DIS - Case Record for 91-0561-RC-ACE Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
05/14/1992 Public notice of the FCC dated May 8, 1992, approving the FCC Form 489, and the Form 489 filing, submitted on behalf of applicant by C. Povelites.
11/18/1991 Certificate No. 106 issued.
10/17/1991 Supplemental Finding & Order requiring cellular carriers comply with the directives stated in this entry.
08/07/1991 Tariff, PUCO No. 1, original sheet 32, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Valentine, Jr.
08/01/1991 Tariffs, PUCO No. 1, original sheets 1 thru 31; Price List - original sheets 1 and 2, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Valentine, Jr.
07/22/1991 Response to request of the Commission for further clarification relating to the application, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Valentine, Jr.
07/18/1991 Finding & Order granting application.
07/18/1991 Certificate No. 106 issued.
05/31/1991 Tariff sheets PUCO No. 1 filed on behalf of the applicant by C. Valentine.
05/24/1991 Entry ordering that GTE Mobilnet file the proposed tariff revisions requested by staff by 6/7/91 or this application will be dismissed. (AE)
05/09/1991 Amended Exhibit 1, Amended Exhibit 3, and Affidavit attesting to the information provided in Amended Exhibit 1 and Amended Exhibit 3, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Valentine, Jr.
05/08/1991 Proof of Publication filed by C. Valentine, Jr.
05/06/1991 Proof of Publication filed by C. Valentine, Jr.
04/15/1991 Entry ordering that applicant file with the Commission the additional information as detailed in Finding 2; that the applicant cause publication of legal notice in accordance with Finding 3 by 4/25/91 and present proof of publication to the Commission by 5/9/91; any interested person who can show good cause why the application should not be granted shall file with the Commission a written statement by 5/9/91; unless the Commission receives a written statement to that effect, this matter will be decided on the basis of the information contained in the application. (AE)
03/25/1991 In the matter of the application of GTE Mobilnet Incorporated for a certificate of public convenience and necessity.