DIS - Case Record for 21-1055-EL-BGA Skip to main content
CASE DESCRIPTION: In the Matter of the Application of Firelands Wind, LLC to Amend/Modify its Certificate Issued in Case No. 18-1607-EL-BGN.
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/26/2024 Public Comment of Krista Beck.
08/12/2024 Public Comment of Deborah and Ken Weisenauer.
11/16/2023 Service Notice.
11/16/2023 Order on Certificate granting the application filed by Firelands Wind, LLC to amend its certificate for its Emerson Creek Wind Project to modify turbine locations, project area boundaries, access roads, and underground electric collection lines for the wind-powered electric generation facility in Erie and Huron Counties electronically filed by Debbie S. Ryan on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board.
08/25/2023 Service Notice. Staff Report.
08/25/2023 Staff Report of Investigation electronically filed by Mr. Matt Butler on behalf of Staff of OPSB.
08/21/2023 Response to Sixth Data Request from Staff of the Ohio Power Siting Board electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
08/07/2023 Response to Fifth Data Request from Staff of the Ohio Power Siting Board electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
07/26/2023 Response to Fourth Data Request from Staff of the Ohio Power Siting Board electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
07/26/2023 Notice - Second Supplement to Amendment filed on October 28, 2021 electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
06/16/2023 Response to Third Data Request from Staff of the Ohio Power Siting Board electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
06/02/2023 Response to Second Data Request from Staff of the Ohio Power Siting Board electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
05/23/2023 Response to First Data Request from Staff of the Ohio Power Siting Board electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
05/18/2023 Request for Service electronically filed by Mr. Jack A. Van Kley on behalf of Erie, Huron & Seneca County Residents.
03/20/2023 Application - Amendment Supplement - Part 9 of 9 (Attachment F – Programmatic Agreement) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
03/20/2023 Application - Amendment Supplement - Part 8 of 9 (Attachment E – Phase I Archaeological Survey – Fourth Addendum) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
03/20/2023 Application - Amendment Supplement - Part 7 of 9 (Attachment D – Phase I Archaeological Survey – Third Addendum) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
03/20/2023 Application - Amendment Supplement - Part 6 of 9 (Attachment C – Aquatic Resource Delineation Report Addendum) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
03/20/2023 Application - Amendment Supplement - Part 5 of 9 (Attachment B – Emerson Creek Wind Updated Noise Assessment) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
03/20/2023 Application - Amendment Supplement - Part 4 of 9 (Attachment A – Emerson Creek Wind Updated Shadow Flicker Analysis) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
03/20/2023 Application - Amendment Supplement - Part 3 of 9 (Figures 3-4) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
03/20/2023 Application - Amendment Supplement - Part 2 of 9 (Figures 1a – 2) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
03/20/2023 Application - Amendment Supplement - Part 1 of 9 (Narrative) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
05/31/2022 Public Comment of Michael Rankine, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
05/31/2022 Public Comment of Angela Schrader, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
05/26/2022 Public Comment of Debbie Moser, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
05/25/2022 Public Comment of Clifford Martin, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
05/25/2022 Public Comment of Dennis Skorvanek, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
05/24/2022 Public Comment of Lori Collins, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
05/24/2022 Public Comment of John Slone, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
05/16/2022 Public Comment of Jeanne Stewart, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
05/16/2022 Public Comment of Naomi Weber, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
05/16/2022 Public Comment of Jennifer Butler, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
05/16/2022 Public Comment of William Stuve, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
05/16/2022 Public Comment of Bart Ebinger, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
05/12/2022 Public Comment of Bob Lange, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
05/11/2022 Public Comment of Ann Boswell, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
05/11/2022 Public Comment of Lynn Newman, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
05/10/2022 Public Comment of Katherine Kemp, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
05/10/2022 Public Comment of Janice Tackett, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
05/06/2022 Public Comment of Bill Bennett, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
05/04/2022 Public Comment of Brenda Boggs, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
05/02/2022 Public Comment of Pamela Blair- Veliz, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/28/2022 Public Comment of Sandra Szabo, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/26/2022 Public Comment of Pamela Reid, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/26/2022 Public Comment of Linda Bischoff, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/25/2022 Public Comment of William Johnson, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/21/2022 Public Comment of Lisa Morabito, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff .
