DIS - Case Record for 92-1992-TP-COI Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: TP-TELEPHONE
Purpose Code: COI-Commission inquiry
Date Opened: 11/5/1992
Date Closed: 10/25/1995
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
10/25/1995Entry ordering that administrative notice of the comments filed in this matter along with the Finding & Order and Entry on Rehearing be taken in Case No. 95-845-TP-COI, and closing this case of record. (2 pgs.)2
06/14/1993Notification letter of PUCO staff to R. R. Randall, vice president and general manager, GTE North, Inc.0
06/14/1993Notification letter of PUCO staff to Michael J. Karson, executive vice president, Ohio Bell Telephone Co.0
06/14/1993Notification letter of PUCO staff to Barbara J. Stonebraker, executive vice president, Cincinnati Bell Telephone Co.0
06/14/1993Notification letter of PUCO staff to J. Darrell Kelley, president, United Telephone Co. of Ohio.0
04/08/1993Entry denying the Coalition's application for rehearing; that the Commission affirms both the collocation policy adopted in the February 16, 1993 Finding & Order and that this is final state action on collocation pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code.0
03/25/1993Opposition of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company to application for rehearing, filed by M. Mulcahy.0
03/24/1993Memorandum in response to the application for rehearing filed by The Coalition of Ohio Competitive Access Pro- viders, filed on behalf of United Telephone Company by S. Williams.0
03/15/1993Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Coalition of Ohio Competitive Access Providers by J. Canis, submitted by M. Christensen.0
02/16/1993Finding & Order denying the motions for an evidentiary hearing on the issue of collocation; that it is un- necessary to rule on the motions to intervene; that notice and comments, as utilized on this collocation issue, is an appropriate method of obtaining varying viewpoints from interested entities and rendering a decision on this matter; that Sprint's motion to sub- stitute the comments submitted on 12/16/92, for those filed on 12/4/92 is granted; that the collocation policy adopted herein represents the minimum acceptable standards for interconnection in Ohio; however, the Commission shall continue to monitor closely the terms and conditions of collocation and interconnection in Ohio. Concurring Opinion of Chairman Craig A. Glazer.0
02/02/1993Comments filed on behalf of Teleport Communications Group, Inc. by R. Atkinson.0
01/08/1993Letter requesting the Commission to take administrative notice of the opposition of the Federal Communications Commission to motions for stay pending Judicial Review filed on behalf of Metropolitan Fiber Systems of Columbus, Inc. and Metropolitan Fiber Systems of Cleveland, Inc. by A. Lipman and D. Fix.0
01/07/1993Public Notice, with attached agenda, notifying all inter- ested parties of the tour of Central Office/Point of Presence facilities, filed by K. Wesolek, PUCO staff.0
01/06/1993Certificate of service filed on behalf of The Ohio Public Communications Association and Cellnet Cellular Service, Inc. by M. Tricarichi.0
01/06/1993Certificate of service filed on behalf of Coalition of Ohio Competitive Access Providers by S. Sykes.0
01/05/1993Reply comments of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. by W. Mosca, Jr.0
01/05/1993Reply comments of GTE North Incorporated filed by J. Stewart0
01/05/1993Reply comments of the Ohio Cable Television Association filed by S. Howard.0
01/05/1993Certificate of service filed on behalf of Cablevision LightPath, Inc. by S. Bloomfield.0
01/05/1993Reply of Cablevision Lightpath, Inc. filed by S. Bloomfield.0
01/05/1993Reply comments of coalition of Ohio Competitive Access Providers on staff proposal to adopt a virtual collocation policy filed by J. Canis and D. Frix.0
01/05/1993Reply of The New Par Companies filed by S. Bloomfield.0
01/05/1993Reply comments of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company filed by T. Taylor.0
01/05/1993Reply comments of United Telephone Company of Ohio by S. Williams.0
01/05/1993Reply of the Ohio Bell Telephone Company filed by M. Mulcahy and C. Rawlings.0
01/04/1993Reply comments filed on behalf of OCC by D. Bergmann.0
01/04/1993Reply of the Office of Consumers Counsel filed by D. Bergmann.0
12/28/1992Certificate of service filed on behalf of Ohio Telephone Association by J. Prohaska.0
12/28/1992Certificate of service for motion to withdraw and substitute comments, filed on behalf of Sprint by V. Doelling.0
