DIS - Case Record for 18-1293-EL-BTX Skip to main content
CASE DESCRIPTION: In the Matter of the Application of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need to Construct a Transmis
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
10/06/2022 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Leah Curtis on behalf of Ohio Farm Bureau Federation.
04/30/2019 Notice of Compliance with Wind Farm Condition 1, O.A.C. Rules 4906-4-09 (A)(4)(b) and (e), and Transmission Line Condition 10 – Construction and Maintenance Access Plan electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
04/30/2019 Notice of Compliance with Condition 6 – Update to Start of Construction electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
04/17/2019 Notice of Compliance with Wind Farm Condition 3 and Transmission Line Condition 2 – Preconstruction Meeting Agenda electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
04/16/2019 Notice of Compliance with Wind Farm Condition 10 and Transmission Line Condition 8 – Notice of Start of Construction to Property Owners and Officials electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
04/16/2019 Notice of Compliance with Condition 6 – Start of Construction electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
04/04/2019 Service Notice
04/04/2019 Opinion, Order, and Certificate stating that the Stipulation be approved and adopted and that a certificate be issued to Paulding for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the electric transmission line, subject to the conditions set forth in the Stipulation and this Order.
03/25/2019 Transcript of Public Hearing held on March 5, 2019 at 503 Fairground Dr., Paulding, Ohio before Lauren Augostini and Megan Addison, Examiners.
03/19/2019 Transcript for hearing held on March 19, 2019 at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, 180 East Broad St, Room 11-D, Columbus, Ohio electronically filed by Mr. Ken Spencer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Gibson, Karen Sue Mrs.
03/11/2019 Prefiled Testimony of Grant T. Zeto electronically filed by Ms. Yvette L Yip on behalf of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
03/08/2019 Transcript of Public hearing held Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at 503 Fairground Drive, Paulding, OH, for Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC in Paulding, Ohio along with the signed certificate page electronically filed by Kristie L. Birch on behalf of Classic Reporting Service.
03/08/2019 Joint Stipulation and Recommendation electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
03/08/2019 Testimony of Erin Bowser electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
03/05/2019 Service Notice
03/05/2019 Administrative Law Judge Entry granting motion to intervene electronically filed by Heather A Chilcote on behalf of Lauren L. Augostini, Administrative Law Judge, Power Siting Board.
03/01/2019 Notice regarding list of issues electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
02/27/2019 Proof of Pub - Proof of Second Publication and Service of Accepted, Complete Application electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
02/15/2019 Service Notice
02/15/2019 Staff Report of Investigation filed on behalf of PUCO Staff electronically filed by Docketing Staff on behalf of Docketing.
02/05/2019 Notice of Clarification to Supplement to Application – Addition of H-frame Structure electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
02/01/2019 Supplement to Application - Addition of H-frame Structure electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
01/28/2019 Proof of Pub and Service of Accepted, Complete Application electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
01/15/2019 Motion to Intervene of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation and memorandum in support electronically filed by Amy M Milam on behalf of Ohio Farm Bureau Federation.
01/08/2019 Administrative Law Judge Entry clarifying publication of requisite legal notice electronically filed by Heather A Chilcote on behalf of Lauren L. Augostini, Administrative Law Judge, Power Siting Board.
01/08/2019 Service Notice
01/07/2019 Service Notice
01/07/2019 Administrative Law Judge Entry scheduling hearings and setting procedural schedule and process electronically filed by Heather A Chilcote on behalf of Lauren L. Augostini, Administrative Law Judge, Power Siting Board.
12/17/2018 Notice of Application Fee Paid electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
12/17/2018 Certificate of Service of Accepted, Complete Application on Local Public Officials and Libraries electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
12/17/2018 Correspondence stating that the application submitted by Paulding Wind IV, LLC has received sufficient information to begin its review, electronically filed by Adam Bargar on behalf of PUCO Staff.
12/05/2018 Service Notice
12/05/2018 Administrative Law Judge Entry granting the request for waivers and protective treatment as described herein electronically filed by Ms. Mary E Fischer on behalf of Jeffrey R. Jones, Administrative Law Judge, Ohio Power Siting Board.
11/16/2018 Letter of Notification to the Honorable Jeff Jones electronically filed by Ms. Tonnetta Scott on behalf of PUC.
10/17/2018 Confidential Document Target: Unredacted portions of page 30 of the Application filed by C. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC. (2 pages)
10/17/2018 Motion for Protective Order and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
10/17/2018 Motion for Waiver and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
10/17/2018 Application Part 4 of 4, Exhibits J through O electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
10/17/2018 Application Part 3 of 4, Exhibits A through I electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
10/17/2018 Application Part 2 of 4, Figures 04-1 through 08-2 electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
10/17/2018 Application Part 1 of 4, Letter, Affidavit, Narrative electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
08/30/2018 Proof of Pub for Public Information Meeting electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC. (Paulding County)
08/20/2018 Notice of Compliance with Service Requirement electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
08/20/2018 Notification Letter electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC.
08/15/2018 In the matter of the notification of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC for a Reservation of Case Number electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC .