DIS - Case Record for 95-0168-TP-PEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
04/10/1997 Entry ordering that Sprint's March 20, 1997 waiver request and its March 26, 1997 extension request in 94-1691 and 95-168 are granted; that the Commission's February 27, 1997 Finding & Order in 96-1289 is modified as set forth in Find- ing 9; that Western Reserve shall provide a recording for three months which informs its Ashtabula Exchange customers who dial "1" prior to calling the Andover Exchange that they no longer need to dial "1" before placing that call; that both Sprint and Western Reserve shall waive any associated service connection charges for 90 days followint the insti- tution of Expanded Local Calling Plan and Modified Extended Local Calling Service for calling between the Andover and Ashtabula exchanges. (6 pgs.)
04/09/1997 Reply to Ashtabula County Telephone Coalition's comments filed on behalf of Sprint Communications by T. Jacobs. (4 pgs.)
04/03/1997 Reply comments filed on behalf of Ashtabula County Telephone Coalition by E. Schaeffer.
03/28/1997 Motion for temporary waiver of tariff service correction charges for Sprint's expanded local calling plan filed on behalf of respondent, Sprint, by T. Jacobs. (3 pgs.) (FILED 3/26/97)
03/20/1997 Motion of Sprint to eliminate the requirement that it provide recorded dialing instruction when instituting extended area service in this matter filed by T. Jacobs. (5 pgs.)
11/19/1996 Tariff, PUCO No. 6, Section 2, original sheet 48A; original sheet 48B, filed on behalf of respondent, Orwell Telephone, by G. Maguire. (3 pgs.)
11/15/1996 Tariff, PUCO No. 9, filed on behalf of respondent, Western Reserve Telephone, by K. Hobbs. (6 pgs.)
11/14/1996 Tariff, PUCO No. 6, Check Sheet 1; Section F, 32nd sheets 1 and 2; Section G, original sheets 1 and 2, filed on behalf of respondent, Sprint (United), by G. Gratz. (6 pgs.)
11/12/1996 Final tariff, PUCO No. 12, Section 7, original sheets 4 and 5, filed on behalf of respondent, Conneaut Telephone Co., by G. Cooper. (3 pgs.)
09/24/1996 Proposed news release and customer notice for its Ashtabula customers filed on behalf of respondent, Western Reserve Telephone Co., by K. Hobbs. (4 pgs.)
09/23/1996 Proposed news release and bill message filed on behalf of respondent, Sprint (United Telephone Co.) by G. Gratz. (6 pgs.) (FILED 9/20/96)
08/14/1996 Letter stating that the optional services of expanded local calling plan and two-way measured-rate extended area service will be established November 20, 1996 filed on behalf of Sprint by G. Gratz. (1 pg.)
08/14/1996 Letter stating that the optional services of expanded local calling plan and two-way measured-rate extended area service will be established November 20, 1996 filed on behalf of Sprint by G. Gratz. (1 pg.)
04/25/1996 Finding & Order approving the stipulation filed on April 9, 1996 in its entirety; that Western Reserve institute two- way, nonoptional measured-rate EAS and two-way, optional flat-rate EAS between the Ashtabula exchange and the Dorset, Rock Creek, Trumbull, and Conneaut exchanges; between the Jefferson and Austinburg exchanges; between the Dorset ex- change and the Kingsville and New Lyme exchanges; between the Geneva exchange and the Rock Creek and Jefferson ex- changes; between the Kingsville exchange and the Pierpont and Jefferson exchanges; between the Pierpont and Andover exchanges; between the Rock Creek exchange and the Cole- brook, Windsor, and New Lyme exchanges; and between the Trumbull and Jefferson exchanges; that United institute two-way, nonoptional measured-rate EAS and two-way, optional flat-rate EAS between the Andover exchange and the Pierpont and Jefferson exchanges; between the Jefferson exchange and the Austinburg, Geneva, Kingsville, Trumbull, Conneaut, Orwell, Colebrook and Windsor exchanges; and between the New Lyme exchange and the Dorset, Rock Creek, and Orwell exchanges; that Orwell institute two-way, nonoptional measured-rate EAS and two-way, optional flat-rate EAS between the Orwell exchange and the Jefferson and New Lyme exchanges; between the Colebrook exchange and the Rock Creek and Jefferson exchanges; and between the Windsor exchange and the Rock Creek and Jefferson exchanges; that Conneaut institute two-way nonoptional measured-rate EAS and two-way, optional flat-rate EAS between the Conneaut exchange and the Ashtabula and Jefferson exchanges. Dissenting Opinion of Commissioner Richard M. Fanelly. (12 pgs.)
04/09/1996 Stipulation, agreement and recommendation filed on behalf of complainants by M. Geary; respondent, Western Reserve by T. Lodge; Conneaut Telephone by J. Prohaska; Orwell Telephone by D. Pokorny; United Telephone by S. Williams. (28 pgs.)
03/08/1996 Correspondence letter supporting the petition, filed by J. Leonard. (1 pg.)
11/22/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 11/8/95, (SF), 56 pgs., sub.
11/08/1995 Supplemental information response and supplemental testimony of Dennis R. McNary, filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone Co., by S. Williams. (17 pgs.)
