Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
10/03/2014 | Certificate 14-SPV-OH-GATS-0442 issued. | 3 |
09/25/2014 | Reply filed to respond to a staff inquiry about the address on the application for certification of Michael Vogelbaum's photovoltaic installation as a renewable energy resource in the state of Ohio electronically filed by Ms. Kenita Williams on behalf of Astrum Solar and Vogelbaum, Michael. | 6 |
09/25/2014 | Response to Staff interrogatories: This document being filed to respond to a staff inquiry about the address on the application for certification of Michael Vogelbaum's photovoltaic installation as a renewable energy resource in the state of Ohio electronically filed by Ms. Kenita Williams on behalf of Astrum Solar and Vogelbaum, Michael. | 6 |
08/04/2014 | In the matter of the application for certification of Michael Vogelbaum's photovoltaic installation as a renewable energy resource in the state of Ohio electronically filed by Ms. Kenita Williams on behalf of Astrum Solar and Michael Vogelbaum. | 14 |