DIS - Case Record for 93-1220-RC-ATC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
06/22/1995 Finding and Order adopting stipulation and recommendation. (4 pgs.)
04/19/1995 Consent to assignment filed on behalf of applicant by J. Sanders. (2 pgs.)
08/02/1994 Stipulation and recommendation filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by J. Jackson-Forbes and Econopage of Cleveland by J. Sanders.
05/31/1994 Letter stating that there was no formal written agreement between the transferor and transferee regarding the sale and purchase of Certificate No. 70, filed by J. Sanders.
05/27/1994 563 Registration form Exhibits filed on behalf of applicant by M. Barnett.
05/09/1994 Entry scheduling a settlement conference at 1:30 p.m on 5/25/94 at the Commission offices. (AE)
04/29/1994 Response to the objection of the staff filed on behalf of transferee. Econopage of Cleveland, by J. Sanders.
04/18/1994 Letter confirming discussion during which an additional 15 days was allowed to Econopages of Cleveland to respond to the objections filed by the staff, filed by J. Sanders.
04/04/1994 Corrected certificate of service filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by Y. Jackson-Forbes.
03/30/1994 Objection to the staff report filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by J. Jackson-Forbes.
02/04/1994 Entry ordering that joint applicants shall have until 2/23/94 to file the information requested by the attorney examiner's entries of 10/20/93 and 1/10/94. (AE)
01/10/1994 Entry ordering that, in accordance with Finding 3, joint applicant's file by January 28, 1994 the requested additional information; that approval of the joint application is suspended until the Commission specifically orders otherwise. (AE)
12/23/1993 Supplemental Finding & Order that the applications listed in Appendix A and the related submitted tariffs, are approved effective 12/27/93, and closed of record; that the applications listed in Appendices B and C are dismissed and closed of record; that the application listed in Appen- dix D shall be considered to become automatically effective on 1/11/94, unless the Commission takes action prior to this date; that the applications listed in Appendix E shall be considered to become automatically effective on 1/27/94, unless the Commissin takes action prior to this date; that the applications listed in Appdendix F are fully suspended until such time that the Commission takes further action; that the CTS providers listed in Appendix G must file, in the near future, an application for a tariff amendment to cancel their AOS TRF docket and consolidate their AOS tariffs under their existing interexchange CT-TRF number; that a new CTS certificate be served on each CTS entity; that providers listed in Appendix I must file their approved tariff sheets within 30 days of this order; that the TRF dockets indicated in Appendix J shall be held in abeyance; that all pending complaint cases and Case Nos. 93-1482-TP-UNC and 93-1629-TP-UNC are not subject to the provisions of 89-563; that the workshop previously scheduled for 1/12/94 at 10:00 a.m. is rescheduled for 1/12/94 at 2:00 p.m. at the Commission offices.
10/20/1993 Entry ordering that applicant submit the additional infor- mation referenced in Finding 2 to the Commission by 11/12/93. (AE)
07/28/1993 In the matter of the joint application of BAE Communications Inc., transferor, and Econopage of Cleveland Inc., transferee for consent and approval of transfer of certificate No. 70 and assignment of the furnishing on one-way tone and voice paging and numeric display paging and two-way mobile telephone service in the areas designated on PUCO Certificate No. 70.