DIS - Case Record for 88-0104-EL-EFC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
12/30/1988 Tariff sheet, PUCO No. 10, filed by K. Norris on behalf of applicant.
12/29/1988 Letter filed by B. Cohen on behalf of OCC, RE: to the filing of Reply Memorandum.
12/28/1988 Opinion & Order ordering that the EFC rate to be charged by Ohio Edison during the next current period beginning 1/1/89 be 1/2655 KWH. Also that Ohio Edison Company file its EFC tariff rider no later than December 31, 19888 to be- come effective with the first billing cycle of 1/89.
12/06/1988 Letter filed by B. Cohen on behalf of OCC, RE: OCC's motion to strike portions of the reply brief and confidential reply brief.
11/18/1988 Reply brief filed by W. Wright on behalf of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
11/18/1988 Reply brief of Ohio Edison Company by L Vespoli.
11/18/1988 Reply Brief of The Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed B. Cohen.
11/10/1988 Initial Post-Hearing Brief submitted by the PUCO staff, filed by Wm. Wright and T. Nader.
11/10/1988 Brief of The Office of The Consumers' Counsel filed by P. Porter.
11/10/1988 Brief of Ohio Edison Company filed by L. Vespoli.
11/02/1988 Letter filed by B. Cohen on behalf of OCC, informing the Commission of their address change,
10/21/1988 Trans., for hearing held on 10/17/88, Con't. Vol. I, 1-5 pages. Local Public Hearing/Akron, Ohio
10/20/1988 Correction to page 11 of the Financial Audit performed by Deloitte, Haskins and Sells filed by T. Nader on behalf of the PUCO staff.
10/20/1988 Trans., for hearing held on 10/18/88, (KS) Submitted Vol. I, 1-233 pages.
10/17/1988 Request for protective order filed by L. Vespoli on behalf of applicant.
10/11/1988 Notice of Change in Trial Attorney filed by L. Vespoli on behalf of applicant.
10/03/1988 Testimony of following, filed M. Beiting on behalf of applicant. 1). Kevin L. Norris 2). Arthur R. Garfield 3). Daniel V. Stein 4). John R. Woodside 5). Robert N. Stoller 6). William R. Forsyth
09/28/1988 Entry granting the city of Akron intervention. (AE)
09/19/1988 Report on financial audit of the Electric Fuel Component by Deloitte Haskins & Sells on behalf of applicant.
09/19/1988 Report of The Management/Performance Audit on behalf of applicant by Energy Ventures Analysis, Inc.
09/16/1988 30 day filing requirements of Ohio Edison Company, informa- tion rquired for Hearing (Exhibit 2A and 2B) and Ohio Coal Research & Development information (Exhibit 3A, 3B, and 3C) filed by K. Norris.
09/16/1988 Report on financial audit of the Electric Fuel Component by Deloitte Haskins & Sells on behalf of applicant.
09/12/1988 Motion to Intervene by the City of Akron, filed by R. Fanelly.
09/01/1988 Annual summary report of fuel procurement practices and operting procedures filed on behalf of the applicant by K. Norris.
08/31/1988 Entry granting OCC motion to Intervene. (AE)
08/16/1988 Motion to Intervene filed by B. Cohen on behalf of OCC.
06/21/1988 Entry nunc pro tunc modifying Entry of June 14, 1988.
06/14/1988 Entry ordering that a management/performance audit of the electric utility fuel procurement policies and practices of Ohio regulated electric light companies be conducted pursuant to the findings of this Entry.
03/08/1988 Entry scheduling hearing to be held on 10/17/88, at 1:30 p.m at Ocasek Government Office Building 1st Floor Auditorium 161 S. High Street, Akron, Ohio and ordering company follow directives in the Entry.
01/21/1988 In the Matter of the Regulation of the Electric Fuel Component contained within the Rate Schedules of the Ohio Edison Company and Related Matters.