DIS - Case Record for 86-0542-EL-AIR Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
10/14/1986 Entry granting motion to withdraw application.
10/07/1986 Notice of withdrawal filed by F. Lange, Jr., on behalf of applicant.
10/06/1986 Copy of letter, Toledo Edison's responses to OCC's production of document requests, filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.
10/03/1986 Copy of letter; Toledo Edison's responses to OCC's interrogatories and production of document requests, filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.
10/03/1986 Copy of Letter; Toledo Edison's responses to the PUCO 's interrogatories filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.
09/26/1986 Copy of letter of Toledo Edison's responses to OCC;s interrogatories and production of document requests filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.
09/17/1986 Copy of letter of Toledo Edison's responses to the inter- rogatories of the PUCO staff filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.
09/07/1986 Copy of letter to Toledo Edison's responses to OCC's interrogatories and production of document requests filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.
08/05/1986 Copy of letter, Relative to Toledo Edison's responses to OCC's interrogatories and production of document requests; filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.
08/04/1986 Entry granting Industrial Energy Consumers intervention.
07/22/1986 Toledo Edison's responses to OCC's interrogatories and production of document requests, filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.
07/16/1986 Petition of The Industrial Energy Consumers for Leave to Intervene filed by L. Bell.
07/13/1986 Toledo Edison's responses to OCC's interrogatories and production of document requests filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.
07/06/1986 Exhibit No. 4, Schedule E-3.2, Cost of Service Analysis, including related workpapers and testimony filed by Wm. Hupenbecker on behalf of applicant.
07/06/1986 Exhibit 3; Two month update filing containing Schedules A, B,C,D,E and F filed by W. Hupenbecker on behalf of applicant
07/06/1986 Exhibit No. 5, (Vols. I & II) Two month update filing of Schedule S-4, outlining Toledo Edison's Management Policies, Practices and Procedures filed by Wm. Hupenbecker on behalf of applicant.
07/06/1986 Exhibit No. 6, Two Month Update Testimony to discuss material differences between the Company's original and two month update filings; (R. Crouse, P. Solanics, C. Zitman, Wm. Kinde,R. Kubacki, R. Van Allen and Wm. Hupenbecker) filed by Wm. Hupenbecker on behalf of applicant.
07/01/1986 Entry accepting rate application for filing as of 5/5/86.
06/12/1986 Entry granting city of Toledo intervention.
05/29/1986 Letter filed by W. Hupenbecker on behalf of the applicant, Relative to a correction to testimony.
05/18/1986 Exhibit 2, testimony of R. P. Crouse, P.A. Solanice, E.H. Maugans, F.E. Jeffries, R.L. McCormick, R.D. Kabuacki, J.B. Molnar. R.R Van Allan and W.E. Huepenbecker filed on behalf of the Toledo Edison Company.
05/18/1986 City of Toledo's Petition to Intervene filed by K. Guy.
05/13/1986 Entry granting OCC leave to intervene.
05/04/1986 Application filed by Wm. Hupenbecker, on behalf of the applicant.
05/04/1986 Exhibit 1, to the rate application filed by applicant, with Sections A, B, C, D, E, F, and S.
04/28/1986 Entry setting test period to begin on 2-1-86 and ending 1-31-87 and that the date certain shall be 5-1-86, granting applicant's request for waiver on the standard filing re- quirements.
04/21/1986 Motion to Intervene filed by J. Pepper, on behalf of the Office of the Consumers' Counsel.
04/02/1986 Notice of Intent of The Toledo Edison Company to file an Application for an Increase in Rates for Electric Service.
04/02/1986 Motion for waiver of certain of the standard filing require- ments of Rule No. 4901-7-01 of the Commissions's code of rules and regulations filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of the applicant.