DIS - Case Record for 91-1905-TP-CSS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
09/27/1994 Returned from Supreme Court. S.C. # 94-1218 (3 Vols.) Destroyed.
07/08/1994 Supreme Court Transmittal Papers.
06/14/1994 Motion for leave to intervene as additional appellee filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell by G. Cowan.
06/10/1994 Notice of appeal filed on behalf of complainant, W.D.I.A. Corporation, Inc. by J. Cobey.
04/27/1994 Entry denying the application for rehearing filed by WDIA.
04/15/1994 Memorandum contra to complainant's application for rehearing filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by D. Pines.
04/15/1994 Memorandum contra application for rehearing filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell, by G. Cowan.
04/08/1994 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of complainant by J. Cobey.
03/10/1994 Opinion & Order dismissing AT&T as a party to the complaint; that the complaint against CBT is dismissed and closed of record.
10/15/1993 Reply brief filed on behalf of complainant by J. Cobey.
10/14/1993 Reply brief filed on behalf of respondent, AT&T Communica- tions, by D. Pines.
10/13/1993 Reply brief of respondent Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company filed by G. Cowan.
10/12/1993 Post-trial brief filed on behalf of complainant by J. Cobey.
10/08/1993 Table of contents and table of authorities for post- hearing brief of respondent, Cincinnati Bell Telephone, filed by G. Cowan.
10/07/1993 Post hearing brief filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell, by G. Cowan.
10/06/1993 Initial brief filed on behalf of respondent, AT&T Communi- cations, by D. Pines.
09/20/1993 Letter requesting that Cincinnati Bell be directed to respond to W.D.I.A.'s fax as they should to any con- sumer's written request, filed on behalf of complainant by J. Cobey.
09/17/1993 Transcript filed for hearing held 8/27/93, (MF), 279 pgs., Submitted. (Volume II)
09/17/1993 Transcript filed for hearing held 8/26/93, (MF), 315 pgs., Con't. (Volume I)
09/16/1993 Correspondence letter filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell by G. Cowan.
08/24/1993 Entry granting CBT's motion to quash the subpoenas of Carolyn Addison and Margaret Guy. (AE)
08/23/1993 Motion to quash subpoena and preclude expert testimony filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell, by G. Cowan.
08/23/1993 Copy of letter to Mr. Grant S. Cowan and Mr. Dennis S. Pines requesting that Mr. Cowan send complainant any message that he has in his file that he was able to obtain through his investigation, filed on behalf of complainant by J. Cobey.
08/20/1993 Application for issuance of subpoenas for Carolyn Adison and Margaret Guy, filed on behalf of complainant by J. Cobey.
08/16/1993 Entry ordering that W.D.I.A. file direct testimony of Mr. Woods by 8/17/93; that W.D.I.A. should make a thorough review of its documents and provide to both CBT and AT&T any such documents which relate to CBT's request. (AE)
08/16/1993 Additional memorandum of expert testimony filed on behalf of complainant by J. Cobey.
07/27/1993 Entry denying CBT's motion to limit the testimony of Neal G. Woods to the opinions formulated by Mr. Woods at his deposition on June 7, 1993; direct expert testimony should be filed by 8/9/93. (AE)
07/13/1993 Memorandum of AT&T in support of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company's motion to limit testimony of plaintiff's expert filed by D. Pines.
07/13/1993 Letter that states change of address for AT&T legal counsel filed by J. Troup.
07/02/1993 Motion to limit the testimony of plaintiff's expert, Neal G. Woods, and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell, by G. Cowan.
06/25/1993 Entry rescheduling the hearing to August 26 and 27, 1993, at 9:00 a.m. (AE)
06/17/1993 Proof of Publication filed. (Hamilton County)
06/11/1993 Entry rescheduling the hearing for July 27 and 28, 1993, at 9:00 a.m. at the Commission offices. (AE)
06/09/1993 Transcript filed for hearing held 6/2/93, (MF), 6 pgs., Con't.
06/01/1993 Memorandum contra to Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company's motion to exclude witness, filed on behalf of complainant by J. Cobey.
05/27/1993 Hearing memorandum filed on behalf of complainant by J. Cobey.
05/26/1993 Pre-hearing brief filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell, by G. Cowan.
05/26/1993 Motion in limine/motion to strike, filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell, by G. Cowan.
05/14/1993 Proof of Publication filed. (Hamilton County)
04/19/1993 Legal Notice sent to: Cincinnati Enquirer (Hamilton Co.)
04/14/1993 Entry rescheduling the hearing for June 2 and 3, 1993, at 9:00 a.m. (AE)
02/24/1993 Entry rescheduling hearing to April 13 and 14, 1993, at 9:00 a.m. (AE)
01/15/1993 Notice of deposition filed on behalf of respondent, Cin- cinnati Bell, by M. Whaley.
01/14/1993 Entry rescheduling the prehearing conference to 10:00 a.m. on 2/10/93 and the evidentiary hearing to 3/3/93; that discovery be completed by 2/10/93. (AE)
12/08/1992 Letter requesting to reschedule the prehearing conference to 2/10/93 and the public hearing to 3/3/93, filed on behalf of respondent, AT&T, by J. Troup.
11/25/1992 Entry scheduling a prehearing conference on January 12, 1993 at 10:00 a.m. via conference call as set forth in Finding (3) and ordering that this matter be scheduled for hearing on February 2, 1993 at 10:00 a.m. at the office of the Commission. (AE)
09/02/1992 Entry scheduling a settlement conference at 10:00 a.m. on 9/30/92 at the Commission offices. (AE)
05/29/1992 Additional information, telephone bills from AT&T, filed on behalf of complainant by J. Cobey.
05/21/1992 Entry granting complainant's motion for an extension of time, and that the information be filed by 5/27/92; that respondents' motions or amended answers to additional information filed by complainant are to be filed within 20 days of the filing of such information. (AE)
05/13/1992 Motion for extension of time filed on behalf of complainant by J. Cobey.
03/17/1992 Entry ordering that W.D.I.A. Corporation, Inc. file additional information as set forth in Finding 5 by March 30, 1992, and serve a copy to each party. (AE)
01/31/1992 Reply memorandum filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell, by J. Cobey.
01/17/1992 Memorandum contra to W.D.I.A. Corporation, Inc.'s memo- randum in opposition to AT&T's motion to dismiss filed on behalf of respondent, AT&T, by D. Pines.
01/07/1992 Memorandum in opposition to motion to dismiss of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. filed on behalf of complainant, WDIA Corp. by J. Cobey.
11/12/1991 Motion to dismiss and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondent, AT&T, by D. Pines.
11/12/1991 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell, by D. Olson.
10/22/1991 Complaint letter and copy of complaint sent to: Michelle Wirtz, Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company.
10/21/1991 In the matter of the complaint of W.D.I.A. Corporation, Inc. (vs) Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company and AT&T of Ohio, Inc. relative to the alleged unreasonable and unjust inability to maintain adequate service and charges for such service.