DIS - Case Record for 88-1258-TP-PEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
12/06/1991 Tariffs, PUCO No. 6, Contents - 44th sheet 2; Check List - 283rd sheet 1, 73rd sheet 8, 72nd sheet 11; Section 3 - Norwalk, 16th sheet 1; Section 3 - Wakeman, 13th sheet 1, filed on behalf of GTE North by J. Kennedy.
11/16/1990 In service date for institution of two-way flat-rate EAS between Norwalk and Wakemen is December 15, 1991 filed on behalf of GTE North by J. Kennedy.
12/15/1989 Supplemental Opinion and Order granting two-way, nonoptional flat rate EAS between the Wakeman and Norwalk exchanges of GTE. (AE)
11/17/1989 Review of the ballots submitted by the complainants filed on behalf of GTE North by A. Gillman.
10/30/1989 Ballots filed on behalf of applicant.
08/30/1989 Opinion & Order granting application contingent upon the conduct and filing of a canvass, results of the canvass to be filed no later than 10/30/89: Dissenting Opinion of Commissioner Gloria Gaylord.
04/27/1989 Memorandum filed by S. Bennett on behalf of complainant.
03/31/1989 Response to supplemental information response filed by R. Earick on behalf of respondent.
03/20/1989 Letter filed by R. Rench, State Representative, RE: follow- up letter concerning the Wakeman Area Extended Service Request.
03/13/1989 Supplemental information response filed on behalf of the respondent by A. Gillman.
02/28/1989 Trans., for hearing held on 2/13/89, (DN) Submitted Vol. I, Local Public Hearing/Wakeman, Ohio
02/27/1989 Correspondence letter filed by and on behalf of Rose & John Ockenga, consumers, requesting EAS.
02/14/1989 Various signatures of consumers, in favor of the EAS and listing of consumers who would like to testify in this matter filed by R. Carlisle.
02/06/1989 Testimonyand attachments 1 thru 5 of Arthur Huggler filed A. Gillman on behalf of respondent.
02/06/1989 Testimony and attachments of David E. Kasmenn filed by A. Gillman on behalf of GTE North Incorporated.
02/06/1989 Proof of Publication filed (Lorain)
02/06/1989 Proof of Publication filed (Erie)
02/02/1989 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Huron)
01/31/1989 Information response of GTE North filed by A. Gillman.
12/21/1988 Legal notices sent to The Journal (Lorain), Sandusky Register (Erie) and the Norwalk Reflector (Huron).
12/05/1988 Entry ordering the respondent provide the information as requested within sixty days of the date of this Entry to the Commission and to the spokesperson for the complainant; Scheduling a local public hearing to be held on 2/13/89, at 10:00 a.m., at the Grange Hall, corner of Abbot Street and Pleasant Street, Wakeman, Ohio (AE)
10/20/1988 Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of PUCO staff, to; Paul E. Pfeifer/Ohio State Senator, RE: EAS.
10/06/1988 Motion filed by J. Stewart on behalf of GTE North Incorp- orated.
10/06/1988 Answer filed on behalf of GTE North Incorporated, filed by A. Gillman.
10/06/1988 Information Respoonse on behalf of GTE North Incorporated filed by A. Gilman.
09/09/1988 Entry ordering respondent to file its written answer and information as required to this Commission and to the spokesperson for the complainants within 30 days of the date of this Entry. (AE)
09/08/1988 Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Ms. Ann Spencer.
09/06/1988 Correspondence letter filed by B. Toney on behalf of Western Reserve Local Schools, requesting EAS.
08/26/1988 Correspondence letters filed by D. Greene on behalf of petitioners.
08/22/1988 Petition of the Wakeman Telephone Committee (Vs) GTE North Incorporated, RE: reqesting EAS from the 839 exchange to the 668 exchange of Norwalk.