DIS - Case Record for 88-1704-TP-PEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/22/1991 Tariffs, PUCO No. 6, Check Sheet 2; Preface - 8th sheet 2; Section C - 8th sheet 15 and 2nd sheet 26, filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone Company, by J. Ludenia.
12/03/1990 Letter stating that the proposed implementation date to establish two-way, nonoptional extended area service is July 26, 1991, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Ludenia.
08/02/1990 Supplemental Opinion and Order granting request for the establishment of two-way, nonoptional, flat-rate EAS between the York Center and Marysville Exchanges of United.
04/23/1990 Letter containing results of canvass of subscribers of the York Center Exchange filed on behalf of respondent by T. Jacobs.
03/30/1990 Ballots filed on behalf of complainant by M. Clapsaddle.
02/07/1990 Copy of letter sent to Ms. Maryann Clapsaddle listing the names and addresses of York Center Exchange subscribers filed on behalf of respondent by J. Ludenia.
01/17/1990 Opinion & Order granting request for EAS contingent upon the conduct and filing of a canvass, to determine the willingness of a substantial majority of subscribers to pay the appropriate rates, no later than 3/30/90.
05/04/1989 Trans., for hearing held on 4/17/89, (DN) Submitted/Local Public Hearing - Mansfield, Ohio Vol. I, 1-64 pages
04/17/1989 Correspondent letter filed on behalf of Mike hammond.
04/07/1989 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Union)
03/10/1989 Testimony of Dennis R. McNary filed on behalf of United Telephone by T. Jacobs.
03/10/1989 Testimony of Charles A. Bell filed on behalf of United Telephone by T. Jacobs.
02/24/1989 Legal notice sent to the Journal-Tribune (Union County).
01/11/1989 Entry scheduling hearing on Monday, April 17, 1989, at 9:00 a.m., at the York Township Hall, West Mansfield, Ohio and Ordering the respondent to provide information within 60 days. (AE)
12/23/1988 Information Response of United Telephone Company of Ohio filed by T. Jacobs.
12/23/1988 Answer of United Telephone Company of Ohio filed by T. Jacobs.
11/30/1988 Entry ordering respondent shall file its written answer and other required information to this Commission and to the spokesperson for the complainants within thirty days of the date of this Entry. (AE)
11/15/1988 Signed petitions by consumers, requesting EAS, filed by M. Clapsaddle.
11/14/1988 Petition of Maryann Clapsaddle and subscribers (Vs) United Telephone Company of Ohio, RE: requesting EAS from the York Center exchange of United into the Marysville Exchange of United.