DIS - Case Record for 87-0790-WW-CSS Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: WW-WATER WORKS
Purpose Code: CSS-Complaint on service or safety
Date Opened: 5/22/1987
Date Closed: 5/8/1990
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Date FiledSummaryPages
05/08/1990Entry accepting Mr. Meinerding's late-filed information as timely filed; dismissing case no. 87-790-WW-CSS and initiating case no. 90-732-WW-ATA; ordering Mr. Meinering's filings of 7/11/89, 4/9/90 and 8/1/89 and complainant's filing of 7/25/89 be filed in 90-732-WW-ATA; ordering the complainant's in 87-790-WW-CSS be made intervenors in 90-732-WW-ATA; and scheduling a prehearing conference on Tuesday 5/29/90 at l0:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission.0
04/09/1990Amendments to original filing filed on behalf of respondent by T. McCue.0
03/20/1990Copy of letter dated 3/19/90 sent to respondent regarding 4/9/90 deadline for filing amendment, filed on behalf of the PUCO Staff by S. Daly.0
03/08/1990Letter sent to Wesley C. Meinerding from Sue Daly, PUCO Staff, requesting respondent file an amended filing.0
03/02/1990Finalized plan filed on behalf of respondent by W. Meinerding.0
08/01/1989Letter filed by T. McCue on behalf of respondent, informing the Commission that the respondent does not request a hear- ing on the materials submitted pursuant to the Commission's opinion dated 5/16/89.0
07/25/1989Letter filed on behalf of complainants, informing the Commission that Jack Williams will no longer be acting as agent for the complainants, the position will be filled by S. Modich.0
07/11/1989Motion for extension of time to file response filed on behalf of the respondent by T. McCue.0
07/11/1989Respondent's compliance with Order dated May 16, 1989 filed by R. McCue.0
05/16/1989Opinion & Order, ordering Meinerding submit his water system operations to the jurisdiction of this Commission; continue to provide water service until transfer or abandon- ment take place; file requested information by 7/7/89.0
02/05/1988Trans., for hearing held on 1/20/88, (CP) Submitted Vol. I, 1-70 pages.0
02/03/1988Respondent's Exhibit 4, filed by T. McCue.0
12/14/1987Trans., for hearing held on 12/3/87, (CP) Con't. Vol. I, 1-3 pages.0
12/11/1987Proof of Publication filed. (County/Carroll)0
12/08/1987Entry granting complainants' request for continuance and rescheduling hearing for Wednesday, January 20, 1988, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission.0
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