DIS - Case Record for 88-0136-TP-PEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
06/28/1989 Opinion & Order denying petition for EAS.
04/27/1989 Letter filed by D. Applegate, U.S. Congressman on behalf of petitioners, requesting EAS.
09/06/1988 Trans., for hearing held on 8/23/88, (CP) Submitted/Mingo Junction, Ohio Vol. I, 1-112 pages.
08/16/1988 Testimony and attachments of Kim O. Mazzon, witness for GTE North Incorporated, filed by B. Kazee.
08/16/1988 Testimony of Judith M. Rose on behalf of Western Reserve Telephone Company filed by T. Lodge.
08/12/1988 Testimony of David L. Schiska filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by A. Sedory.
06/14/1988 Proof of Publication filed (Carroll)
06/14/1988 Entry granting GTE's motion for continuance and reschedul- ing hearing to be held on 8/23/88, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission. (AE)
06/09/1988 Letter filed by B. Kazee on behalf of GTE North Incorporated Relative to the hearing being rescheduled to 8/23/88, with both parties agreeing.
06/06/1988 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Harrison)
06/01/1988 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Jefferson)
05/24/1988 Motion for extension of time filed on behalf of GTE North by B. Kazee.
04/20/1988 Legal notices sent to the Free Press Standard (Carroll County), Harrison News Herald (Harrison County) and Steuben- ville Herald (Jefferson County).
04/18/1988 Entry scheduling hearing to be held on 6/28/88, at 10:00 a.m., at the Mingo Junction City Building (Auditorium), 501 Commercial Street, Mingo Junction, Ohio 43938 (AE)
03/17/1988 Information response of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company filed by A. Sedory.
03/17/1988 Answer of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company filed by A. Sedory
03/17/1988 Answer of GTE North Incorporated filed by B. Kazee.
03/17/1988 Answer and Information Response of The Western Reserve Telephone company filed by T. Lodge.
02/16/1988 Entry ordering the respondents shall file their written answers or other pleadings with this Commission and the Mayor of the City of Mingo Junction within thirty days of the date of this Entry; Ordering that the respondents shall provide the information required by this Entry to this Commission and to the Mayor of the City of Mingo Junction within thirty days of the date of this Entry. (AE)
02/11/1988 Letter filed by J. Corrigan, Jr. Mayor, on behalf of the City of Mingo Junction, Ohio, RE: regarding petition to change to Ohio exchanges only, signed by the members of City Council and Mayor.
01/26/1988 Petition of the City of Mingo Junction, Ohio (Vs) The Ohio Bell Telephone Company, Relative to rquesting EAS for the subscribers from 614-535 exchange to the exchanges 614-944- 723-748-797-537-527 and 765.