DIS - Case Record for 87-0101-EL-EFC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/06/1988 Entry denying application for rehearing filed by Industrial Energy Consumers' and Office of the Consumers' Counsel.
06/30/1988 Industrial Energy Consumers Reply to Ohio Power Company's Response filed by T. Battaglia and S. Randazzo.
06/24/1988 Response of Ohio Power Company to application for rehearing filed by M. Resnik.
06/16/1988 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of IEC by T. Battaglia and S. Randazzo.
06/16/1988 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of OCC by B. Cohen
05/17/1988 Opinion & Order granting application for rehearing and rescinding Commission's Order to disallow recovery of 5% of the cost of coal from the Meigs and Martinka mines.
04/25/1988 Reply Brief of staff, PUCO, filed by R. McNamee.
04/25/1988 Reply Brief of Ohio Power Company filed by M. Resnik and R. Cohen.
04/25/1988 Reply Brief of The Industrial Energy Consumers, filed by T. Battaglia and S. Randazzo.
04/25/1988 Reply Brief of The Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by B. Cohen.
04/13/1988 Post Hearing Brief of The Staff of The PUCO, filed by T. McNamee.
04/13/1988 Initial brief of Ohio Power filed by M. Resnik and R.Cohen.
04/13/1988 Industrial Energy's Consumers' post hearing brief filed by T. Battaglia and S. Randazzo.
04/13/1988 Brief of OCC filed by B. Cohen.
04/06/1988 Corrections to transcript Vol. II, filed by M. Resnik on behalf of applicant.
04/06/1988 Corrections to transcripts, Vol. II and III, filed by M. Resnik on behalf of applicant.
03/18/1988 Testimony of Duane A. Davis on behalf of the PUCO staff.
03/04/1988 Testimony of J. David Wright on behalf of Ohio Power Company
03/04/1988 Testimony of Gerald P. Maloney on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
03/04/1988 Testimony of Paul W. Daley on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
03/04/1988 Testimony of Paul E. Batchelder on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
01/07/1988 Notice of withdrawal of counsel and designation of new trial attorney filed by L. Barth on behalf of OCC.
12/29/1987 Entry granting Ohio Power's application for rehearing as discussed in this Entry.
12/17/1987 Memorandum contra application for rehearing filed by L. Barth on behalf of applicant.
12/14/1987 Request for extension of time to file memorandum contra, filed by L. Barth on behalf of applicant.
12/14/1987 Memorandum of Armco, Inc., Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corpora- tion and Sohio Oil Company Contra Application for Rehearing as filed by Ohio Power Company filed by T. Battaglia and S. Randazzo.
12/02/1987 Application for Rehearing filed by R. Cohen and M. Resnik on behalf of applicant.
12/01/1987 Tariff sheet, PUCO No. 15, filed by R. J. Pelger on behalf of applicant.
11/27/1987 New reconciliation adjustment and new EFC rate and work papers filed by P. E. Batchelder on behalf applicant.
11/03/1987 Opinion & Order closing case.
10/28/1987 Reply brief of the Staff of the PUCO.
10/28/1987 Reply brief of Ohio Power Company filed by M. Resnik and R. Cohen.
10/28/1987 Reply brief of Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation, Sohio Oil Company and Armco, Inc. by T. Battaglia and S.Randazzo.
10/28/1987 Reply Brief of OCC filed by L. Barth.
10/13/1987 Post-Hearing Brief of the OCC, submitted by L. Barth.
10/13/1987 Post-Hearing Brief of Armco, Inc., Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation and Sohio Oil Company filed by T. Battaglia and S. Randazzo.
10/13/1987 Initial Brief of Ohio Power Company filed by M. Resnix and R. Cohen.
09/30/1987 Post-Hearing Brief of the PUCO staff, filed by K. O'Brien.
09/30/1987 Late-Filed Ohio Power Company Exhibit 10, which reflects the recalculation of the RA component of the EFC and the EFC itself and Exhibit No. 1(a) proofs of publications filed by M. Resnik.
09/24/1987 Proposed transcript corrections to transcript page II-222, line 22, filed by M. Resnik on behalf of American Electric Power Company.
09/23/1987 Trans., for hearing held on 9/8/87, (KS) Con't., Vol. I, 1-7 pages.
09/21/1987 Composite Index filed.
09/15/1987 Trans., for hearing held on 9/11/87, (CM) Submitted Vol. III 1-209 pages.
09/15/1987 Trans., for hearing held on 9/10/87, (CM) Con't. Vol. II, 1-230 pages.
09/15/1987 Trans., for hearing held on 9/9/87, (CM) Con't. Vol. I, 1-146 pages.
08/25/1987 Testimony of J. David Wright on behalf of Ohio Power Company
08/25/1987 Testimony of Paul E. Batchelder on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
08/25/1987 Testimony of Paul W. Daley on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
08/19/1987 Responses of The Office of the Consumers' Counsel to first request for production of documents and first set of interrogatories submitted by Ohio Power Company, filed by L. Barth.
08/07/1987 Audit report of the Ohio Power Company by Ernst & Whinney filed by R. Pelger.
08/07/1987 Audit report filed on behalf of Ohio Power by Arthur D. Little,Inc. by G. Wattley.
08/07/1987 Company exhibits filed on behalf of the Ohio Power Company.
07/31/1987 Entry granting Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation, The Standard Oil Company, and Armco, Inc. intervention. (AE)
07/23/1987 Summary fuel adjustment report filed on behalf of the applicant for June 1, 1986 to May 31, 1987.
07/22/1987 Motion of Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation, The Standard Oil Company and Armco, Inc. to intervene and memorandum in support filed by T. Battaglia and S. Randazzo.
05/06/1987 Entry ordering a Management/Performance Audit of the Elec- tric Utility Fuel Procurement Policies and Practices of Ohio Regulated Electric Light Companies be conducted in accor- dance with provisions od RFP U87 EFC 1 pursuant to the Findings of this Entry: Ordering that the costs of the audits be paid by the Companies.
05/04/1987 Entry granting OCC intervention. (AE)
04/23/1987 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by L. Barth on behalf of OCC.
02/03/1987 Entry scheduling hearing for Monday, September 8, 1987 at 1:30 pm at City Council Chambers, 218 Cleveland Ave., SW, Canton, Ohio 44702.
01/16/1987 In the matter of the regulation of the Electric Fuel Component contained within the rate schedules of Ohio Power Company and related matters.