of GTE North Incorporated. (37 pgs.)