DIS - Case Record for 88-0349-TP-PEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
03/09/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 6, filed on behalf of respondent by J. Ludenia.
03/08/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. l, which are effective 3/2/90 filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by L. Soeder.
03/07/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. l, filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by L. Soeder.
03/01/1990 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Ohio Bell, by A. Sedory.
02/09/1990 Tariff pages PUCO No. 1 filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by L. Soeder.
01/23/1990 Information response filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by A. Sedory.
01/03/1990 Entry granting Ohio Bell's motion for extension of time to provide its portion of the two-way, measured-rate EAS between the Alliance Exchange of Ohio Bell and the Damascus Exchange of United ; ordering Ohio Bell provide Commission with a revised in-service date within 20 days of approval of application for waiver to provide interLATA service between the Alliance and Damascus Exchanges; ordering Ohio Bell submit to Commission and to spokesperson for the complainants a copy of pending application for a LATA waiver within 20 days of this entry. (AE)
12/18/1989 Motion for extension of time to provide two-way measured EAS between the Damascus Exchange and the Alliance Exchanges filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by A. Sedory.
10/20/1989 Letter filed by J. Ludenia on behalf of United Telephone Company of Ohio, informing the Commission that the proposed implementation date is 2/17/90.
10/11/1989 Information Response of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company filed by A. Sedory.
06/20/1989 Opinion & Order denying request for two-way, nonoptional, flat-rate EAS, but granting that two-way measured-rate EAS be instituted.
08/04/1988 Trans., for hearing held on 7/19/88, (DF) Submitted Vol. I, 1-207 pages. Local Public Hearing, Damascus, Ohio
08/03/1988 Letter filed by M. E. Wasmire/on behalf of petitioners, with copy of signed petitions.
07/11/1988 Testimony of Andrew C. Hirsch filed by A. Sedory on behalf of Ohio Bell Telephone Company.
07/11/1988 Testimony of David L. Schiska filed by A. Sedory on behalf of Ohio Bell Telephone Company/
07/05/1988 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Stark)
07/05/1988 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Mahoning)
06/30/1988 Testimony of Charles A. Bell filed on behalf of United Telephone by J. Rozic.
06/30/1988 Testimony of Dennis R. McNary filed on behalf of United Telephone by J. Rozic.
06/30/1988 Proof of Publication filed (Columbiana)
06/30/1988 Information response of Ohio Bell filed by A. Sedory.
06/06/1988 Legal notice sent to the Evening Review (Columbiana County), Youngstown Vindicator (Mahoning County) and the Canton Repository (Stark County).
05/05/1988 Entry scheduling hearing to be held on 7/19/88, at 10:00 a.m., at the West Branch Junior High School Cafeteria, Route 534, Damascus, Ohio 44619; Ordering respondents provide the information as required to this Commission and to the spokesperson for the complainants within sixty days of the date of this Entry. (AE)
04/21/1988 Information Response filed by A. Sedory on behalf of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company.
04/21/1988 Answer of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company filed by A. Sedory
04/20/1988 Information response of United Telephone Company of Ohio, filed by J. Rozic.
04/20/1988 Answer of United Telephone Company of Ohio, filed by J. Rozic.
03/22/1988 Correspondence letter filed by and on behalf of M. Wasmire, Jr.
03/22/1988 Entry ordering respondent shall file written answer and information as required in this Entry to the Commission and the spokesperson for the complainants within thirty days of the date of this Entry. (AE)
03/07/1988 Petition of Merle E. Wasmire, Jr., and Subscribers (Vs) United Telephone Company of Ohio, requesting EAS from Damascus, Ohio exchange 537 to the Alliance, Ohio exchange 821 and 823.