DIS - Case Record for 85-0995-TP-AIR Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
12/30/1986 Entry denying OCC's application for rehearing.
12/12/1986 Application for Rehearing filed by E. Robinson on behalf of OCC.
11/25/1986 Final Tariffs filed on behalf of applicant.
11/25/1986 Entry granting applicant's application for rehearing and approving tariffs for filing.
11/21/1986 Revised Tariff sheets filed on behalf of the Chillicothe Telephone Company.
11/19/1986 Revised Tariff sheets, schedule E4, E4.1, E4.2 showing revised rates filed on behalf of applicant.
11/18/1986 Application for rehearing filed by F. Dunbar, III on behalf of applicant.
11/12/1986 Opinion and Order granting application.
10/17/1986 Memorandum Contra staff's Motion to Strike submitted by the Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by G. James van Heyde.
10/06/1986 Reply Brief of The Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by G. James Van Heyde.
10/06/1986 Reply Brief of The Ohio Cable Television Association filed by S. Howard.
10/06/1986 Applicant's Post Hearing Reply Brief filed by F. Dunbar, III
10/06/1986 Reply Brief of the PUCO staff filed by D. Luckey.
09/29/1986 Initial Post-Hearing Brief of the PUCO staff filed by D. Luckey.
09/29/1986 Applicant's post hearing brief filed by F. Dunbar, III.
09/29/1986 Initial Brief of The Ohio Cable Television Association filed by S. Howard.
09/29/1986 Post-Hearing Brief of The Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by E. Robinson.
09/23/1986 Trans., for hearing held 9/10/86 (WB) Submitted Vol. IV, 1-44 pages.
09/09/1986 Supplemental Testimony of Daniel R. Helmick on behalf of The Ohio Cable Television Association.
09/02/1986 Trans., for hearing held 8-19-86, (WB) Con't. Vol. III, 1- 105 pages.
09/02/1986 Trans., for hearing held 8-18-86, (WB) Con't. Vol. II, 1-18 pages.
09/02/1986 Entry continuing hearing until 9/10/86 at 9:30 a.m.
09/02/1986 Rebuttal Testimony of Thomas McKell on behalf of applicant.
09/02/1986 Rebuttal Testimony of Steven P. Burkhardt on behalf of applicant.
08/25/1986 Trans., for hearing held 8-13-86, (WB) Con't. Vol. I, 1-7 pages.
08/18/1986 Prepared Testimony of Victor P. Gallina on behalf of the PUCO staff.
08/14/1986 Testimony of Deborah A. Hensel on behalf of the PUCO staff.
08/13/1986 Trans., for hearing held 7/28/86 (WB) Submitted Local Public Hearing/Chillicothe, Ohio Vol. I, 1-54 pages.
08/13/1986 Preapred Testimony of Ronald A. Yerian on behalf of the PUCO staff.
08/08/1986 Request for admission to practice and memorandum in support of request for admission to practice filed by S. Howard.
08/01/1986 Direct testimony of Stuart G. McDaniel on behalf of applicant, filed by S. Howard.
07/18/1986 Objections to the staff report of investigation and state- ment of major issues, filed by G. James Van Heyde.
07/18/1986 Direct Testimony of Philip E. Miller on behalf of OCC.
07/18/1986 Objections of The Ohio Cable Television Association to the staff report of investigation filed by S. Howard.
07/18/1986 Testimony of James A. Montanye on behalf of OCC.
07/17/1986 Entry granting Ohio Cable Television Association until 8-1-86 to file its direct testimony.
07/14/1986 Request for an extension of time within which to file direct testimony and request for an expedited ruling, filed by S. Howard on behalf of Ohio Cable Television Association.
07/11/1986 Prepared Direct Testimony of Thomas McKell on behalf of applicant.
07/11/1986 Additional and Supplemental Direct Testimony of Jack L. Anthony on behalf of applicant.
07/11/1986 Applicant's objections to staff report filed by F. Dunbar, III.
07/10/1986 Entry ordering the form of the legal notice of the local public hearing be change to read as follows: The local public hearing will be held on Monday, July 28, 1986 at 5:30 p.m. at the Municipal Building, 35 South Paint Street, 1st Floor Conference Room, Chillicothe, Ohio 45601.
07/03/1986 Entry setting local public hearing to be held July 28, 1986 at 5:30 p.m. Municipal Building, 35 South Paint Street, 1st Floor Conference Room, Chillicothe Telephone Company, Chillicothe, Ohio 45601.
07/02/1986 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination (Frank C. Dunbar, III) filed by E. Robinson on behalf of OCC.
07/01/1986 Entry setting a pre-hearing conference for August 11, 1986 at 9:30 A.M. at the offices of the Commision, and setting hearing for August 13, 1986 at 9:30 A.M. at the offices of the Commission.
06/18/1986 Staff report filed
04/30/1986 Entry granting Ohio Cable Television Association inter- vention.
04/18/1986 Reply Memorandum of The Ohio Cable Television Association, filed by S. Howard,
04/14/1986 Memorandum Contra Ohio Cable Television Association's (OCTV) Motion to Intervene, filed by F. Dunbar, III, on behalf of the Chillicothe Telephone Company.
04/08/1986 Entry on rehearing denying OCC's application for rehearing.
04/07/1986 Motion to Intervene and request for an additional discussion issue, filed by C. Rawlings and C. Martaus, on behalf of the Ohio Cable Television Association.
03/18/1986 List of discussion issues submitted by The Chillicothe Telephone Company, filed by F. Dunbar, III.
03/18/1986 Issues to be discussed at March 25, 1986 conference filed on behalf of OCC by G. Van Heyde.
03/12/1986 Letter in Opposition to requested rate increase filed on behalf of WearEver-Proctor Silex by J. Slack.
03/12/1986 Rehearing filed on behalf of OCC by G.J. Van Heyde.
02/10/1986 Entry accepting case for filing as of 12-27-85, scheduling a settlemental conference for 3-25-86 at 9:30 A.M. at the PUCO and ordering applicant publish legal notice.
01/23/1986 Supplemental information filed by J. Thompson on behalf of applicant.
01/09/1986 Exhibits filed by J. Thompson.
01/09/1986 Exhibit materials appended to prepared direct testimony of Paul Garfield on the fair Rate of Return filed on behalf of applicant.
01/09/1986 Prepared direct testimony of Jack Anthony filed on behalf of applicant.
01/09/1986 Prepared direct testimony of Paul J. Garfield on the Fair Rate of Return filed on behalf of the applicant.
01/09/1986 Prepared direct testimony of Jack E. Thompson filed on behalf of the applicant.
12/26/1985 EXHIBIT A, B, C AND D FILED.
12/26/1985 Rate application filed, Exhibits A,B,C and D on behalf of Applicant.
11/17/1985 Resolution No. 4-85 of the Village of Frankfort filed by C. Hardy.
11/06/1985 Entry granting OCC motion to intervene.
10/17/1985 Motion to intervene filed on behalf of OCC by G. J. VanHeyde
08/27/1985 Entry setting test period to begin 2/1/85 and end 1/31/86 and date certain 7/31/85 and granting request for waivers.
08/01/1985 Request for waivers from certain provisions of the standard filing requirements filed on behalf of applicant by D. Gardiner.
07/30/1985 Notice of Intent of Chillicothe Telephone Co. to file an application for an increase in rates in its entire service area.