DIS - Case Record for 89-0719-TP-ATA Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/18/1989 AT&T Communication fo Ohio, Inc.'s withdrawal of its application for rehearing, and request for dismissal of further proceedings without prejudice filed by C. Epps and Wm. Newcomb, Jr.
08/09/1989 Letter filed by C. Epps on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc., requesting the prehearing conference be rescheduled to 8/16/89, at 10:30 a.m., at the offices of the Commission.
08/09/1989 Entry ordering the prehearing conference be continued and rescheduled for 8/16/89, at 10:30 a.m., at the offices of the Commission. (AE)
08/02/1989 Entry scheduling a prehearing conference to be held on 8/10/89, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission. (AE)
08/02/1989 Entry scheduling a prehearing conference to be held on 8/10/89, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission. (AE)
07/18/1989 Entry granting motion to intervene and application for re- hearing filed by AT&T. Prehearing Conference to be scheduled by future Entry.
07/12/1989 Reply of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. to the response of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company to motion for leave to intervene and for leave to apply for rehearing, filed by C. Epps and Wm. Newcomb, Jr.
07/10/1989 Response of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company to motion for leave to intervene and for leave to apply for rehearing filed by AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc., filed by C. Rawlings.
07/05/1989 Corrections to application for rehearing filed by Wm. Newcomb, Jr., on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc.
06/30/1989 Application of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. for Rehearing of The Commission's Finding and Order concerning Ohio Bell's application for pre-approval of contractural arangements for competitive telecommunications services filed by C. Epps and Wm. Newcomb, Jr
06/30/1989 Application of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. for Rehearing of The Commission's Finding and Order concerning Ohio Bell's application for pre-approval of contractural arangements for competitive telecommunications services filed by C. Epps and Wm. Newcomb, Jr
06/05/1989 Tariff sheet PUCO No. 1 filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by A. Krekel.
05/31/1989 Finding & Order ordering that Ohio Bell's 05/08/89 application be approved; that OB's request for extension of protective order be granted, that OB is should file final tariffs and to cancel prior tariffs; that the arrangement in the application be approved; that any amendment, modification or assignment of termination must receive prior commission approval.
05/31/1989 Finding and Order granting application.
05/08/1989 Application of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company to revise its exchange and network services tariff, PUCO No. 1 to establish regulations rates and charges for several new Centrex-Co features and have such optional services determined to be competitive offerings.