Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
03/01/1993 | Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Ohio Bell, by C. Rawlings. | 0 |
01/20/1993 | Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Ohio Bell, by C. Rawlings. | 0 |
11/25/1992 | Entry ordering that respondent, GTE and Ohio Bell, shall be granted an additional 60 days, until January 27, 1993, to meet the customer notification requirements set forth in the Commission's October 29, 1992 finding and order; that respondents shall be permitted to accomplish the required notification by use of a bill insert, or sepa- rate line item on a regular bill, which sets forth, and describes the use of, a toll-free number which subscribers may call to obtain information about optional calling services. | 0 |
11/05/1992 | Letter requesting that the subscriber notification require- ment of the October 29 Order be modified and requesting the inssuance of an entry in this case extending by 60 days the current 30 day time frame for customer notification, filed on behalf of respondent, Ohio Bell, by C. Rawlings. | 0 |
10/29/1992 | Finding and Order approving the stipulation submitted on 10/9/92 and ordering Ohio Bell and GTE to implement two-way, measured rate EAS between the Winchester and West Union exchanges. | 0 |
10/09/1992 | Stipulation, agreement, and recommendation, filed on behalf of subscribers of Manchester, Peebles, Seaman, Sinking Spring, and West Union exchanges by J. Hilder- brand; subscribers of Winchester exchange by D. Lewis; subscribers of Belfast exchange by C. Sherwood; GTE North by D. Edwards; and Ohio Bell by C. Rawlings. | 0 |
03/12/1992 | Correspondence letter supporting the petition for two-way, nonoptional extended service, filed by Commissioner Paul Rothwell, Board of Adams County Commissioners. | 0 |
03/11/1992 | Information response filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by D. Edwards. | 0 |
03/11/1992 | Answer filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by D. Edwards. | 0 |
03/11/1992 | Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Ohio Bell, by C. Rawlings. | 0 |
03/11/1992 | Answer filed on behalf of respondent, Ohio Bell, by C. Rawlings. | 0 |
03/05/1992 | Correspondence letter supporting application, filed by Commissioner Robert D. Semple, Board of Adams County Commissioners. | 0 |
02/10/1992 | Entry ordering that respondents file their written answers with the Commission and the spokespersons for the complain- ants within 30 days of the date of this entry; that the respondents shall provide to the spokespersons for the complainants and to the Commission, within 30 days of the date of this entry, the information required by Finding 8; scheduling a settlement conference at 10:00 a.m. on 3/24/92 at the Commission offices. (AE) | 0 |
09/18/1991 | Letter and comments of Clifford E. Sherwood stating that he is willing to act as spokesperson for the Mayhill Area. | 0 |
08/19/1991 | Entry ordering that upon motion of the attorney examiner, the letter filed in these cases on July 10, 1991 is accepted, as if timely filed, as the complainants' response to the May 29, 1991 entry; that a signed written statement from the spokesperson must be submitted by 9/20/91; the respective spokesperson should file, by 9/20/91, a complaint which sets out, in specific detail, examples of day-to-day calling needs of subscribers in the spokesperson's exchange; the complaint should explain how a grant of EAS would affect the day-to-day calling requirements of subscribers within the spokesperson's exchange; if such a complaint is not filed by 9/20/91, the case may be dismissed. (AE) | 0 |
07/10/1991 | Correspondence letter supporting petition, filed by J. Hilderbrand, Adams County Farm Bureau. | 0 |
05/29/1991 | Entry ordering that the complainants file with the Commission, within 30 days from the date of this entry, supporting complaints stating sufficient reasons why extended area service should be instituted; that a spokesperson must be appointed for each exchange in accordance with Finding 4. (AE) | 0 |
04/30/1991 | In the matter of the petition of the Adams County Farm Bureau, Inc. and numerous other subscribers of the Belfast Exchange of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company (vs) GTE North Incorporated and The Ohio Bell Telephone Company relative to a request for two-way, nonoptional extended area service between the Belfast Exchange of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company, on the one hand, and the Manchester, Peebles, Seaman, Sinking Spring, and West Union Exchanges of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company, on the other hand. | 0 |