DIS - Case Record for 15-0975-EL-ATA Skip to main content
CASE DESCRIPTION: The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, The Toledo Edison Company
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
09/26/2017 Case Action Form electronically filed by Michelle A Green on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
09/19/2017 Tariff Update for Pole Attachment Tariff for PUCO No. 08 in accordance with Order electronically filed by Ms. Tamera J Singleton on behalf of The Toledo Edison Company and Fanelli, Santino L. Mr.
09/19/2017 Tariff Update for Pole Attachment Tariff for PUCO No. 11 in accordance with Order electronically filed by Ms. Tamera J. Singleton on behalf of Ohio Edison Company and Fanelli, Santino L. Mr.
09/19/2017 Tariff Update for Pole Attachment Tariff for PUCO No. 1 in accordance with Order electronically filed by Ms. Tamera J. Singleton on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Fanelli, Santino L. Mr.
07/26/2017 Service Notice
07/26/2017 Entry on Rehearing stating that the application of OCTA be granted as set forth in this entry; that FirstEnergy Companies refile its revised tariff sheets consistent with paragraph (36); FirstEnergy Companies is directed to review and correct any bills using the new rates prior to the tariff being properly on file and cease any improper billing and collection.
06/07/2017 Service Notice
06/07/2017 Entry ordering the application for rehearing filed by OCTA be granted for further consideration of the matters specified in the application for rehearing.
05/22/2017 Memorandum Contra OCTA's Application for Rehearing by Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company electronically filed by Mr. Robert M. Endris on behalf of Endris, Robert Mr.
05/19/2017 Request the withdrawal of filings electronically filed by Ms. Tamera J Singleton on behalf of Ohio Edison Company and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company and Fanelli, Santino L. Mr.
05/15/2017 Notice of Substitution of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Robert M. Endris on behalf of Endris, Robert Mr.
05/12/2017 Application for Rehearing and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mrs. Gretchen L. Petrucci on behalf of Ohio Cable Telelcommunications Association.
05/01/2017 Revised Pole Attachment Tariff for PUCO No. 08 electronically filed by Ms. Tamera J Singleton on behalf of The Toledo Edison Company and Fanelli, Santino L. Mr.
05/01/2017 Revised Tariff Pole Attachment Tariff for PUCO No. 13 electronically filed by Ms. Tamera J Singleton on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Fanelli, Santino L. Mr.
05/01/2017 Revised Tariff PUCO No. 11 for Pole Attachment electronically filed by Ms. Tamera J Singleton on behalf of Ohio Edison Company and Fanelli, Santino L. Mr.
04/12/2017 Entry ordering the revised pole attachment tariffs be approved.
04/12/2017 Service Notice
09/29/2016 Revised Tariff PUCO No. 11 Compliance Filing for order dated September 7, 2016 electronically filed by Karen A Sweeney on behalf of Ohio Edison Company and Fanelli, Santino L. Mr.
09/29/2016 Revised Tariff PUCO No. 1 Compliance filing for order dated September 7, 2016 electronically filed by Karen A Sweeney on behalf of The Toledo Edison Company and Fanelli, Santino L. Mr.
09/29/2016 Revised Tariff PUCO No. 1 Compliance filing for order dated September 7, 2016 electronically filed by Karen A Sweeney on behalf of Fanelli, Santino L. Mr. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
09/07/2016 Service Notice
09/07/2016 Finding and Order that First Energy Companies file final pole attachment tariffs consistent with the determinations set forth: all other arguments not addressed are denied: OCTA's motion for leave to file a reply is denied.
06/15/2016 Notice of withdrawal Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel and Designation of New Counsel of Record for the Ohio Cable Telecommunications Association electronically filed by Mrs. Gretchen L. Petrucci on behalf of Ohio Cable Telelcommunications Association.
09/25/2015 Response of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company to OCTA Reply Instanter electronically filed by Mr. Robert M. Endris on behalf of Burk, James W. Mr.
09/18/2015 Motion for Leave to File a Reply Instanter and Motion for an Expedited Ruling electronically filed by Mrs. Gretchen L. Petrucci on behalf of Ohio Cable Telelcommunications Association.
08/24/2015 Response of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company to OCTA Objections electronically filed by Mr. Robert M. Endris on behalf of Burk, James W. Mr.
08/07/2015 Service Notice
08/07/2015 Attorney Examiner Entry that the pole owners file responses in accordance with Finding (7); that the applications in the above captioned cases be suspended in accordance with Finding (8); and that the motions to intervene be granted in accordance with Finding (12); electronically filed by Debra Hight on behalf of Jay S. Agranoff, Attorney Examiner.
08/03/2015 Objections of The Ohio Cable Telecommunications filed by G. Petrucci.
08/03/2015 Correspondence electronically filed by Ms. Tamera J Singleton on behalf of Ohio Edison Company and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company.
07/10/2015 Service Notice
07/10/2015 Attorney Examiner Entry that OCTA's motion to expedite discovery be granted in part and denied in part in accordance with Finding (10); electronically filed by Debra Hight on behalf of Jay S. Agranoff, Attorney Examiner.
07/08/2015 Memorandum Contra OCTA Motion to Expedite Discovery Schedule electronically filed by Mr. Robert M. Endris on behalf of Burk, James W. Mr.
07/01/2015 Motion to Expedite Discovery Schedule and Request for Expedited Ruling and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Mrs. Gretchen L. Petrucci on behalf of Ohio Cable Telelcommunications Association.
06/26/2015 Motion to Intervene and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mrs. Gretchen L. Petrucci on behalf of Ohio Cable Telelcommunications Association.
05/15/2015 Application for change to Pole Attachment tariff electronically filed by Ms. Tamera J Singleton on behalf of The Toledo Edison Company and Mikkelsen, Eileen M
05/15/2015 Application for change to Pole Attachment tariff electronically filed by Ms. Tamera J Singleton on behalf of Ohio Edison Company and Mikkelsen, Eileen M.
05/15/2015 In the matter of the application for change to Pole Attachment tariff electronically filed by Ms. Tamera J Singleton on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Mikkelsen, Eileen M.