DIS - Case Record for 95-0599-EL-BTX Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: BTX-Application for a Certificate/ Gas or Electric
Date Opened: 6/26/1995
Date Closed: 11/4/1996
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
02/07/2002Construction drawings of CEI proposed transmission line corridor R/W plan filed. (Oversized documents)1
02/07/2002Transmission line project plan drawings PWN-PLN 108, filed on behalf of applicant. (Oversized documents)1
05/30/2001Letter advising the Commission that all construction activities on this project were completed on May 3, 2001, filed on behalf of applicant by T. Krauss.1
01/22/2001Letter stating that applicant plans to resume danger-tree work on the Pawnee 138 kV Transmission Line Project, filed by T. Krauss.1
10/16/2000ICN #0002 Entry ordering that the listed certificates of environmental compatibility and public need previously granted to OE, TE, and CEI for the construction and opera- tion of numerous electric transmission facilities (and associated transmission facilities) shall be transferred to ATSI; that, as a result of these transfers, ATSI shall be bound by and comply with all terms and conditions of these certificates.13
10/16/2000 ICN #0002 Entry ordering that the listed certificates of environmental compatibility and public need previously granted to OE, TE, and CEI for the construction and opera- tion of numerous electric transmission facilities (and associated transmission facilities) shall be transferred to ATSI; that, as a result of these transfers, ATSI shall be bound by and comply with all terms and conditions of these certificates 7
10/16/2000ICN #0078 Entry ordeing that the listed certificates of environmental compatibility and public need previously granted to OE, TE, and CEI for the construction and opera- tion of numerous electric transmission facilities (and associated transmission facilities) shall be transferred to ATSI; that, as a result of these transfers, ATSI shall be bound by and comply with all terms and conditions of these certificates. (6 pgs.)6
03/03/2000ICN #0077 Correspondence letter regarding the application, filed by Alan Siewert. (1 pg.)1
04/27/1998Entry ordering that Andrew Parker's request for a determin- ation of non-compliance is denied. (5 pgs)5
01/16/1998ICN #0075 Reply concerning the Parker's non-response, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (7 pgs.)7
12/03/1997ICN #0074 Entry ordering that a copy of the OPSB staff's report be served upon Mr. Parker and his counsel, the Committee and CEI and its counsel; that Mr. Parker file any response to the staff's report with the Board and serve a copy on CEI by January 5, 1998 and that CEI file any reply thereto with the Board and serve a copy on Mr. Parker by January 16, 1998. (AE) (3 pgs.)3
11/17/1997ICN #0073 Report of field investigation filed by K. Wissman, PUCO staff. (9 pgs.)9
10/21/1997ICN #0072 Pawnee 138 kV Transmission Line and Distribution Station Archaeological Investigation, Geauga and Lake Count- ies, Ohio, August 1997 report and September 26, 1997 letter from David Snyder of the Ohio Historical Society to Janet Freidman of Dames & Moore, filed on behalf of applicant by T. Krauss. (140 pgs.)140
10/17/1997ICN #0071 Supplemental information in response to the request for determination of non-compliance, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (6 pgs.)6
10/15/1997ICN#0070 Letter stating that circuits has been placed filed on behalf of applicant by T. Krauss. (1 pg.)1
09/17/1997ICN #0068 Letter stating that the trimming of trees within and on the east side of the right-of-way of the Pawnee Transmission Line will begin on Monday, September 15, 1997, filed on behalf of applicant by T. Krauss. (1 pg.)1
09/17/1997ICN #0069 Letter to Kim Wissman, PUCO staff, stating that CEI should be allowed to continue the pruning and removal of work, filed by A. Siewert, Ohio Department of Natural Resources. (2 pgs.)2
08/27/1997ICN #0067 Supplemental response to the request for deter- mination of non-compliance, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (12 pgs.)12
08/25/1997ICN #0066 Correspondence letter regarding the application, filed by A. Siewert, Ohio Department of Natural Resources. (2 pgs.)2
08/14/1997ICN #0065 Letter stating that part of the Pawnee Trans- mission Line project began commercial operation on August 4, 1997, filed on behalf of applicant by T. Krass. (2 pgs.)2
08/05/1997ICN #0064 Response to the request for determination of noncompliance filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (8 pgs.)8
07/17/1997ICN #0063 Request for determination of non-compliance filed on behalf of Campton Ridge Subdivision by A. Aveni. (5 pgs.)5
