DIS - Case Record for 17-1943-EL-CSS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
03/06/2019 Case Action Form Closing cases with an effective date of 3/6/2019.
01/16/2019 Service Notice.
01/16/2019 Opinion and Order ordering that this matter be decided in favor of AEP Ohio, as the Complainant failed to meet his burden of proving the allegations in the complaint.
10/09/2018 Transcript for hearing held on September 26, 2018 before Mr. L. Douglas Jennings, Attorney Examiner, at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 electronically filed by Mr. Ken Spencer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Burke, Carolyn.
09/25/2018 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Christian H Brill on behalf of Logan, Kenneth.
09/19/2018 Supplemental Testimony of Dwight C. Snowden on Behalf of Ohio Power Company electronically filed by Ms. Christen M. Blend on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
08/29/2018 Service Notice
08/28/2018 Service Notice
08/27/2018 Attorney Examiner Entry granting motion for continuance and scheduling hearing for 09/26/2018 - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of L. Douglas Jennings, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
06/28/2018 Complainant's Motion for Continuance and Memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. Christian H Brill on behalf of Logan, Kenneth.
06/21/2018 Direct Testimony of Dwight C. Snowden on Behalf of Ohio Power Company electronically filed by Ms. Christen M. Blend on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
06/21/2018 Direct Testimony of Paula S. Igo on Behalf of Ohio Power Company electronically filed by Ms. Christen M. Blend on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
05/02/2018 Correspondence filed by complainant. (FAX)
05/02/2018 Service Notice
05/02/2018 Attorney Examiner Entry scheduling hearing for 06/28/2018 in accordance with Paragraph 11 - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of L. Douglas Jennings, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
02/23/2018 Service Notice
02/23/2018 Attorney Examiner Entry providing Complainant 20 days to oppose motion to dismiss; electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of L. Douglas Jennings, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
12/18/2017 Motion to Dismiss with Prejudice of Respondent Ohio Power Company electronically filed by Ms. Christen M. Blend on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
12/13/2017 Attorney Examiner Entry rescheduling settlement conference for December 18, 2017; electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of L. Douglas Jennings, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
12/13/2017 Service Notice
11/06/2017 Attorney Examiner Entry scheduling December 6, 2017, settlement conference; electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of L. Douglas Jennings, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
11/06/2017 Service Notice
09/26/2017 Answer of Respondent, Ohio Power Company, electronically filed by Ms. Christen M. Blend on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
09/06/2017 Complaint response letter and brochure sent to: Kenneth B. Logan.
09/06/2017 Complaint service letter and copy of complaint sent to; American Electric Power Company, Steve Nourse.
09/06/2017 In the matter of the complaint of Kenneth B. Logan vs. AEP Ohio for the alleged unfair billing practices and procedures.