DIS - Case Record for 93-0001-EL-EFC Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: EFC-Electric fuel component
Date Opened: 7/23/1992
Date Closed: 7/22/1993
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
07/30/2009Confidential Release: Supplemental direct testimony and exhibits of Lane Kollen filed on 3/17/1993.82
04/21/1994Returned from Supreme Court. (10 Vols) S.C. # 93-1861.0
11/01/1993Letter regarding the confidential documents that were filed in this case, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by J. Gainer.0
10/15/1993Volume 4 of 7 exhibits. (Part 2 of 3)201
10/15/1993Volume 4 of 7 exhibits. (Part 1 of 3)201
10/15/1993Volume 4 of 7 exhibits. (Part 3 of 3)117
10/15/1993OPC exhibit No. 7 and proof of publication continued. (Part 2 of 2)39
10/15/1993Comm-Oro. exhibits No. 1 & 2.118
09/17/1993Notice of Appeal filed on behalf of the Industrial Energy Consumers by R. Rosenberry. (S.C. #93-1861)0
07/22/1993Entry ordering that IEC's motion to reopen the record is granted for the purpose set forth in Finding 3; denying IEC's application for rehearing; that Ohio Power's application for rehearing is granted in part and denied in part and the Commission's opinion and order dated May 26, 1993 is hereby modified so that Ohio Power is required to review ways in which to implement a "blind" ticket system for coal samples which would match the identity of vendors during coal analysis.0
07/07/1993Memorandum contra Ohio Power's application for rehearing, filed on behalf of OCC by A. Hotz.0
07/06/1993Memorandum contra Ohio Power Company's application for rehearing, filed on behalf of IEC by R. Rosenberry.0
07/06/1993FERC's June 25, 1993 order dismissing complaint which was referred to in Ohio Power Company's application for rehear- ing, filed by M. Resnik.0
07/06/1993Memorandum contra IEC's and OCC's applications for rehear- ing, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik.0
06/25/1993Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik and R. Cohen.0
06/25/1993Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Industrial Energy Consumers by S. Randazzo and R. Rosenberry.0
06/25/1993Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by A. Hotz.0
06/17/1993Entry denying IEC's application for rehearing.0
06/09/1993Memorandum contra motion to reopen record, filed on behalf of OCC by T. Kawalec.0
06/07/1993Memorandum contra IEC's application for rehearing filed on behalf of applciant by M. Resnik.0
05/28/1993Revised tariff, PUCO No. 15, 14th sheet 1, 12th sheet 1a, 20th sheet 27, filed on behalf of applicant by T. Ringen- bach.0
05/27/1993Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of IEC by R. Rosenberry.0
05/26/1993Memorandum in opposition to motion to reopen record, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik.0
05/26/1993Opinion & Order that the financial and m/p auditors for the company's next EFC audit review those matters set forth in this Opinion & Order; that the EFC rate to be charged by Ohio Power during the six-month period beginning June 1, 1993 be 1.74955/kWh; that Ohio Power file its EFC tariff rider incorporating the EFC rate for the next current period no later than 5/28/93.0
05/25/1993Motion to reopen case and memorandum in support filed on behalf of IEC by S. Randazzo, R. Rosenberry, and D. Clayton.0
04/26/1993Reply breif of Industrial Energy Consumers filed by D. Rosenberry. (FILED UNDER SEAL)0
04/26/1993Reply brief of OCC filed by T. Kawalec.0
04/26/1993Reply brief filed on behalf of the Staff of the PUCO by W. Wright.0
04/26/1993Reply brief filed on behalf of the applicant by M. Resnik.0
04/19/1993Letter requesting that the listed corrections be made to the transcripts, filed on behalf of IEC by R. Rosenberry.0
04/15/1993Post hearing brief filed on behalf of IEC by R. Rosen- berry. (FILED UNDER SEAL)0
04/15/1993Initial brief filed on behalf of OCC by T. Kawalec.0
04/15/1993Initial brief filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik.0
04/15/1993Corrections to transcripts filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik.0
04/15/1993Post hearing brief filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by W. Wright.0
04/07/1993Exhibit Nos. 11 and 12 filed on behalf of IEC (FILED UNDER SEAL).0
04/07/1993Transcript, Composite Index, 8 pgs., filed.0
04/07/1993Transcript filed for hearing held 4/5/93, (RG) (GL), 126 pgs., Volume VI, Submitted.0
04/02/1993Transcript filed for hearing held 3/31/93, (RG) (GL), 82 pgs., Con't., Volume V.0
03/26/1993Transcript for hearing held March 25, 1993 (RG) (GL), 86 pages, Vol IV, Continued.0
03/23/1993Transcript for hearing held March 19, 1993, (RG) (GL), 179 pages, Vol III, Continued.0
03/23/1993Transcript for hearing held March 16, 1993, (RG) (GL), 156 pages, Continued.0
03/23/1993Transcript for hearing held March 17, 1993, (RG) (GL), 176 pages, Vol II, Continued.0