05/21/1997Letter notifying the commission that all remaining construction tasks will commence on May 19, 1997, filed by T. Krauss. (1 pg)1
05/14/1997ICN #0061 Letter to Mr. Ted Krauss, Centerior Energy, stating that the plan and profile drawings and the pro- ject plan drawings for this project have been reviewed by the staff and found to be in compliance and stating that applicant may proceed with construction of this project, filed by K. Wissman, PUCO staff. (1 pg.)1
05/13/1997ICN #0060 Ohio Department of Transportation's permit filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (6 pgs.)6
05/02/1997Chardon Township's plan approval letter of CEI's water management and sediment control plan for the Pawnee project filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (2 pgs.)2
04/10/1997ICN #0058 Correspondence letter to Mr. Ted Krauss filed by K. Wissman, PUCO staff. (2 pgs.)2
04/02/1997ICN #0057 U.S. Army Corp of Engineer's Permit filed on be- half of applicant by M. Kempic. (11 pgs.)11
04/01/1997ICN #0056 State of Ohio Department of Transportation Permit filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (8 pgs.)8
03/19/1997Department of Transportation's permit for selective clearing of trees and brush within the right of way of State Route 44 filed by M. Kempic. (4 pgs.)4
02/28/1997ICN #0054 State of Ohio, Department of Transportation's Permit for soil borings, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (7 pgs.)7
02/26/1997ICN #0053 State of Ohio, Department of Transporation's Permit for soil borings, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (7 pgs.)7
02/21/1997ICN #0052 Ohio EPA's Storm Water Construction General Permit filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (12 pgs.)12
11/04/1996ICN #0051 Opinion, Order and Certificate adopting the stip- ulation in its entirety; that a certificate of environmental compatibility and public need is hereby issued for the con- struction, operation, and maintenance of the Pawnee 138 kV transmission line along the preferred route; that the certi- ficate shall contain the conditions set forth in Section III of this order, except that CEI shall be required to submit a copy of all permits and authorization within 14 days. (26 pgs.)26
10/10/1996ICN #0050 Transcript filed for hearing held 9/26/96, (GS), 21 pgs., Submitted. (Columbus, OH-PUCO)21
09/26/1996ICN #0049 Joint stipulation of findings and recommendations filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic and Concerned Families by G. Krassen, Esq. (17 pgs.)17
09/25/1996ICN #0048 Entry ordering that the adjudicatory hearing in this matter reconvene on September 26, 1996, at 2:00 p.m. at the Commission offices. (AE) (1 pg.)1
09/20/1996ICN #0047 Report on Pawnee 183 kV Transmission Line filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (36 pgs.)36
09/19/1996ICN #0046 Response to Question 1 concerning the use of the I-90 option and other additional information filed by K. Wissman, PUCO staff. (4 pgs.)4
09/12/1996ICN #0045 Transcript filed for hearing held 8/29/96, (GS), 10 pgs., Con't. (Columbus, OH-PUCO)10
09/11/1996ICN #0044 Letter in regard to the responses to the six questions posed by Chairman Glazer based upon issues raised at the August 28, 1996 public hearing, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (2 pgs.)2
09/10/1996ICN #0042 Letter stating that CEI is in the process of providing responses to the six questions posed by Chair- man Glazer based upon issues raised at the August 28, 1996 public hearing, filed by M. Kempic. (1 pg.)1
09/10/1996ICN #0043 Transcript filed for the public hearing held on 8/28/96 in Chardon, Ohio, 92 pgs.92
09/05/1996Copy of correspondence letter as filed with the department of development by R. Coyne, Jaco Products. (3 pgs)3
08/23/1996ICN #0040 Proof of publication filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (8 pgs.) (Geauga, Ashtabula, Lake, Cuyahoga Counties)8
08/13/1996Staff Report of Investigation filed. (40 pgs.)40
08/08/1996ICN #0038 Supplemental response to the first set of inter- rogatories of The Staff of the Ohio Power Siting Board, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (34 pgs.)34
07/31/1996ICN #0037 Response letter to Robert and Patrick Garlock filed by D. Gnann, PUCO staff. (1 pg.)1
07/25/1996ICN #0036 Correspondence letter regarding the application, filed by Robert and Patricia Garlock. (2 pgs.)2
07/25/1996ICN #0035 Various correspondence letters and information filed by several consumers. (90 pgs.)90
07/24/1996ICN #0034 Response letter to Ronald A. and Barbara J. Melchreit, filed by K. Wissman, PUCO staff. (1 pg.)1
07/24/1996ICN #0033 Response letter to Pamela and Andrew Parker filed by K. Wissman, PUCO staff. (1 pg.)1
07/23/1996ICN #0032 Response to the second set of interrogatories of the staff of the Ohio Power Siting Board, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (11 pgs.)11
