Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
05/08/1990 | Entry accepting Mr. Meinerding's late-filed information as timely filed; dismissing case no. 87-790-WW-CSS and initiating case no. 90-732-WW-ATA; ordering Mr. Meinering's filings of 7/11/89, 4/9/90 and 8/1/89 and complainant's filing of 7/25/89 be filed in 90-732-WW-ATA; ordering the complainant's in 87-790-WW-CSS be made intervenors in 90-732-WW-ATA; and scheduling a prehearing conference on Tuesday 5/29/90 at l0:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission. | 0 |
04/09/1990 | Amendments to original filing filed on behalf of respondent by T. McCue. | 0 |
03/20/1990 | Copy of letter dated 3/19/90 sent to respondent regarding 4/9/90 deadline for filing amendment, filed on behalf of the PUCO Staff by S. Daly. | 0 |
03/08/1990 | Letter sent to Wesley C. Meinerding from Sue Daly, PUCO Staff, requesting respondent file an amended filing. | 0 |
03/02/1990 | Finalized plan filed on behalf of respondent by W. Meinerding. | 0 |
08/01/1989 | Letter filed by T. McCue on behalf of respondent, informing the Commission that the respondent does not request a hear- ing on the materials submitted pursuant to the Commission's opinion dated 5/16/89. | 0 |
07/25/1989 | Letter filed on behalf of complainants, informing the Commission that Jack Williams will no longer be acting as agent for the complainants, the position will be filled by S. Modich. | 0 |
07/11/1989 | Motion for extension of time to file response filed on behalf of the respondent by T. McCue. | 0 |
07/11/1989 | Respondent's compliance with Order dated May 16, 1989 filed by R. McCue. | 0 |
05/16/1989 | Opinion & Order, ordering Meinerding submit his water system operations to the jurisdiction of this Commission; continue to provide water service until transfer or abandon- ment take place; file requested information by 7/7/89. | 0 |
02/05/1988 | Trans., for hearing held on 1/20/88, (CP) Submitted Vol. I, 1-70 pages. | 0 |
02/03/1988 | Respondent's Exhibit 4, filed by T. McCue. | 0 |
12/14/1987 | Trans., for hearing held on 12/3/87, (CP) Con't. Vol. I, 1-3 pages. | 0 |
12/11/1987 | Proof of Publication filed. (County/Carroll) | 0 |
12/08/1987 | Entry granting complainants' request for continuance and rescheduling hearing for Wednesday, January 20, 1988, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission. | 0 |