Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
02/24/1987 | Tariffs, PUCO No. 12 filed on behalf of applicant. | 0 |
02/17/1987 | Opinion & Order closing case. | 0 |
02/03/1987 | Transcript for hearing helf on December 17, 1986, Vol II, (SD) 163 pages, Submitted. | 0 |
01/23/1987 | Reply Brief of CEI filed by J. Woodring. | 0 |
01/23/1987 | Reply brief submitted on behalf of the staff of PUCO by J. Gainer and C. Lease. | 0 |
01/23/1987 | Reply brief of OCC filed by L. Barth. | 0 |
01/16/1987 | Initial Post Hearing Brief of OCC by L. Barth. | 0 |
01/16/1987 | Initial Post-Hearing Brief of the Staff of the PUCO. | 0 |
01/16/1987 | Post-Hearing Brief of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company. | 0 |
01/13/1987 | Letter advising that the wrong case number was on the caption of OCC's Motion for Extention of Time to file Initial Brief and Request for an Expedited Ruling filed January 12, 1987 by M. McCord. | 0 |
01/12/1987 | Motion for extention of time to file initial brief and request for expedited fuling filed on behalf of OCC by M. McCord. | 0 |
12/22/1986 | Trans., for hearing held 12/15/86, (SD) Con't, Local Public Hearing/Cleveland, Ohio Vol. I, 1-5 pages. | 0 |
12/17/1986 | Trans., for hearing held 12/16/86, (SD) Con't. Vol. I, 1-218 pages. | 0 |
12/15/1986 | Updated ER forms 15-S, 16-S, and 18-S to incorporate the information which was provided on the testimony of M. Vanadia, filed by M. Vanadia on behalf of applicant. | 0 |
12/11/1986 | Supplemental Testimony of Mark S. Erlitz on behalf of applicant. | 0 |
12/08/1986 | Direct Testimony of Mark S. Erlitz filed on behalf of OCC by L. Barth. | 0 |
12/01/1986 | Testimony of J.T. Stolarski filed on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company. | 0 |
12/01/1986 | Testimony of W. H. Brewer filed on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company. | 0 |
12/01/1986 | Testimony of M. Vanadia filed on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company. | 0 |
12/01/1986 | Testimony of R.A. Soucie filed on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company. | 0 |
12/01/1986 | Testimony of T. J. Krayank filed by Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company. | 0 |
11/14/1986 | Management/Performance Audit by Schumaker & Company on behalf of applicant. | 0 |
11/14/1986 | Annual Audit of the Financial Procedural Aspects of the Electric Fuel Component for the Year ended August 31, 1986 by Arthur Andersen & Co, filed by M. Gagel. | 0 |
11/14/1986 | Thirty day filing on behalf of applicant. | 0 |
11/14/1986 | Management/Performance Audit by Stone & Webster Consultants, Inc. | 0 |
10/31/1986 | Annual ER form filed on behalf of applicant. | 0 |
09/14/1986 | Entry granting OCC intervention. | 0 |
09/09/1986 | Entry ordering Stone and Webster Segment II not be considered in the instant proceeding. | 0 |
09/09/1986 | Motion to Intervene filed by L. Barth on behalf of OCC. | 0 |
08/21/1986 | Stone & Webster Report-Segment II, August 1986, filed on behalf of the PUCO. | 0 |
07/21/1986 | Entry ordering Stone & Webster file Segment II of the Feasibility Investigation for staff review on August 1, 1986 and the final report on August 22, 1986. | 0 |
04/21/1986 | Entry ordering a Managemebnt/Performance Audit be conducted in accordance with provisions of RFP U86 EFC 1, ordering the costs of the audit shall be paid by the company. | 0 |
01/12/1986 | Entry scheduling hearing on Monday, Dec. 15, 1986 at 1:30 p.m. at the Frank J. Lausche, State Office Building, 2nd Fl. Auditorium, 615 West Superior Ave., 6th & Superior, Cleve- land, Ohio 44113. | 0 |
12/08/1985 | Entry ordering Segment II of Feasibility Investigation to proceed and Stone & Webster Management Consultants perform the investigation. | 0 |