Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
10/03/2023 | Case Action Form closing the case with an effective date of 09/29/23 electronically filed by Ms. Mary E. Fischer on behalf of Jay S. Agranoff, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. | 4 |
06/14/2022 | Notice of Withdrawal electronically filed by Ms. Valerie A. Cahill on behalf of Whit-Sturtevant. | 4 |
04/20/2021 | Schedule 8 for Year-end Dec 2020 electronically filed by Mrs. Elaine J Martin on behalf of Aqua Ohio Inc. | 2 |
07/21/2020 | Schedule 8 that was filed with annual PUCO report electronically filed by Mrs. Elaine J Martin on behalf of Aqua Ohio Inc. | 2 |
12/09/2019 | Case Action Form to reopen case with an effective date 12/9/19.
| 1 |
12/09/2019 | Case Action Form Close Case electronically filed by Ms. Mary E Fischer on behalf of Anna Sanyal, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission. | 2 |
11/26/2019 | Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel and Notice of Appearance of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Lucas A Fykes on behalf of Whitt Sturtevant LLP | 3 |
10/24/2019 | Final Tariff Revised P.U.C.O. Tariff No. 2 Pages electronically filed by Mr. Christopher T Kennedy on behalf of Aqua Ohio, Inc. | 11 |
10/23/2019 | Service Notice | 3 |
10/23/2019 | Finding & Order that the Commission approves the system improvement charge jointly proposed by Aqua Ohio, Inc. and Staff under a stipulation electronically filed by Docketing Staff. | 10 |
08/30/2019 | Supplemental Direct Testimony of Elaine J. Martin electronically filed by Ms. Rebekah J. Glover on behalf of Aqua Ohio, Inc. | 8 |
08/20/2019 | Stipulation and Recommendation electronically filed by Ms. Rebekah J. Glover on behalf of Aqua Ohio, Inc. | 33 |
07/31/2019 | Notice Notice of Appearance of Counsel by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of McKenney, Bryce. | 4 |
06/24/2019 | Exhibit electronically filed by Ms. Tonnetta Scott on behalf of PUC. | 2 |
06/24/2019 | Comments electronically filed by Ms. Tonnetta Scott on behalf of PUCO. | 12 |
05/30/2019 | Proof of Pub electronically filed by Shelli T. Clark on behalf of Aqua Ohio, Inc. | 34 |
05/24/2019 | Service Notice | 2 |
05/24/2019 | Attorney Examiner Entry granting Staff's request for an expedited ruling and setting deadline for comments to be filed electronically filed by Heather A Chilcote on behalf of Lauren L. Augostini, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. | 3 |
05/23/2019 | Memorandum Contra Staff's Motion for Extension to File Comments electronically filed by Ms. Rebekah J. Glover on behalf of Aqua Ohio, Inc. | 5 |
05/23/2019 | Service Notice | 2 |
05/22/2019 | Attorney Examiner Entry setting date for memorandum contra to be filed electronically filed by Heather A Chilcote on behalf of Lauren L. Augostini, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. | 3 |
05/22/2019 | Joint Motion for an Extension to File Comments electronically filed by Ms. Yvette L Yip on behalf of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. | 3 |
03/26/2019 | Service Notice | 2 |
03/25/2019 | Attorney Examiner Entry ordering legal notices to be published and deadline for comments to be filed electronically filed by Heather A Chilcote on behalf of Anna Sanyal, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission. | 3 |
03/21/2019 | Motion to Intervene and memorandum in support by The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Jamie Williams on behalf of Botschner-O'Brien, Amy Ms. | 8 |
03/04/2019 | In the Matter of the Application of Aqua Ohio, Inc., for Authority to Assess a System Improvement Charge in the Lake/Masury/Prior American/Prior Mohawk/Prior Tomahawk Properties electronically filed by Ms. Rebekah J. Glover on behalf of Aqua Ohio, Inc. | 85 |