Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
01/09/1987 | Letter filed by R. Ziegler on behalf of applicant, Relative to the company declining the opportunity to file an amended experiment at this time. | 0 |
08/04/1986 | Entry granting rehearing to the extent provided in the Entry. | 0 |
07/17/1986 | Memorandum in Response to application for rehearing filed by D. Bergmann on behalf of OCC. | 0 |
07/14/1986 | Application for Rehearing filed by A. Korkosz on behalf of applicant. | 0 |
06/16/1986 | Ordered that the application of CEI for approval of Rider No. 8, Experimental Residential Summer Use applicable to its Residential Schedule for Service under Puco No. 12 is Denied. | 0 |
06/09/1986 | Trans., for hearing held 5-23-86, (CM) Submitted 1-47 pages Vol. I.(Oral arguments) | 0 |
05/19/1986 | Trans., for hearing held 5-16-86, (CM) con't. 1-93 pages Vol. I. | 0 |
05/11/1986 | Testimony of Glenn L. Prokesh on behalf of the applicant, filed by C. Smith. | 0 |
05/11/1986 | Proof of Publication filed. (County/Cuyahoga) | 0 |
05/11/1986 | Testimony of William R. Ridman on behalf of the applicant, filed by C. Smith. | 0 |
05/08/1986 | Entry granting OCC intervention. | 0 |
05/06/1986 | Motion to intervene filed on behalf of OCC by D. Bergmann. | 0 |
04/28/1986 | Legal notice sent to the Plain Dealer (Cuyahoga County). | 0 |
04/24/1986 | Entry scheduling hearing for May 16, 1986 at 10:00 A.M. at the offices of the Commission. | 0 |
03/18/1986 | Application of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company for approval of Rider No. 8, Experimental Residential Summer use applicable to its residential schedule for service under PUCO No. 12. | 0 |