DIS - Case Record for 17-1189-EL-BGN Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
04/13/2022 Condition 9 submittal: Interconnection Service Agreement among PJM Interconnection LLC and Harrison Power LLC and AEP Ohio Transmission Company, Inc. electronically filed by Mr. Marc J Duquette on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
07/13/2020 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Settineri on behalf of Mr. MacDonald W. Taylor.
02/27/2019 Notice Regarding Condition 17 Compliance electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Settineri on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
07/03/2018 Return Mail - Harrison Power Project - Return to sender/insufficient address/unable to forward
07/03/2018 Service Notice
06/21/2018 Service Notice
06/21/2018 Opinion, Order, and Certificate stating that the Stipulation be approved and adopted and that a certificate be issued to Harrison Power subject to the conditions set forth in the Stipulation and Order.
06/14/2018 Exhibits for Transcript of proceeding held May 31, 2018 before Jay Agranoff, Administrative Law Judge, at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, 180 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (Part 3)
06/14/2018 Exhibits for Transcript of proceeding held May 31, 2018 before Jay Agranoff, Administrative Law Judge, at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, 180 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (Part 4)
06/14/2018 Exhibits for Transcript of proceeding held May 31, 2018 before Jay Agranoff, Administrative Law Judge, at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, 180 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (Part 2)
06/14/2018 Exhibits for Transcript of proceedings held on May 31, 2018 before Jay Agranoff, Administrative Law Judge, at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, 180 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (Part 1)
06/13/2018 Transcript for hearing held at the PUCO, 180 East Broad Street, Room 11-C, Columbus, OH on May 31st, 2018 electronically filed by Mr. Ken Spencer on behalf of Spencer, Michael O. Mr. and Armstrong & Okey, Inc.
05/30/2018 Supplemental Testimony of Stephen Goff electronically filed by Mr. MacDonald W Taylor on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
05/29/2018 Prefiled Testimony of Jon C. Pawley electronically filed by Ms. Tonnetta Scott on behalf of PUCO.
05/25/2018 Joint Stipulation and Recommendation electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Settineri on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
05/25/2018 Notice of Joint Settlement of Hess Ohio Developments, LLC, CNX Gas Company, LLC, Community Improvement Corporation of Harrison County and Harrison Power, LLC electronically filed by Mr. Scott D. Eickelberger on behalf of Hess Ohio Developments, LLC and CNX Gas Company LLC.
05/22/2018 Service Notice.
05/22/2018 Administrative Law Judge Entry amending the procedural schedule at the request of the parties electronically filed by Ms. Mary E. Fischer on behalf Public Utilities Commission of Ohio Administrative Law Judge Jay S. Agranoff.
05/17/2018 Joint Motion for Extension of Deadlines and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. MacDonald W Taylor on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
05/03/2018 Administrative Law Judge Entry granting the motion for extension of deadlines. electronically filed by Ms. Mary E Fischer on behalf of Jay S. Agranoff, Administrative Law Judge, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
05/03/2018 Service Notice
05/02/2018 Joint motion and memorandum in support of Staff of OPSB and Applicant Harrison Power LLC for Extension of Deadlines electronically filed by Mr. MacDonald W Taylor on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
04/30/2018 Testimony of Ankit Chadha for Applicant Harrison Power LLC electronically filed by Mr. MacDonald W Taylor on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
04/30/2018 Testimony of Stephen Goff for Applicant Harrison Power LLC electronically filed by Mr. MacDonald W Taylor on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
04/30/2018 Testimony of Jill Vovaris for Applicant Harrison Power LLC electronically filed by Mr. MacDonald W Taylor on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
04/30/2018 Public Comment electronically filed by Docketing Staff on behalf of Docketing.
04/27/2018 Transcript for hearing held in Cadiz, Ohio on April 5, 2018 at 6:05 p.m. at the Puskarich Public Library,200 East Market Street, Cadiz, OH 43907, electronically filed by Ms. Katrina Dearborn on behalf of Dearborn Reporting Services.
04/26/2018 Transcript for hearing held on April 16, 2018 at the PUCO, 180 E Broad St, Room 11-C, Columbus, Ohio electronically filed by Mr. Ken Spencer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Spencer, Michael O. Mr.
04/11/2018 Administrative Law Judge Entry approving motion for extension and setting the adjudicatory hearing electronically filed by Ms. Mary E Fischer on behalf of Jay S. Agranoff, Administrative Law Judge, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
04/11/2018 Service Notice
04/10/2018 Notice of Appearance filed by Erick Bauer on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
04/10/2018 Motion for Extension of Deadline and Memorandum in Support filed by Erick Bauer on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
04/06/2018 Notice of appearance, Motion for Extension of Deadlines and Memorandum in Support filed by Erick Bauer on behalf of Harrison Power LLC. (FAX)
04/06/2018 Public Comment electronically filed by Docketing Staff on behalf of Docketing.
03/30/2018 Service Notice.
03/30/2018 Administrative Law Judge Entry denying OVJA's motion for intervention; CICHC's motion for intervention considered timely filed, and granting Hess/CNX and CICHC motions for intervention electronically filed by Vesta R. Miller on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board Administrative Law Judge Jay S. Agranoff.
03/28/2018 List of Issues by the Community Improvement Corporation of Harrison County electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Dylan F. Borchers.
