DIS - Case Record for 14-1280-EL-BSB Skip to main content
CASE DESCRIPTION: Gable Substation Project
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
11/13/2017 Notification electronically filed by Ms. Christen M. Blend on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Power Company, Inc.
02/09/2017 Notification of Start of Construction for the Gable Substation Project electronically filed by Mrs. Erin C Miller on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
10/29/2015 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel submitted by Assistant Attorney General Katie Johnson on behalf of the Staff of the Ohio Power Siting Board. electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board.
10/19/2015 Letter of Notification electronically filed by Mr. Hector Garcia on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
07/17/2015 Notice of Withdrawal and Substitution of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Ajay K Kumar on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
06/04/2015 Opinion and order and certificate approving and adopting the stipulation filed by the parties; that a certificate be issued to AEP Transco for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the project as proposed at the preferred substation site, subject to the conditions set forth in the stipulation and this Opinion, Order, and Certificate.
06/04/2015 Service Notice
06/04/2015 Public comment in opposition to the preferred site filed by A. Macatangay.
06/02/2015 Public comment in opposition filed by I. Omaits
05/18/2015 Petition signed by several consumers in Opposition to the preferred location of the Gable Substation filed by Smithfield Volunteer Fire Department.
05/15/2015 Public comment response letter mailed to consumer, Ms. Lindsay from M. Butler OPSB, Staff.
05/14/2015 Public comment response letter mailed to consumer, Ms. Otto from M. Butler OPSB, Staff.
05/13/2015 Public comment response letter mailed to Ms. Wise from M. Butler, PUCO Staff.
05/08/2015 Public Comment response sent to; Mr. Todd Green filed by Staff, M. Butler..
05/07/2015 Public comment letters in opposition filed by various consumers.
05/06/2015 PUCO Exhibit Filing.
05/06/2015 Transcript of AEP Ohio Transmission Company hearing held on 04/23/15 at the offices of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, 180 East Broad Street, Hearing Room 11-D, Columbus, Ohio electronically filed by Mr. Ken Spencer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Spencer, Michael O. Mr.
04/30/2015 Public comment response letter mailed to Mr. Salvatori from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/30/2015 Public comment response letter mailed to Mr. Booth from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/30/2015 Public comment response letter mailed to Mr. Corona from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/29/2015 Public comment response letter mailed to Mr. Zehnder from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/28/2015 Public comment response letter mailed to Ms. Albaugh from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/28/2015 Public comment response letter mailed to Ms. Straus from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/28/2015 Transcript Hearing held on April 7, 2015 in Brilliant, Ohio electronically filed by Ms. Katrina Dearborn on behalf of Dearborn Reporting Services.
04/27/2015 Public Comment of Ms. Abbey Wilson electronically filed by Mr. Matt Butler on behalf of Staff of OPSB.
04/27/2015 Public comment response letter mailed to Ms. Corona from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/27/2015 Public comment response letter mailed to Mr. Hunter from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/27/2015 Public comment response letter mailed to Ms. Fillippi from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/27/2015 Public comment response letter mailed to Mr. Letusick from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/27/2015 Public comment response letter mailed to Ms. Turnbull from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/27/2015 Public comment response letter mailed to Cindy Straus from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/27/2015 Public comment response letter mailed to Ms. Bodor-Wilson from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/27/2015 Public comment response letter mailed to William Kinyo from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/24/2015 Public comment response letter filed by M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/23/2015 Response to public comments sent to Ms. Dulkoski on behalf of OPSB..
04/23/2015 Public comment response letter to Stacy Harter filed by M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/22/2015 Public comment response letter to Demi Wisieski from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/22/2015 Public comment response letter mailed to Jackson Otto from Matt Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/22/2015 Public comment response letter mailed to Bruce Clark from Matt Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/21/2015 Public comment response letter to Eric Wilson from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/21/2015 Public comment response letter to Abbey Wilson from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/21/2015 Public comment response to Allison Avolio filed on behalf of OPSB Staff, Matt Butler.
04/21/2015 Public comment response letter to Mr. and Mrs. Otto from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/21/2015 Public comment response to Harry Yocum filed on behalf of OPSB Staff, Matt Butler.
04/21/2015 Public comment response to Diedra West filed by OPSB Staff, Matt Butler.
04/21/2015 Public comment response to Kasey Bertolino filed on behalf of OPSB Staff, Matt Butler.
04/21/2015 Public comment response to Lisa Dibias filed on behalf of OPSB Staff, Matt Butler.
04/16/2015 Prefiled Testimony of Derek F. Collins submitted by Assistant Attorney General Katie Johnson on behalf of the Staff of the Ohio Power Siting Board. electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board.
04/10/2015 Testimony of Todd A. Sides on behalf of AEP Transmission Company in Support of the Joint Stipulation and Recommendation electronically filed by Mr. Ajay K Kumar.
04/10/2015 Joint Stipulation and Recommendation electronically filed by Mr. Ajay K. Kumar on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
04/09/2015 Proof of Pub - Gable Station Project electronically filed by Mr. Ajay K Kumar on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
04/02/2015 Issues List of AEP Ohio Transco electronically filed by Mr. Ajay K Kumar on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
03/26/2015 Service Notice
03/23/2015 Staff Report of Investigation electronically filed by Mrs. Yvonne W. Cooper on behalf of Staff of OPSB.
03/05/2015 Notice electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J. Satterwhite on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
03/02/2015 Proof of Pub -Gable Substation Project electronically filed by Mr. Ajay K Kumar on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
02/24/2015 Application --Supplement to Application electronically filed by Mr. Ajay K Kumar on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
01/23/2015 Service Notice
01/23/2015 Administrative Law Judge Entry orders the hearings in this matter be scheduled at the times and places designated in Finding (6), that the notices of the application and hearings be published in accordance with Findings (8) and (9), that Staff file its Staff Report in accordance with Finding (10), and that parties are to file their issue lists and testimony in accordance with Finding (10) - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Nicholas Walstra, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
01/16/2015 Proof of Public Notice Service electronically filed by Mr. Ajay K. Kumar on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
01/14/2015 Memorandum /Letter regarding AEP's October 14, 2014 Motion for Waiver, submitted by Assistant Attorney General Katie Johnson on behalf of the Staff of the Ohio Power Siting Board. electronically filed by Kimberly L. Keeton on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board.
01/06/2015 Chair letter regarding compliance sent to: Mr. Steve Nourse, AEP Regulatory Services, filed by Thomas Johnson Chairman on behalf of OPSB.
11/20/2014 Public comment response sent to Jonie and Todd Green noting the support of the "Red Site" of the substation, as proposed by AEP Transco at their September 23, 2014 public informational meeting filed by PUCO OPSB Staff, P. Donlon.
11/20/2014 Public comment response letter to Mark and Leslie Letusick from P. Donlon, OPSB.
11/20/2014 Public comment response letter to Margaret and William Otto from P. Donlon, OPSB.
11/10/2014 Public comment responses to Richard Thornton, Jeff Pazzelli, William and Mararet Otto, Seth Otto, Daniel and Kriss Otto, Randy and Sue Kinyo, and Greg and Cindy Hunter on behalf of the OPSB Staff, P. Donlon.
11/06/2014 Application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need-Gable Station Project electronically filed by Mr. Steven T Nourse on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
10/14/2014 Motion for Waiver and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Mr. Yazen Alami on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
10/01/2014 Proof of Pub for Gable Substation in the Steubenville Hearld Star 9/9/14 electronically filed by Mr. Yazen Alami on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
09/08/2014 In the matter of the Notification Letter electronically filed by Mr. Yazen Alami on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.