Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
03/06/1990 | Entry granting application to cancel Certificate Nos. ll273-R and ll578-R. | 0 |
02/26/1990 | Notice to Unprotested transportation case applicants | 0 |
02/14/1990 | Proof of Publications filed by B. Hoeflich. | 0 |
01/09/1990 | Letter requesting authorities on Certificate Nos. 11273-R and 11589-R be cancelled filed on behalf of applicant by P. Brown. | 0 |
12/22/1989 | (AMENDED AUTHORITY for Cert. No. 11578-R) Discontinue all service, regular route each Tuesday between Coshcoton, Ohio, and Millersburg, Ohio, regular route each Thursday between Coshocton, Ohio and Zanesville, Ohio. | 0 |
12/22/1989 | Application of Muskingum Coach Company; Certificate No. 11578-R, for authority to discontinue all service, regular route each Tuesday between Coshocton, Ohio, and Millersburg, Ohio, regular route each Thursday between Coshocton, Ohio and Zanesville, Ohio. | 0 |