DIS - Case Record for 89-0004-EL-EFC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
06/22/1989 Ninth revised tariff sheet filed on behalf of the applicant by K. Norris.
06/20/1989 Opinion & Order closing case.
05/25/1989 Letter filed by M. Beiting on behalf of applicant, inform- ing the Commission that the company will not be filing a reply brief in this matter.
05/23/1989 Letter filed by J. Martin on behalf of PUCO staff, RE: the staff will not be submitting a reply brief in this matter.
05/23/1989 Reply Brief of The Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by R. Pace, Sr.
05/16/1989 Initial Brief of The Staff of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio filed by T. Nader.
05/16/1989 Letter filed by R. Pace, Sr., on behalf of OCC, informing the Commission that the OCC waives its right to file an initial brief in this matter.
05/16/1989 Brief of Ohio Edison Company filed by M. Beiting.
05/08/1989 Trans., for hearing held on 4/24/89, (SD) Submitted/Public Testimony, Akron, Ohio 1-47 pages, Vol. I.
05/02/1989 Trans., for hearing held on 4/25/89 (SD) Submitted Vol. II, 1-92 pages.
04/24/1989 Supplemental Testimony of William R. Forsyth filed by M. Beiting on behalf of applicant.
04/20/1989 Entry denying Local Union 1810, United Mine Workers of America intervention. (AE)
04/19/1989 Direct Tewtimony of Larry Vucelich for intervenor Local Union 1810, United Mine Workers of America.
04/18/1989 Ohio Edison Company response to motion to intervene of Local Union 1810, United Mine Workers of America filed by M. Beiting.
04/10/1989 Motion to Intervene and Memorandum in Support filed by L. Vucelich on behalf of Local Union 1810, United Mine Workers of America.
04/07/1989 Notice of change of trial attorney filed by M. Beiting filed on behalf of applicant.
04/07/1989 Entry granting motion to intervene filed by the city of Akron. (AE)
04/07/1989 Testimony of the following filed by M. Beiting on behalf of applicant. William R. Forsyth John R. Woodside Robert N. Stoller David L. Tackett Arthur R. Garfield Kevin L. Norris
03/30/1989 Motion to intervene City of Akron, Ohio and memorandum in support filed by R. Fanelly.
03/23/1989 30-day filing requirements of Ohio Edison Company, Exhibits 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, and 2C filed by K. Norris.
02/17/1989 Report in support of recovery costs associated with the Ohio Edison Company NOXSO Proof of Concept Project at the Toronto Station filed by D. Berger on behalf of Ohio Coal Development Office.
02/17/1989 Report in support of recovery of cost associated with the Ohio Edison Company E-SOx Pilot Plant Project filed by D. Berger on behalf of Ohio Coal Development Office.
01/25/1989 Entry granting OCC intervention. (AE)
01/18/1989 Motion to Intervene filed by R. Pace, Sr., on behalf of OCC.
01/03/1989 In the Matter of the Regulation of the Electric Fuel Component contained within the Rate Schedules of the Ohio Edison Company and Related Matters.
11/08/1988 Entry ordering the company to file Management/Performance Audit to be conducted in accordance with the provisions of RFP U-88-EFC-1; Scheduling local public hearing to be held on 4/24/89, at 1:30 p.m., Ocasek Government Office Building 1st Floor Auditorium Hearing Room/161 South High Street, Akron, Ohio; Ordering that the costs for the audit be paid by the company.
09/07/1988 Entry ordering audit periods listed on Attachment 1 of this Entry.