03/18/1993Supplemental direct testimony and exhibits of Lane Kollen filed on behalf of IEC by S. Randazzo. (FILED 3/17/93 UNDER SEAL)0
03/17/1993Supplemental direct testimony and exhibits of William J. Barta filed on behalf of IEC by S. Randazzo.0
03/16/1993Motion to permit out-of-state attorney to appear in this proceeding, filed on behalf of United Mine Workers of America by T. Myers.0
03/11/1993Letter stating that the United Mine Workers of America District 6 Executive Board has approved the resolution in support of U.M.W.A. District 17 request for inter- vention, filed by L. Ward.0
03/11/1993Entry dening the motion to intervene filed by Thurman, Phalen, and Montroso. (AE)0
03/10/1993Application for issuance of subpoena to Paul W. Daley and memorandum in support filed on behalf of IEC by R. Rosen- berry and D. Clayton.0
03/10/1993Memorandum contra IEC's motion to compel, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik and R. Cohen.0
03/10/1993Motion to quash subpoena duces tecum, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik and R. Cohen.0
03/09/1993IEC exhibits No. 1, 1-A, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 13 filed on behalf of Ohio Industrial Energy Consumers by Kennedy and Associates.92
03/09/1993Responses to IEC's fifth and sixth sets of interrogatories and requests for production of documents, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik.0
03/09/1993Direct testimony and exhibit of Lane Kollen filed on behalf of IEC by R. Rosenberry.0
03/09/1993Depositions of the following persons filed on behalf of IEC by D. Clayton: 1. Charles A. Ebetino, Jr. 2. Paul Daley 3. Gregory S. Campbell 4. Charles A. Oberlin0
03/09/1993Return of service for subpoena issued on March 9, 1993, filed by M. Kempic.0
03/09/1993Supplement to testimony of Norman Kilpatrick filed on behalf of District 17, United Mine Workers of America, by J. Haviland.0
03/09/1993Application for issuance of subpoena to J. T. Rusk and memorandum in support filed on behalf of IEC by R. Rosen- berry and D. Clayton.0
03/09/1993Appliation for issuance of subpoena to Charles A. Ebetino, Jr. and memorandum in support filed on behalf of IEC by R. Rosenberry and D. Clayton.0
03/09/1993Application for issuance of subpoena to Paul W. Daley and memorandum in support filed on behalf of IEC by R. Rosenberry and D. Clayton.0
03/09/1993Application for issuance of subpoena to Gregory S. Campbell and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of IEC by R. Rosenberry and D. Clayton.0
03/09/1993Motion for continuance and memorandum in support filed on behalf of IEC by R. Rosenberry.0
03/09/1993Testimony of Norman Kilpatrick filed on behalf of District 17, United Mine Workers of America, by J. Haviland.0
03/08/1993Application for issuance of subpoena duces tecum and memorandum in support filed on behalf of IEC by R. Rosenberry.0
03/08/1993Motion to compel discovery and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Consumers' by R. Rosenberry.0
03/01/1993Testimony of Paul W. Daley filed on behalf of applicant by C. Oberlin. (FILED 2/26/93)0
02/26/1993Testimony of Charles A. Oberline filed on behalf of applicant by C. Oberlin.0
02/22/1993Notice to take deposition upon oral examination to Marvin I. Resnik, filed on behalf of OCC by T. Kawalec.0
02/22/1993Memorandum contra motion to intervene of Frank Thurman, Robert Phalen, and Carrie Montroso, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik.0
02/16/1993Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Frank Thurman, United Mine Workers of America, by J. Haviland.0
02/12/1993Findings, conclusions, and recommendations from the EFC financial performance audit for Ohio Power Company, submitted by Ernst & Young.0
02/12/1993Management/performance audit report for Ohio Power Company, submitted by Arthur D. Little, Inc.0
02/11/1993Data submission filed on behalf of applicant by C. Oberlin. (Volumes I and II)0
01/22/1993Reply memorandum filed on behalf of IEC by R. Rosenberry.0
01/21/1993OPC exhibits No. 7 and proof of publication, volume 5 of 7 filed on behalf of Ohio Power Company by C. Oberlin201
01/20/1993Memorandum contra motion of IEC to intervene, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik and R. Cohen.0
01/08/1993Entry granting OCC's motion to intervene. (AE)0
01/08/1993Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of IEC by R. Rosenberry.0
12/16/1992Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by T. Kawalec.0
11/05/1992Finding & Order scheduling hearing on 3/16/93 at the Com- mission offices with company testimony due 2/26/93; estab- lishing management/performance auditors for 1993 EFC hearings.0
07/23/1992Finding & Order scheduling audit periods and approximate due dates and hearing dates.0
07/23/1992In the matter of the regulation of the electric fuel component contained within the rate schedule of Ohio Power Company and related matters.0