DIS - Case Record for 19-0997-EL-ESS Skip to main content
CASE DESCRIPTION: First Energy Corporation
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
10/04/2022 Correspondence providing an Errata Sheet to the Annual Report of FirstEnergy Companies filed March 29, 2019 pursuant to Rule 26 of the Electric Service and Safety Standards, Ohio Administrative Code 4901:1-10-26 electronically filed by Ms. Jill R. Olbrysh Sustar on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, The Toledo Edison Company, and American Transmission Systems, Inc.
03/29/2019 In the matter of the application of FirstEnergy Companies report filed pursuant to Rule 26 of the Electric Service and Safety Standards, Ohio Administrative Code 4901:1-10-26 electronically filed by Karen A Sweeney on behalf of Endris, Robert M Mr. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and The Toledo Edison Company and American Transmissions Systems, Inc.