12/24/1992Certificate of service filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by M. Mulcahy.0
12/23/1992Response to motion to intervene and for evidentiary hearing, filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by C. Rawlings.0
12/23/1992Certificate of service filed on behalf of GTE North by B. Kazee.0
12/22/1992Certificate of service filed on behalf of OCC by D. Bergmann.0
12/22/1992Certificate of service filed on behalf of AT&T Communica- tions of Ohio by J. Troup.0
12/22/1992Certificate of service filed on behalf of Cablevision LightPath, Inc. by S. Bloomfield.0
12/21/1992Handouts from Commission Presentation on Collection filed.0
12/21/1992Certificate of service filed on behalf of Centel Cellular Company by T. Lodge.0
12/21/1992Supplemental certificate of service filed on behalf of Ohio Cable Televisions Association by S. Howard.0
12/18/1992Memorandum in response to motion for formal evidentiary hearing filed by Metropolitan Fiber Systems, filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by C. Rawlings.0
12/17/1992Entry ordering that all entities who have filed initial comments are to serve promptly copies of those comments, as well as reply comments, upon each of the other entities listed in Finding 2. (AE)0
12/16/1992Comments filed on behalf of The Chillicothe Telephone Company by A. Korkosz.0
12/16/1992Comments filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Telephone by T. Taylor.0
12/16/1992Comments filed on behalf of Centel Cellular Company by T. Lodge.0
12/16/1992Comments filed on behalf of Northern Ohio Cellular Tele- phone, Akron Cellular Telephone, Canton Cellular Tele- phone, Columbus Cellular Telephone, Dayton Cellular Tele- phone, Hamilton Cellular, Springfield Cellular, and Southern Ohio Telephone (The New Par Comapnies) by S. Bloomfield.0
12/16/1992Comments filed on behalf of GTE North by J. Stewart.0
12/16/1992Comments filed on behalf of The Ohio Cable Television Association by S. Howard.0
12/16/1992Comments filed on behalf of The Ohio Telephone Association ( on behalf of its non-tier 1 local exchange company members) by J. Prohaska.0
12/16/1992Comments filed on behalf of Sprint Communications by M. Hull.0
12/16/1992Motion to withdraw and substitute comments, filed on behalf of Sprint Communications by M. Hull.0
12/16/1992Letter stating that OCOM Corporation does not intend to file initial comments, filed by J. Sanders.0
12/16/1992Statement of interest of AT&T Communications, Inc. filed by W. Mosca, Jr.0
12/16/1992Initial comments filed on behalf of OCC by D. Bergmann.0
12/16/1992Comments filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by M. Mulcahy.0
12/16/1992Joint comments filed on behalf of The Ohio Public Communi- cations Association and Cellnet of Ohio by M. Tricarichi.0
12/16/1992Initial comments filed on behalf of United Telephone Company by S. Williams.0
12/16/1992Joint comments filed on behalf of The Ohio Public Com- munications Association and CellNet by T. Zuilhof.0
12/15/1992Comments filed on behalf of Cablevision Lightpath, Inc. by S. Bloomfield.0
12/15/1992Comments filed on behalf of the Coalition of Ohio Competi- tive Access Providers by J. Canis.0
12/15/1992Motion to intervene and for evidentiary hearing, filed on behalf of MetroComm, Fibernet, and OhioLinx by M. Schermer.0
12/14/1992Motion for formal evidentiary hearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by D. Trabaris.0
12/09/1992Memorandum in response to motion for extension of time and public hearing, filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by C. Rawlings.0
12/08/1992Comments filed on behalf of Independent Cellular Network by M. Schermer and W. Adams.0
12/08/1992Motion for formal evidentiary hearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Metropolitan Fiber Systems of Columbus, Inc. by A. Lipman.0
12/04/1992Comments filed on behalf of Sprint Communications Company by M. Hull.0
11/27/1992Entry granting all interested entities an extension of time, until 12/16/92, to file initial comments and 1/5/93 to file reply comments; that Cablevision's request for a public hearing is held in abeyance at this time. (AE)0
11/24/1992Motion for extension of time and public hearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Cablevision Lightpath, Inc. by S. Bloomfield.0
11/12/1992Entry ordering that all parties and interested persons file comments by 12/4/92 and reply comments by 12/18/92.0
11/05/1992In the matter of the investigation relative to expanded interconnection with local telephone company facilities.0