11/03/1995 Testimony of Larry R. Whipkey filed on behalf of respondent, Western Reserve Telehone, by T. Lodge. (8 pgs.)
10/06/1995 Entry scheduling a hearing for November 8, 1995 at 10:30 a.m at the offices of the Commission , all parties intending to present direct expert testimony comply with finding (5) and that the respondents shall file with the commission and serve upon counsel for the complainants, on or before November 3, 1995 the requested cost and revenue information as set forth in finding (6). (AE) (4 pgs.)
08/25/1995 Motion for a hearing on investments, costs, and revenue impact, filed on behalf of The Board of County Commissioners of Ashtabula County, Ohio, and The Ashtabula County Tele- phone Coalition and numerous other subscribers of the tele- phone exchanges serving Ashtabula County, Ohio, by M. Geary. (4 pgs.)
08/11/1995 Correspondence letter supporting the petition, filed by L. Hollis, Village of Roaming Shores. (1 pg.)
08/11/1995 Supplemental information response filed on behalf of respon- dent, Conneaut Telephone Co., by J. Prohaska. (31 pgs.)
08/11/1995 Supplemental information response filed on behalf of respon- dent, United Telephone Co., by S. Williams. (16 pgs.)
08/11/1995 Testimony of Larry R. Whipkey filed on behalf of respondent, Western Reserve Telephone, by T. Lodge. (8 pgs.)
06/27/1995 Entry ordering that the companies shall file with the Commission and serve upon the counsel for the complainants, on or before August 11, 1995, the requested cost and revenue information as set forth in this entry regarding two-way, EAS whether flat-rate or measured-rate, between the exchanges set forth in Finding 3. (AE) (5 pgs.)
06/06/1995 Reply brief filed on behalf of United Telephone Co. by S. Williams. (7 pgs.)
06/06/1995 Brief filed on behalf of The Conneaut Telephone Co. by J. Prohaska. (9 pgs.)
06/06/1995 Brief filed on behalf of The Orwell Telephone Co. by A. Leonetti. (5 pgs.)
05/23/1995 Brief filed on behalf of The Board of County Commissioners of Ashtabula County, Ohio and The Ashtabula County Telephone Coalition by M. Geary. (27 pgs.)
05/19/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 5/2/95, (JV), 378 pgs. (Austinburg, Ohio)
05/04/1995 Coprrespondence letter supporting the petition, filed by S. Young. (2 pgs.)
05/04/1995 Correspondence letter supporting the petition, filed by R. Boggs, Jr., State Representative. (1 pg.)
05/01/1995 Supplemental information response of the Western Reserve Telephone Company filed by T. Lodge. (4 pgs.)
05/01/1995 Letter stating IXCs will not participate in the public hearing scheduled for May 2, 1995 filed by J. Sanders.(2pgs)
04/24/1995 Answer and Information response filed on behalf of Orwell Telephone Company by D. Pokorny. (9 pgs.)
04/24/1995 Information response of United Telephone Company of Ohio filed by S. Williams. (21 pgs.)
04/24/1995 Answer of United Telephone Company of Ohio filed by S. Williams. (3 pgs.)
04/24/1995 Answer of The Conneaut Telephone Company filed by J. R. Prohaska. (4 pgs.)
04/24/1995 Information response of the Conneaut Telephone Company filed by J. R. Prohaska. (4 pgs.)
04/24/1995 Testimony of Dennis R. McNary filed on behalf of United Telephone Company of Ohio by S. Williams. (31 pgs.)
04/24/1995 Stipulation, Agreement and Recommendation filed by T. Lodge. (18 pgs.)
04/24/1995 Testimony of Larry R. Whipkey filed by T. Lodge. (55 pgs.)
04/24/1995 Answer and information response of the Western Reserve Tele- phone Company filed by T. Lodge. (51 pgs.)
03/29/1995 Legal Notice sent to; Star Beacon (Ashtabula Co.), Warren-Tribune (Trumbull Co.) Certified Mail.
03/24/1995 Entry scheduling a public hearing at 9:00 a.m. on 5/2/95 at the Austinburg Town Hall, Austinburg, Ohio; that the motion of the IXCs and the coalition to intervene in Case 94-1691-TP-PEX is granted; that a copy of the petition in Case No. 95-168-TP-PEX be served upon the respondents; that the respondents file their answer to the petition in Case No. 95-168-TP-PEX by 4/24/95; that the respondents file the calling data and additional information in accor- dance with Finding 10; that Case Nos. 94-1691-TP-PEX and 95-168-TP-PEX are consolidated. (AE) (10 pgs.)
02/13/1995 Motion to consolidate complainants filed on behalf of com- plainants by M. Geary. (2 pgs.)
02/13/1995 In the matter of the petition of Michael Geary, The Board of County Commissioners of Ashtabula County, Ohio, and The Ashtabula County Telephone Coalition and numerous other sub- scribers of the telephone exchanges serving Ashtabula County for two-way, nonoptional, flat-rate extended area service between and among all exchanges of each of the respondents; The Western Reserve Telephone Company; The United Telephone Company of Ohio; The Conneaut Telephone Company; and The Orwell Telephone Company. (16 pgs.)