03/28/2018 Issues List electronically filed by Mr. MacDonald W. Taylor on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
03/28/2018 Proof of Publications and Notice electronically filed by Mr. MacDonald W. Taylor on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
03/28/2018 Corrected Notice of Compliance and Request for Waiver electronically filed by Mr. MacDonald W. Taylor on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
03/28/2018 Statement of Issues Submitted By Intervenor Ohio Valley Jobs Alliance, Inc. electronically filed by Vickie L. Warden on behalf of Ohio Valley Jobs Alliance, Inc.
03/21/2018 Service Notice
03/21/2018 Staff Report of Investigation electronically filed by Mr. Matt Butler on behalf of Staff of OPSB.
03/19/2018 Notice of Filing Responses to Staff Data Requests electronically filed by Mr. MacDonald W Taylor on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
03/16/2018 Motion to Intervene, memorandum in support and Request for Leave to File Motion to Intervene Out of Time of The Harrison County Community Improvement Corporation electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
03/07/2018 Petition for leave to intervene and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. Scott D Eickelberger on behalf of Hess Ohio Developments, LLC and CNX Gas Company LLC.
03/02/2018 Notice Regarding Submittal of System Impact Study electronically filed by Mr. MacDonald W Taylor on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
02/20/2018 Notice Regarding Modification of Project Footprint electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Settineri on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
02/05/2018 Notice of Compliance with public notice requirement electronically filed by Mr. Ryan D. Elliott on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
01/25/2018 Service Notice.
01/25/2018 Administrative Law Judge Entry setting forth the procedural schedule electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board Administrative Law Judge Jeffrey R. Jones.
01/17/2018 Reply Memorandum in Support of Petition to Intervene of Ohio Valley Jobs Alliance, Inc. electronically filed by John F Stock on behalf of Ohio Valley Jobs Alliance Inc.
01/10/2018 Response to Ohio Valley Jobs Alliance's Petition to Intervene electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Settineri on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
01/04/2018 Certificate of Service of Application electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Settineri on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
01/04/2018 Letter stating that Harrison Power LLC on January 4,2018, we delivered a letter and a completed Attachment A form along with a check for the filing fee in the amount and manner prescribed by the Board filed by R. Elliott.
12/27/2017 Petition to Intervene of Ohio Valley Jobs Alliance, Inc. and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by John F Stock on behalf of Ohio Valley Jobs Alliance, Inc.
11/27/2017 Notification that the application for certificate of environmental compatibility and public need has been found to be compliant filed by J. Cross on behalf of the PUCO.
11/20/2017 Service Notice
11/20/2017 Administrative Law Judge Entry granting, in part, Harrison Power's motion for waivers; electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of Jeffrey R. Jones, Administrative Law Judge, Ohio Power Siting Board.
11/15/2017 Request To Be Added to Service List electronically filed by John F Stock on behalf of Stock, John F.
11/14/2017 Correspondence /Letter to Administrative Law Judge Jeff Jones submitted by Assistant Attorney General John Jones on behalf of the Staff of the Ohio Power Siting Board. electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board.
09/29/2017 Motion for Protective Order and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Settineri on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
09/29/2017 Motion for Waivers and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Settineri on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
09/29/2017 Application continues - Appendix I electronically filed by Mr. Ryan D. Elliott on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
09/29/2017 Application continues - Appendix H electronically filed by Mr. Ryan D. Elliott on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
09/29/2017 Application continues - Appendix G electronically filed by Mr. Ryan D. Elliott on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
09/29/2017 Application continues - Appendix F electronically filed by Mr. Ryan D. Elliott on behalf of Harrison Power LLC
09/29/2017 Application continues - Appendix E electronically filed by Mr. Ryan D. Elliott on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
09/29/2017 Application continues - Appendix D electronically filed by Mr. Ryan D. Elliott on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
09/29/2017 Application continues - Appendix C electronically filed by Mr. Ryan D. Elliott on behalf of Harrison Power LLC
09/29/2017 Application continues - Appendix B electronically filed by Mr. Ryan D. Elliott on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
09/29/2017 Application continues - Appendix A electronically filed by Mr. Ryan D. Elliott on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
09/29/2017 Application continues - Figures electronically filed by Mr. Ryan D. Elliott on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
09/29/2017 Application Narrative electronically filed by Mr. Ryan D. Elliott on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
09/29/2017 Affidavit of Stephen Goff electronically filed by Mr. Ryan D. Elliott on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
09/29/2017 Cover letter from legal counsel electronically filed by Mr. Ryan D. Elliott on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
09/29/2017 Notice of Publication with Request for Waiver electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Settineri on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
09/29/2017 Notice of Proof of Service electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Settineri on behalf of Harrison Power LLC.
09/29/2017 Confidential document target: Pages 15-19 of application filed by S. Howard on behalf of Harrison Power, LLC. (6 pages)
07/19/2017 Notification Second Pre-Application Notification electronically filed by Mrs. Rebecca Carol Clarke on behalf of Clarke, Rebecca Carol Mrs.
06/27/2017 Notice of Appearance of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Settineri on behalf of Harrison Power, LLC.
05/31/2017 Property Owner Notification Letters electronically filed by Mrs. Rebecca Carol Clarke on behalf of Clarke, Rebecca Carol Mrs.
05/31/2017 Affidavit Harrison News-Herald Proof of Publication electronically filed by Mrs. Rebecca Carol Clarke on behalf of Mrs. Rebecca Carol Clarke.
05/03/2017 In the matter of the pre-application notification letter for Harrison Power LLC's power project filed by S. Goff. (FAX)