DIS - Case Record for 86-2073-AU-ORD Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
04/17/1991 Memo stating Chapter 4901-7 OAC is being filed today to be effective May 15, 1991.
02/14/1991 Opinion & Order approving the revisions to the Standard Filing Requirements, attached to this order.
03/02/1987 Notice of Substitution of Counsel filed by M. Gribler on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.
02/25/1987 Supplemental Comments of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company by C. Smith.
02/24/1987 Certificate of Service filed by C. Smith on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
02/20/1987 Comments of Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric Company by W. Forrester.
02/20/1987 Additional Comments of Columbia Gas of Ohio,Inc. by S.Seiple
02/20/1987 Supplemental Comments of Ohio Edison Company by M. Beiting.
02/20/1987 Additional Comments of Ohio American Water Company filed by S. Bloomfield.
02/20/1987 Comments of The Local Governments Utility Coalition filed by J. Migden.
02/20/1987 Comments of General Telephone Company of Ohio, filed by B. Kazee.
02/20/1987 Comments of Ohio Power Company filed by R. J. Pelger.
02/20/1987 Supplemental Comments of The East Ohio Gas Company, The River Gas Company and West Ohio Gas Company filed by P. Ruxin.
02/20/1987 Motion for Extension of Time and Memorandum in Support, filed by C. Smith on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
02/20/1987 Comments of Monongahela Power Company filed by D. Williams.
02/20/1987 Comments of United Telephone Company of Ohio, filed by E. D'Amato.
02/20/1987 Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company's additional comments regarding proposed standard filing requirements filed by G. Garfield.
02/06/1987 Entry affording interested parties an additional opportunity to file written comments regarding the areas set forth in Finding No. 2 on or before 2/20/87. (AE)
01/22/1987 Comoments filed by L. Ficken, on behalf of CEI.
01/21/1987 Written Comments of Central Telephone Company of Ohio, filed by S. Anderson.
01/21/1987 Comments of Ohio Edison Company filed by M. Beiting.
01/21/1987 Comments of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company filed by D. Marshall.
01/21/1987 Letter filed by D. Pemberton on behalf of Ohio Gas Associa- tion, informing the Commission that company will not be filing comments in this matter.
01/21/1987 Comments of The East Ohio Gas Company, The River Gas Company and West Ohio Gas Company filed by C. Kennedy.
01/21/1987 Comments of The Montgomery County Utility Coalition filed by J. Migden.
01/21/1987 Comments of Columbus & Southern Ohio Electric Company filed by Wm. Forrester.
01/21/1987 Comments of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company filed by Wm. Hunt.
01/21/1987 Comments of OCC filed by G. J. Van Heyde.
01/21/1987 Comoments of General Telephone Co. of Ohio filed by B. Kazee
01/21/1987 Comments of Dayton Power & Light Co. filed by E. Rizer.
01/21/1987 Comments of The Ohio Telephone Association filed by J. R. Prohaska.
01/21/1987 Comments of Cincinnati Bell Co. filed by M. Longnecker, Jr.
01/21/1987 Comments of AT&T Communications of Ohio, INc. filed by D.Pines.
01/21/1987 Comoments of Chillicothe Telephone Co. filed by F. Dunbar, III.
01/21/1987 Comments of Columbia Gas of Ohio,Inc. filed by S. Seiple.
01/20/1987 Comments of United Telephone Company of Ohio, Inc., filed by E. DiAmato.
01/20/1987 Comments of Ohio Power Company filed by R. J. Pelger.
12/24/1986 Entry ordering that interested parties shall have until January 21, 1987, to file written comments concerning the proposed changes to the standard filing requirements. The conference scheduled for January 5, 1987 is re- scheduled to February 4, 1987.
12/22/1986 Comments of Monongahela Power Company filed by D. Williams.
12/22/1986 Comments of Youngstown Thermal Corporation filed by S. Taft.
12/22/1986 Comments of Ohio Water Service Company filed by F. Dunbar, III.
12/22/1986 Comments of Ohio-American Water Company filed by S. Bloom- field.
12/16/1986 Entry granting interested parties until 1/21/87 to file written comments and rescheduling conference to 2/4/87.
12/15/1986 Motion of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company for extension of time within which to file comments filed by M. Longenecker, Jr.
12/12/1986 Motion for continuance and memorandum in support filed by T. Croskey on behalf of Columbus & Southern Ohio Electric Company and R. Cohen on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
12/12/1986 Motion for extension of time and alteration of procedure filed by D. Pemberton on behalf of Ohio Gas Association.
12/11/1986 Motion of The Ohio Telephone Association for an extension of time within which to file comments and for an expedited ruling, filed by J. Prohaska.
12/05/1986 Motion to Intervene filed on behalf of OCC by G. Van Heyde.
12/05/1986 Motion of the East Ohio Gas Company and the River Gas Company for and Extention of time within which to file Comments filed by C. Kennedy.
12/05/1986 Motion for an Extention of Time filed on behalf of OCC by J. Van Heyde.
12/02/1986 Entry inviting all interested parties be afforded an opportunity to file written comments concerning the proposed changes in the Standard Filing Requirements on or before Monday, 12/22/86, scheduling a conference to be held on Monday, January 5, 1987, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission.
10/28/1986 In the Matter of the Amendment of Appendix to Chapter 4901-7-01 of the Ohio Administrative Code.