DIS - Case Record for 90-0205-RC-ACE Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
05/27/1997 Letter requesting the withdrawal of its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to operate as an inter- exchange carrier in the State of Ohio filed on behalf of applicant by S. Sennett. (1 pg.)
01/08/1991 Certificate No. 98 issued.
11/08/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 2, original pages l through l3; andk Price List page l, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Greim.
11/06/1990 Finding & Order granting the application and approving the interconnection agreement between RTI and Ohio Bell which was 8/20/90.
10/17/1990 Information in support of application filed on behalf of applicant by D. Greim.
10/17/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 2, original pages l through l3 and Price list page l, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Greim.
10/10/1990 Letter requesting that the Commission waive its requirement that RAM adopt an Emergency Services Calling Plan (ESCP) as part of its proposed one-way digital paging service, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Greim.
10/09/1990 Information in support of the application filed on behalf of applicant by D. Greim.
08/20/1990 Connection and traffic interchange agreement between Ohio Bell and Ram Technologies filed by D. Greim and C. Rawlings.
08/15/1990 Response filed on behalf of applicant by D. Greim.
08/06/1990 Motion to accept publication filed on behalf of the applicant by B. Ferris.
08/02/1990 Entry denying RCO's motion to intervene; denying RTI's request for temporary authority; RTI should file with the Commission the information required in order to make its application complete, as described in Finding (l3) (a) through (l3) (e) by 8/15/90. (AE)
06/28/1990 Memorandum contra applicant's motion temporary authority filed on behalf of RAM Communications of Ohio, Inc. by M. Brandt.
06/21/1990 Motion for leave to file reply filed on behalf of RAM Technologies, Inc. by B. Ferris.
06/21/1990 Reply filed on behalf of RAM Technologies, Inc. by B. Ferris.
06/21/1990 Motion for interim authority filed on behalf of RAM Technologies, Inc. by B. Ferris.
06/18/1990 Supplement to reply regarding motion to intervene filed on behalf of RAM Communications of Ohio, Inc. by M. Brandt.
05/29/1990 Reply to applicant's memorandum contra filed on behalf of Ram Communications of Ohio, Inc. by M. Brandt.
05/21/1990 Memorandum contra motion to intervene filed on behalf of Ram Technologies, Inc. dba Ram-Page by B. Ferris and D. Greim.
05/11/1990 Proof of Publication filed on behalf of applicant by B. Ferris. (Gallia, Jackson, Lawrence, Pike, Ross, Scioto, Vinton, and Meigs Counties)
05/04/1990 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of RAM Communications of Ohio, Inc. by S. Bloomfield.
04/27/1990 Response filed on behalf of applicant by D. Greim.
04/13/1990 Entry ordering that applicant file with the Commission the additional information described in Finding (2); applicant cause publication of legal notice in accordance with Finding (3) by 4/27/90 and present proof of publication to the Commission by 5/11/90; any entity who can show good cause why this application should not be granted should file with the Commission a written statement detailing the reasons by 5/11/90; unless the Commission receives a written statement, the case will be decided on the basis of the affidavits to be submitted by the applicant. (AE)
01/25/1990 In the matter of the application of RAM Technologies, Inc. for authority to furnish paging services and for the simultaneous approval of the rates governing such service.