DIS - Case Record for 95-0178-TP-PEX Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: TP-TELEPHONE
Purpose Code: PEX-Petition for extended area service
Date Opened: 2/16/1995
Date Closed: 6/8/1995
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
10/04/1995Letter stating that the in-service date for the institution of two-way measured-rate EAS between GTE's New Bremen ex- change and the New Knoxville exchange of New Knoxville Tele- phone Company, and between GTE's St. Marys exchange and the New Knoxville exchange of New Knoxville is October 31, 1995, filed on behalf of GTE North by J. Kennedy. (1 pg.)1
06/08/1995Finding & Order that the stipulation filed on May 16, 1995, is approved in its entirety; that New Knoxville institute measured-rate EAS from the New Knoxville exchange to the New Bremen and St. Marys exchanges and that GTE institute measured-rate EAS from the New Bremen and St. Marys ex- changes to the New Knoxville exchange, within 12 months from the date of this Finding & Order; that New Knoxville file an application for the amendment of its tariff so as to provide for measured-rate EAS from the New Knoxville exchange to the New Bremen and St. Marys exchanges. (6 pgs.)0
05/16/1995Stipulation, agreement and recommendation filed on behalf of the complainants by W. Frey and respondents, GTE North, by B. Kazee, and New Knoxville Telephone Co. by J. Prohaska. (8 pgs.)0
05/12/1995Entry ordering that the motion to postpone or waive the filing of cost information shall be granted, and that the respondents shall not be required to file cost and revenue information at this time. (AE) (3 pgs.)0
05/02/1995Joint motion and memorandum in support filed on behalf of GTE North by B. Kazee; and The New Knoxville Telephone Co. by J. Prohaska. (4 pgs.)0
04/11/1995Entry ordering that Knoxville and GTE provide to the Commission and to the spokesperson for the complainants by 5/8/95 the information required by Finding 3. (AE) (3 pgs.)0
04/04/1995Revision to the information response filed on March 28, 1995 filed on behalf of GTE North by B. Kazee. (5 pgs.)0
03/28/1995Information response filed on behalf of respondent, The New Knoxville Telephone Co., by J. Prohaska. (8 pgs.)0
03/28/1995Answer filed on behalf of respondent, The New Knoxville Telephone Co., by J. Prohaska. (2 pgs.)0
03/28/1995Information response filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by B. Kazee. (17 pgs.)0
03/28/1995Answer filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by B. Kazee. (2 pgs.)0
03/08/1995Entry ordering that Knoxville and GTE shall file answers by 3/28/95; that Knoxville and GTE shall provide the information required by Finding 3 by 3/28/95; that Knox- ville and GTE shall provide the information required by Finding 4 by 5/8/95; scheduling a settlement conference at 10:00 a.m. on 4/4/95 at the Commission offices. (AE) (6 pgs.)0
02/16/1995In the matter of the petition of William H. Frey and sub- scribers of the New Knoxville exchange for extended area service from the New Knoxville exchange to the New Bremen exchange and the St. Marys exchanges of The New Knoxville Telephone Company. (14 pgs.)0