07/17/1996ICN #0031 Response to OPSB's interrogatories numbers 38 and 39, filed on behalf of applicant. (400 pgs.)400
07/17/1996ICN #0030 Response to OPSB's interrogatories number 37, filed on behalf of applicant. (111 pgs.)111
07/17/1996ICN #0029 Response to OPSB's interrogatories number 36, filed on behalf of applicant. (502 pgs.) (Volume II of II)502
07/17/1996ICN #0028 Response to OPSB's interrogatory number 36, filed on behalf of applicant. (372 pgs.) (Volume I of II)372
07/15/1996ICN #0027 Remarks presented by Keith Hamilton, Chairperson of Concerned Families of Chardon Township, at the June 5, 1996 public forum, filed by G. Krassen. (10 pgs.)10
07/08/1996Entry ordering that CEI is ganted an extension of time to file interrogatories number 36, 37, 38, and 39, until July 17, 1996. (AE) (1 pg.)1
07/03/1996ICN #0025 Ohio Power Siting Board Staff's second set of interrogatories and requests for production of documents filed by G. Rocco. (9 pgs.)9
07/03/1996ICN #0024 Response to Ohio Power Siting Board's first set of interrogatories and related map roll filed in behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (84 pgs.)84
07/02/1996ICN #0023 Motion for an extension of time to respond to discovery requests and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (5 pgs.)6
06/21/1996ICN #0022 Proofs of publication filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (7 pgs.) (Lake and Geauga Counties) ICN #0022 ppf7
06/21/1996ICN #0021 Additional information filed on behalf of Con- cerned Families of Chardon Township by G. Krassen. (4 pgs.)4
06/19/1996ICN #0020 Correspondence letter to Glenn S. Krassen con- cerning the tour of the proposed routes, filed by G. See, PUCO staff. (1 pg.)1
06/19/1996ICN #0019 Entry granting the Concerned Families petition to intervene. (AE) (1 pg.)1
06/13/1996ICN #0018 Ohio Power Siting Board staff's first set of interrogatories and requests for production of documents filed by G. Rocco. (16 pgs.)16
06/10/1996ICN #0017 Correspondence letter regarding the application, filedl on behalf of Chardon Township by J. Dorka. (1 pg.)1
06/05/1996ICN #0016 Permission to use the Chardon Middle School for purposes of a PUCO hearing, filed. (1 pg.) (FILED 6/4/96)1
06/03/1996ICN #0015 Two errata sheets, Figure 08-10 and Figure 08-12, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (3 pgs.)3
06/03/1996ICN #0014 Entry scheduling a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on 8/28/96 at the Chardon Middle School, Chardon, Ohio; scheduling an adjudicatory hearing at 1:30 p.m. on 8/29/96 at the PUCO. (AE) (3 pgs.)3
05/02/1996ICN #0013 Proof of service filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (4 pgs.)4
04/18/1996ICN #0012 Letter to Mark Kempic, CEI, stating that the application for this project received December 1, 1995, including supplemental information received March 29, 1996, has been certified as being complete in accordance with Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) Rule 4906-1-14 (A)(1), filed on behalf of the PUCO staff. (2 pgs.)2
04/16/1996ICN #0011 Response to attached correspondence letter from Mr. Charles W. Knierman, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff. (3 pgs.)3
04/02/1996ICN #0010 Supplemental information and route selection study filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (103 pgs.) (FILED 3/29/96)103
12/01/1995Additional infirmation filed on behalf of the applicant as requested by F. Lange.(793pgs.) (2 Volumes) (filed 11/30/95)793
12/01/1995Part III - Hydrological Assessment606
09/06/1995ICN #0008 Notice of appearance filed on behalf of the OPSB staff by G. Rocco and M. Malone. (2 pgs.)2
08/29/1995Letter stating application has been found incomplete filed on behalf of the PUCO staff. (6 pgs.)6
08/14/1995ICN #0006 Correspondence letter filed on behalf of James T. and Shirley A. Gray. (3 pgs.)3
08/14/1995ICN #0005 Response letter to James T. and Shirley A. Gray, filed on behalf of the OPSB staff. (1 pg.)1
08/03/1995ICN #0004 Petition to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Concerned Families of Chardon Township by G. Krassen. (10 pgs.)10
07/13/1995ICN #0003 Comments filed on behalf of The Board of Commis- sioners, Geauga Park District, by J. O'Meara. (3 pgs.)3
06/30/1995ICN #0002 Comments received from the public filed on behalf of Centerior by M. Kempic. (67 pgs.)0
06/26/1995ICN #0033 Response letter to Pamela and Andrew Parker, filed by K. Wissman, PUCO staff. (1 pg.) ICN #0001 In the matter of the application of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company for a certificate of environ- mental compatibility and public need for the Pawnee 138 kV Transmission Line Project.0