04/20/2022 Public Comment of Sandra Smith, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/20/2022 Public Comment of Marsha Smith, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/20/2022 Public Comment of Lynn Martin, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/18/2022 Public Comment of Yolande Dellinger, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/18/2022 Public Comment of Bonnie Gilland, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/14/2022 Public Comment Of Barbara Shook, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/13/2022 Public Comment of Susan Millhouse, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/13/2022 Public Comment of Larry Waaland, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/11/2022 Public Comment of Susan Kekelik, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/11/2022 Public Comment of Diane Swartzmiller, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/08/2022 Public Comment of Nancy Osborn, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/05/2022 Public Comment of Kathy Woodyard, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/04/2022 Public Comment of Tim Herron, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/04/2022 Public Comment of Junifer Reep, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/04/2022 Public Comment of Carolyn Richards, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/04/2022 Public Comment of Jim Lambert, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/01/2022 Public Comment of Klayton Valentine, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
04/01/2022 Public Comment of Douglas Adams, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
03/31/2022 Public Comment of Jacqueline Warren, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
02/23/2022 Public Comment of Dale Makay, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
02/22/2022 Public Comment of Darren Draper, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
02/22/2022 Public Comment of Bill Balduff, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
02/22/2022 Public comment of Tad Swan, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
02/22/2022 Public Comment of Dave Howard, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
02/16/2022 Public Comment of Barbara Cicalese, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
02/16/2022 Public Comment of Charles Herndon, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
02/15/2022 Public Comment of Marilyn Dillon, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
02/14/2022 Public Comment of Larry Moore, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
02/14/2022 Public Comment of Bob Risdon, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
02/14/2022 Public Comment of Larry Moore, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
02/14/2022 Public Comment of Bob Risdon, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
02/14/2022 Public Comment of Tyler Savage, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
02/14/2022 Public Comment of Vicki Macina, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
02/14/2022 Public Comment of Chuck Stefaniak, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
02/11/2022 Public Comment of Steve Andres, via website, electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
12/28/2021 Response - Part 7 of 7 (Attachment 6) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
12/28/2021 Response - Part 6 of 7 (Attachment 5) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
12/28/2021 Response - Part 5 of 7 (Attachment 4) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
12/28/2021 Response - Part 4 of 7 (Attachment 3) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
12/28/2021 Response - Part 3 of 7 (Attachment 2) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
12/28/2021 Response - Part 2 of 7 (Attachment 1) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
12/28/2021 Response to First Data Request (Part 1 of 7 - Cover Letter and DR Response) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
11/16/2021 Notice of Proof of Publication and Service electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
11/16/2021 Notice of Proof of Service of Amendment Application on Local Public Officials, Libraries, and Parties in Case No. 18-1607-EL-BGN electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
10/28/2021 Application - 13 of 13 (Exhibit K – Programmatic Agreement) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
10/28/2021 Application - 12 of 13 (Exhibit J – Wetland Delineation Report Addendum) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
10/28/2021 Application - 11 of 13 (Exhibit I – Microwave Study) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
10/28/2021 Application - 10 of 13 (Exhibit H – Federal Aviation Administration Notices of Proposed Construction) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
10/28/2021 Application - 9 of 13 (Exhibit G – NTIA Response) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
10/28/2021 Application - 8 of 13 (Exhibit F – AM and FM Radio Report) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
10/28/2021 Application - 7 of 13 (Exhibit E – Off-Air TV Analysis) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
10/28/2021 Application - 6 of 13 (Exhibit D – Shadow Flicker Analysis) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
10/28/2021 Application - 5 of 13 (Exhibit C – Geotechnical Addendum) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
10/28/2021 Application - 4 of 13 (Exhibit B – Updated Geotechnical Report) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
10/28/2021 Application - 3 of 13 (Exhibit A – Updated Sound Assessment) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
10/28/2021 Application - 2 of 13 (Figures 03-1 – 08-3) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.
10/28/2021 In the matter of the Application - 1 of 13 (Cover, Affidavit, and Narrative) electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Firelands Wind, LLC.