Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
05/22/2024 | Certificate No. 13-332G issued and electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Palkowski on behalf of PUCO Staff. | 2 |
05/06/2024 | Notice of Material Change, Community Energy Advisors, LLC advise that they have a new address file by Kevin S. Lauterjung on behalf of Community Energy Advisors, LLC. | 1 |
11/13/2023 | Certificate No. 13-332G issued. | 2 |
10/11/2023 | Confidential Document Target: Exhibit to NG certificate renewal. Exhibits C-2, C-3 and C-5 filed by Kevin S. Lauterjung on behalf of Community Energy Advisors, LLC. (13 Pages) | 2 |
10/11/2023 | In the Matter of the Application of Community Energy Advisors LLC. | 13 |
11/18/2021 | Certificate No. 13-332G issued. | 2 |
10/12/2021 | Confidential document target for Exhibits C-2, C-3 & C-5 filed by Kevin Lauterjung on behalf of Community Energy Advisors. LLC. (7 page count) | 1 |
10/12/2021 | In the Matter of the Application of Community Energy Advisors LLC. | 12 |
11/24/2020 | Notice of Change of Firm Affiliation electronically filed by Ms. Kari D Hehmeyer on behalf of Alexander, Trevor Mr. | 3 |
01/16/2020 | Revised Renewal Certificate No. 13-332G (4) issued. | 4 |
01/14/2020 | Renewal certificate 14-332G (4) issued. | 4 |
11/18/2019 | Confidential Document Target: Exhibits C-1 & C-9 filed by K. Lauterjung on behalf of Community Energy Advisors LLC. (20 pages) | 1 |
11/18/2019 | Renewal Application of Energy Transfer Retail Power, LLC;. for certification as a Retail Natural Gas Broker filed by K. Lauterjung..
| 30 |
01/25/2018 | Revised Renewal Certificate # 13-332G(3) issued. | 4 |
01/24/2018 | Notice of change of address, updated from submission of 1/22/2018, electronically filed by Mr. Kevin S. Lauterjung on behalf of Community Energy Advisors, LLC. | 2 |
01/22/2018 | Notification of Change of Address electronically filed by Mr. Kevin S Lauterjung on behalf of Community Energy Advisors, LLC. | 2 |
01/08/2018 | Renewal certificate #13-332G(3) issued. | 4 |
11/16/2017 | Confidential Document Target for exhibits filed by K. Lauterjung on behalf of Community Energy Advisors, LLC. | 1 |
11/16/2017 | Renewal application of Community Energy Advisors, LLC for certification as a competitive retail natural gas supplier filed by K. Lauterjung. | 29 |
08/25/2017 | Letter of Notification of Material change in Members electronically filed by Mr. Kevin S Lauterjung on behalf of Community Energy Advisors, LLC. | 3 |
01/04/2016 | Certificate No. 13-332G (2) issued. | 3 |
12/21/2015 | Service Notice | 1 |
12/21/2015 | Attorney Examiner Entry grants motion for extension of Community Energy's certificate expiration date. The expiration date of Certificate No. 13-332G(1) is extended from 11/30/2015 to 01/30/2016. Community Energy is also directed to comply with Findings (6) and (7) - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Kerry Sheets, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. | 3 |
12/08/2015 | Additional information to the application of Community Energy Advisors, LLC, Exhibits C-7 and C-5 filed under seal filed by Kevin Lauterjung on behalf of Community Energy Advisors, LLC. | 4 |
12/08/2015 | Confidential treatment of document: Exhibit C-5 filed by K. Lauterjung on behalf of Community Energy Advisors. (pg ct 2) | 1 |
12/08/2015 | Motion For Extension Of Certificate Expiration Date and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. Nathaniel Trevor Alexander on behalf of Community Energy Advisors, LLC. | 5 |
12/04/2015 | Confidential document target: Exhibits C-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 filed by K. Lauterjung on behalf of Community Energy Advisors, LLC. (16 pages) | 1 |
12/04/2015 | Renewal application of Community Energy Advisors, LLC for certification as a competitive retail natural gas broker/aggregator filed by K. Lauterjung. | 44 |
12/03/2013 | Certificate No. 13-332G(1) issued.
| 3 |
11/13/2013 | Amendment to the application of Community Energy Advisors, LLC filed by Richard Davidson on behalf of Community Energy Advisors, LLC. | 6 |
10/29/2013 | In the matter of the application of Community Energy Advisors, LLC for certification as a Retail Natural Gas Broker/ Aggregator. | 63 |