DIS - Case Record for 90-1544-TP-SLF Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: TP-TELEPHONE
Purpose Code: SLF-Self Complaint
Date Opened: 10/5/1990
Date Closed: 5/5/1994
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
02/22/1995Supreme Court Case returned, S.C. # 94-1427. (2 Vols)- Destroyed.0
01/03/1995Duplicate original signature pages from the connection and traffic interchange agreement and mutual release executed on behalf of Warren County Telecommunications Department filed by R. Elliott. (3 pgs.)0
12/29/1994Finding & Order that the agreement between CBT and Warren county is approved. (2 pgs.)0
12/22/1994Connection and traffic interexchange agreement between Cincinnati Bell and Warren County Communications Depart- ment of the Board of County Commissioners, filed by R. Sigmon. (52 pgs.)0
08/04/1994Supreme Court Papers. (S.C. #94-1427)0
07/05/1994Notice of Appeal filed on behalf of Warren County Communi- cations Department of the Board of County Commissioners, Warren County, by M. Christensen. (S.C. #1427)0
05/05/1994Entry ordering that United's motion for clarification and/or application for rehearing is granted, in part, and the record is clarified as stated in Finding 5; that Warren Communications' application for rehearing is denied. Dissenting Opinion of Commissioner Richard M. Fanelly.0
04/25/1994Memorandum contra filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by C. Rawlings.0
04/15/1994Motion for clarification or, in the alternative, application for rehearing filed on behalf of United Telephone Company of Ohio by W. Williams.0
04/15/1994Application for Rehearing of Warren County Communications Department of the Board of County Commissioners, Warren County filed by M. Christensen.0
03/16/1994Opinion & Order that the complaint of Cincinnati Bell is granted inpart and denied in part as discussed within this order; that the motion to dismiss filed by Warren Communications is denied.0
02/07/1992Reply brief filed on behalf of United Telephone Company by H. Liebman.0
02/07/1992Reply brief filed on behalf of applicant by M. Longenecker, Jr.0
02/07/1992Reply brief filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by C. Rawlings and J. Kelly.0
01/24/1992Initial brief filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by C. Rawlings and J. Kelly.0
01/24/1992Initial brief filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Telephone by M. Longenecker, Jr.0
01/24/1992Inital brief filed on behalf of United Telephone Company by H. Liebman.0
01/23/1992Letter responding to Mr. R.W. Stropes, Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company, filed on behalf of the Warren County Commissioners by M. Christensen.0
01/09/1992Transcript filed for hearing held 12/13/91, (DN) (MF), 39 pgs., Submitted.0
12/11/1991Prefiled testimony of Michael E. Solon and John R. Ludenia filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone Company, by W. Walston.0
12/11/1991Pre-filed testimony of R. William Stropes filed on behalf of applicant by R. Hopkins.0
11/20/1991Entry scheduling hearing at 9:30 a.m. on 12/13/91 at the Commission offices; that expert testimony be filed and served upon other parties no later than 12/11/91; that Warren County's September 11, 1991 motion for an extension of time is denied; that W. Wayne Walston is admitted to practice before the Commission for purposes of this proceeding. (AE)0
11/08/1991Motion to admit counsel filed on behalf of applicant by T. Jacobs.0
11/05/1991Transcript filed for hearing held 10/21/91, (DN), 4 pgs., Con't.0
10/31/1991Entry rescheduling prehearing conference to 11/18/91. (AE)0
10/28/1991Proof of Publication filed (Warren)0
10/24/1991Entry denying Warren County's application for rehearing.0
10/18/1991Entry ordering that the prehearing conference is continued to a date to be set by subsequent entry. (AE)0
10/15/1991Memorandum in opposition of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company to application for rehearing, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Longenecker, Jr.0
10/11/1991Entry granting LECs' joint motion for a continuance of the hearing date and that a prehearing conference shall be held on October 21, 1991. (AE)0
10/10/1991Memorandum contra the application for rehearing filed by Warren County Communications Department, filed on behalf of United Telephone Company of Ohio by T. Jacobs.0
09/30/1991Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Board of Commissioners, Warren County Communications, by M. Christensen.0
09/27/1991Joint reply to Warren County Communications Department's motion for extension of time and motion to continue hearing, filed on behalf of United Telephone by T. Jacobs and H. Liebman; Cincinnati Bell by M. Longenecker, Jr.; Ohio Bell by C. Rawlings; and GTE North by J. Stewart.0
09/13/1991Letter filed on behalf of Warren County Communications requesting they correct an error in the motion for extension of time filed by M. Christensen.0
09/12/1991Legal notice sent to the Western Star (Warren County).0
09/11/1991Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of Warren County, Ohio's Warren County Communications Department, by M. Christensen.0
08/29/1991Entry scheduling hearing at 10:00 a.m. on 10/21/91 at the Commission offices; that Warren County's motion to dismiss or stay this proceeding is held in abeyance pending the consideration of evidence attained at hearing; that all motions to intervene of United, Ohio Bell, and GTE are granted and additional interested parties shall submit requests for intervention by 9/13/91.0
01/08/1991Correspondence letter filed on behalf of the County of Hamilton by G. Wentz.0
11/28/1990Reply to oppositions of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company and United Telephone Company of Ohio, filed on behalf of Warren County Communications Department Board of Commissioners by M Brandt.0
11/19/1990Memorandum in opposition of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company to motion to intervene of Warren County Communications, filed by M. Longenecker, Jr.0
11/19/1990Memorandum contra of United Telephone Company of Ohio to motion to intervene for the limited purpose of challenging jurisdiction by a motion to dismiss and, in the alternative, motion for stay by Warren County Communications Department, filed by H. Liebman.0
11/05/1990Notice of appearance of additional counsel filed on behalf of United Telephone Company by H. Liebman.0
11/02/1990Entry extending the time period for requesting intervention in this proceeding pending a ruling on Warren County's motion to dismiss and motion for stay; new deadline for requesting intervention will be established in the entry ruling on Warren County's motions. (AE)0
11/01/1990GTE North's motion to intervene filed by J. Stewart.0
10/31/1990Letter filed on behalf of the County Commissioners Assoc of Ohio requesting an extension of time for interested parties to intervene in this case filed by L. Long.0
10/30/1990Motion to intervene for the limited purpose of challenging jurisdiction by a motion to dismiss, motion for stay, and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of Warren County by M. Brandt.0
10/24/1990Motion for leave to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by C. Rawlings and J. Kelly.0
10/23/1990Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of United Telephone Company of Ohio by J. Jacobs.0
10/18/1990Entry ordering that Cincinnati Bell has stated reasonable grounds for complaint with regard to its provision of intrastate telephone service to Warren County; all interested parties shall request intervention in this proceeding within l5 days of the date of this entry in accordance with Finding (3). (AE)0
10/05/1990In the matter of the complaint of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company affecting its own products or services.0