DIS - Case Record for 92-1916-TP-ATA Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
10/28/1994 Returned from S.C. (1) Vol. S.C. # 93-1516. Destroyed.
03/10/1994 Letter filed on behalf of Allen and Barbara Roe requesting Caller ID.
08/25/1993 Supreme Court Transmittal papers submitted.
07/26/1993 Notice of Appeal filed on behalf of OCC by W. Margard, III. (S.C. #93-1516)
05/27/1993 Entry denying the application for rehearing filed by OCC and reaffirming the Commission's Order issued on March 31, 1993.
05/10/1993 Memorandum contra of the Ohio Bell Telephone Company to second application for rehearing of OCC, filed by W. Hunt.
04/29/1993 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by Y. Ranft.
04/02/1993 Correspondence letter opposing the application for Caller ID, filed by D. Merrick III.
04/02/1993 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by M. Maurer.
04/01/1993 Tariff, PUCO No. 1, Section 8 - 1st sheet 22.5, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Krekel.
03/31/1993 Order granting Ohio Bell's motion to amend its application; denying the application for rehearing filed by OCC and ODVN and the Commission's November 25, 1992 Finding and Order is reaffirmed; denying ODVN's motion to consolidate.
03/19/1993 Joint memorandum contra Ohio Bell's motion for leave to amend application and substitute revised tariff sheet to address issue raised in entry on rehearing and for an expedited ruling, filed on behalf of OCC by Y. Ranft and Ohio Domestic Violence Network by J. Migden.
03/11/1993 Letter clarifying the motion filed March 1, 1993, filed on behalf of applicant by W. Hunt. (FILED 3/10/93)
03/08/1993 Motion to consolidate and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Domestic Violence Network by J. Migden.
03/01/1993 Motion for leave to amend application and substitute revised tariff sheet to address issue raised in entry on rehearing and for an expedited ruling, and memoran- dum in support filed on behalf of applicant by W. Hunt.
02/22/1993 Statement of additional authority filed on behalf of the Ohio Domestic Violence Network by M. Grady.
01/27/1993 Entry granting the application for rehearing filed by OCC and ODVN for the limited purpose of allowing the Commission additiona time in which to consider the issues raised on the rehearing. (AE)
01/26/1993 Response to the Ohio Bell Telephone Company's January 13, 1993 letter, filed on behalf of OCC by D. Bergmann.
01/22/1993 Supplemental memorandum to the application for rehearing filed on behalf of OCC by Y. Ranft.
01/20/1993 Detailed report of the technological issues surrounding Ohio Bell's offering of Call Trace, filed on behalf of applicant by W. Hunt.
01/08/1993 Memorandum contra of the Ohio Bell Telephone Company to the application for rehearing of OCC and the Ohio Domestic Violence Network, filed by W. Hunt.
12/30/1992 Correspondence letter supporting the application for Caller ID, filed by J. Welky.
12/28/1992 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by Y. Ranft and Ohio Domestic Violence Network by J. Migden.
12/09/1992 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 1, Section 1 - 9th sheet 3; Section 3 - 8th sheet 5, 10th sheet 9; Section 6 - 3rd sheet 6; Section 8 - 1st sheet 22.2, 2nd sheet 22.3, 1st sheet 22.4, original sheet 22.5, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Krekel.
11/25/1992 Finding & Order granting application.
11/24/1992 Memorandum contra to motion to intervene and to reject application of OCC, filed on behalf of applicant by W. Hunt.
11/23/1992 Reply to Ohio Bell Telephone Comapny memoranda contra, filed on behalf of Ohio Domestic Violence Network by M. Grady.
11/12/1992 Revision to application filed on behalf of applicant by W. Hunt.
11/12/1992 Memorandum contra to motion for intervention, for suspen- sion, and for a hearing of the Ohio Domestic Violence Network, filed on behalf of applicant by W. Hunt.
11/06/1992 Motion to intervene and motion to reject application and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by D. Bergmann.
10/30/1992 Motion for intervention and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Ohio Domestic Violence Network by J. Migden.
10/30/1992 Motion for suspension of application and request for hearing and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of the Ohio Domestic Violence Network by J. Migden.
10/23/1992 In the matter of the application of The Ohio Bell Tele- phone Company to revise its exchange and network services tariff, PUCO No. 1, to establish regulations, rates, and charges for Caller ID and Calling Party Number Blocking.