DIS - Case Record for 89-0073-TP-ACE Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/08/1990 Entry allowing CPS to withdraw its application and closing case.
07/11/1990 Transcript filed for hearing held 6/28/90, (DC), 4 pgs., Con't.
06/26/1990 Notice of withdrawal filed on behalf of the applicant by S. Bloomfield and A. Lipman.
06/05/1990 Entry scheduling a hearing on 6/28/90 at ll:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission.
03/02/1990 Proof of Publications for 22 counties filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
02/14/1990 Response to entry of February 9, l990, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
02/09/1990 Entry ordering that CPS's petition for partial waiver of Interim Requirements is reserved for a later date; CPS file information reference in Finding (3) by 2/23/90; CPS must cause publication of legal notice in accordance with Finding (4) by 2/16/90, and present to Commission by 3/2/90; unless Commission receives written statement objecting to the granting of this application and an accompanying request for oral hearing by 3/2/90, this matter will be decided on the basis of the information contained in the application. (AE)
01/24/1990 Response of CPS Operator Service, Inc. to entry of January 5, l990 filed by S. Bloomfield.
01/24/1990 Petition for partial waiver of interim requirements filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
01/12/1990 Letter listing attorneys who may be making appearances on behalf of applicant filed by S. Bloomfield.
01/05/1990 Entry ordering CPS should submit information requested in Finding 6 and 7 by 2/5/90.
12/22/1989 Copy of receipt for applicant's December 22, 1989 payment of $9,000.00 and $11,000.00 as prescribed in Entry of December 19, 1989 filed on behalf of Staff by A. Henkener.
12/19/1989 Entry approving the stipulation and recommendation docketed on 12/8/89 and modified with respect to the breakdown of the civil forfeiture and requiring CPS submit payment of its civil forfeiture.
12/08/1989 Stipulation and recommendation filed on behalf of the applicants by D. Luckey and R. Blair.
11/28/1989 Entry denying CPS's application for rehearing.
11/16/1989 Notice of withdrawal as counsel of record filed on behalf of the applicant by J. Sanders.
11/15/1989 Letter regarding the AOS service arrangements between Charter Network Company and CPS Operator Services, Inc. filed by J. Sanders.
11/02/1989 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of the applicant by J. Sanders.
10/31/1989 Report of legal action against the applicant filed on behalf of the Staff of the PUCO by D. Luckey.
10/27/1989 Letter filed on behalf of Charter Network Company stating that they have entered into an arrangement with CPS operator Service filed by J. Nierzwicki.
10/03/1989 Entry ordering the Attorney General's office to take appropriate actions against CPS to enforce the Commission's orders; the Commission will reserve ruling on whether CPS should ultimately be granted authority to provide AOS.
09/27/1989 Trans., for hearing held on 9/6/89, (DN) Submitted Vol. I, 1-95 pages.
08/24/1989 Entry rescheduling hearing to be held on 9/6/89, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission; Ordering that CPS should comply with Rule 4901-1-29-(A)-(1)(j) O.A C. (AE)
08/22/1989 Memorandum contra motion for continuance filed by A. Henkener on behalf of the PUCO staff.
08/22/1989 Supplemental memorandum in support of motion for continuance filed by J. Sanders on behalf of applicant.
08/22/1989 Letter filed by J. Sanders on behalf of applicant, informing the Commission that she has been retained to act as co- counsel.
08/16/1989 Motion for continuance filed by R. Blau on behalf of applicant.
08/14/1989 Prepared Testimony of Frank B. Richards on behalf of the PUCO staff.
07/28/1989 Entry scheduling hearing to be held on 8/29/89, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission; Ordering the Staff file testimony on its factual findings within 15 days in advance to the hearing and that CPS should comply with Rule 4901-1-29(A) (1) (j), O.A.C., if intends to present direct expert testimony. (AE)
07/12/1989 Motion for Hearing filed by A. Henkener on behalf of the PUCO staff.
05/16/1989 Entry denying CPS's application for rehearing and ordering CPS and Clifton cease all illegal activity or appropriate action will be taken.
05/05/1989 Letter filed by A. Lipman on behalf of applicant, clarifing the response filed 4/4/89.
04/21/1989 Motion for partial reconsideration of Entry filed by R. Blau on behalf of CPS Operator Services, Inc.
04/20/1989 Response to Entry of April 4, 1989 filed by R. Blau on behalf of applicant.
04/05/1989 Letter filed by C. Pirik on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Andrew D. Lipnman/Swidler & Berlin, RE: to addition informa- tion required.
04/04/1989 Entry ordering CPS to submit additional information on or before 4//20/89, and immediately cease all intrastate operator services in Ohio.
01/12/1989 Application of CPS Operator Services, Inc. for authority to provide intrastate operator assisted telecommunications services.