DIS - Case Record for 13-0429-EL-BTX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
02/15/2017 Notice of Start of Construction and In-Service Date for Biers Run-Hopetown-Delano 138 kV Transmission Line Project electronically filed by Mrs. Erin C Miller on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
03/08/2016 Notification of Commencement of Construction electronically filed by Mr. Hector Garcia on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
10/05/2015 Letter of Notification electronically filed by Mr. Hector Garcia on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
10/02/2015 Letter to S. Malone, American Electric Power Ohio Transmission Company that construction on the Biers-Run facility may commence for Phase 1 of this project, filed by Staff, OPSB.
09/28/2015 Response electronically filed by Mr. Hector Garcia on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
08/26/2015 Correspondence letter to Jon Pawley-Biers Run-Hopetown-Delano electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J Satterwhite on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
07/17/2015 Notice of Withdrawal and Substitution of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Ajay K Kumar on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
03/09/2015 Service Notice
03/09/2015 Opinion and Order that the stipulation be approved and adopted, that AEP provide Staff with updates on the status of the applicable federal agency approvals regarding the Pleasant Valley Wildlife Area and that a certificate be issued to AEP for the construction, operation and maintenance of the transmission facility along the preferred route, subject to the conditions set forth in the Stipulation and this Order.
02/19/2015 Letter from Lt Col John R. Venneman, USAF (Ret) regarding the routes for the Biers Run-Hopetown-Delano transmission line project.
01/22/2015 Transcript for hearing held on 01/06/15 before Mr. Jay Agranoff, Administrative Law Judge, electronically filed by Mr. Ken Spencer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Anderson, Rosemary Foster Mrs.
01/06/2015 PUCO Exhibit: Sign in Sheets.
01/05/2015 Transcript in the matter of the AEP Ohio Transmission Company hearing held on 12/16/14 electronically filed by Mr. Ken Spencer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Spencer, Michael O. Mr.
12/30/2014 Prefiled Testimony of Jon C. Pawley submitted by Assistant Attorney General John Jones on behalf of the Staff of the Ohio Power Siting Board. electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board.
12/29/2014 Letter from Mark Salyers regarding the routes for the Biers Run-Hopetown-Delano transmission line project.
12/23/2014 Testimony of Shawn P. Malone electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J Satterwhite on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
12/23/2014 Joint Stipulation electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J Satterwhite on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
12/09/2014 Issues List of AEP Ohio Transco electronically filed by Mr. Yazen Alami on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
12/08/2014 Proof of Pub Biers Run-Hopetown Delano electronically filed by Mr. Ajay K Kumar on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
12/02/2014 Service Notice
12/01/2014 Staff Report of Investigation electronically filed by Mrs. Yvonne W. Cooper on behalf of Staff of OPSB.
11/18/2014 Notification -Proof of Notification-Letters to Property or Land Owners (Biers Run-Hopetown Delano) electronically filed by Mr. Steven T Nourse on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
10/31/2014 Proof of Pub -Biers Run-Hopetown-Delano electronically filed by Mr. Steven T Nourse on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
09/25/2014 Public comment in opposition to the proposed routes for the Biers Run-Hopetown project filed by M. Salyers.
09/24/2014 Service Notice
09/24/2014 Administrative Law Judge Entry that AEP’s waiver motion be granted, and that the hearings be scheduled; electronically filed by Debra Hight on behalf of Jay S. Agranoff, Administrative Law Judge.
09/09/2014 Public comment informing the Commission of the displeasure against letting AEP use the wildlife area filed on behalf of Concerned Citizen.
09/08/2014 Public notice of Service electronically filed by Mr. Yazen Alami on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
08/27/2014 Letter regarding compliance and review of application filed by T. Johnson, OPSB Board.
08/26/2014 Public comment in opposition to the proposed routes for the Biers Run-Hopetown project filed by R and P Cormany.
08/14/2014 Public Comment from Concerned Citizens of Ross County regarding the Biers Run-Hopetown-Delano 138Kv transmission line project.
07/31/2014 Correspondence enclosing Third Supplement to the Application filed on January 8, 2014 electronically filed by Mr. Yazen Alami on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
07/28/2014 Public Comment response sent to Mr. Myers filed by S. Irwin on behalf of OPSB.
07/25/2014 Public comment response sent to Mr and Mrs Price filed by S. Irwin on behalf of OPSB.
07/22/2014 Public comment response letter to Mr. Mark Salyers filed by Patrick Donlon on behalf of OPSB.
07/18/2014 Second Supplement to Application filed on January 8, 2014 electronically filed by Mr. Yazen Alami on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company
07/17/2014 Public comment response letter to consumer, Mr. Scott Cormany from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
07/14/2014 Proof of Pub for Biers-Hopetown Delano Project electronically filed by Mr. Yazen Alami on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
05/12/2014 Public comment response letter to Lt. Col. John R. Venneman filed by K. Wissman, on behalf of OPSB.
05/05/2014 Supplement to Application filed on January 8, 2014 electronically filed by Mr. Yazen Alami on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company
04/16/2014 Public Comment sent to Darren and Tamera Price filed by S.Irwin on behalf of PUCO.
04/15/2014 Public comment response letter to consumer, Dr. John Fortney from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/14/2014 Public comment in opposition to the Biers-Run- Hopetown- Delano Project filed by consumer Brenda Johnson.
04/11/2014 Public comment response letter to Lisa C. Easterday filed by K. Wissman, on behalf of OPSB.
04/10/2014 Public comment response letter to Troy Johnson from Chairman Todd Snitchler, OPSB.
04/10/2014 Public comment response letter to Trent Johnson from Chairman Todd Snitchler, OPSB.
04/10/2014 Public Comment Response sent to Murray R. Johnson filed by T. Snitchler on behalf of OPSB.
04/10/2014 Public comment response letter to consumer Maren Johnson from Chairman Todd Snitchler, OPSB.
04/10/2014 Public response letter to consumer Megan Johnson from Chairman Todd Snitchler, OPSB.
04/10/2014 Public comment response letter to consumer Troy Johnson from Chairman Todd Snitchler.
04/10/2014 Public Comment Response sent to Diana T. Johnson filed by T. Snitchler on behalf of OPSB.
04/03/2014 Public comment response letter to Dr. J. Fortney from M. Butler, OPSB Staff.
04/03/2014 Public comment response letter to J. Myers from S. Irwin, OPSB Staff.
04/01/2014 Public comments filed by consumer, Dr. J. Fortney.
03/28/2014 Public comment response letter to consumers, Leslie and Rita Park form K. Wissman, OPSB Staff.
03/26/2014 Public comment in opposition to the Biers Run (Hopetown - Delano) 138 kV/69 kV Transmission Line filed by L. and R. Park.
03/26/2014 Public comment and response to Senator Bob Peterson and State Representative Gary Scherer filed by OPSB, Chairman, Todd Snitchler.
03/26/2014 Public Comment in opposition to the proposed route for the Biers Rin-Hopetown Project filed by consumer, Lt. Col. John R, Venneman.
03/20/2014 Correspondence Proof of Service electronically filed by Mr. Yazen Alami on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
03/17/2014 Public comment response to Mr. & Mrs. Kerns from K. Wissman, OPSB Staff.
03/13/2014 Response letter sent to W. Bill Sever from K. Wissman, OPSB Staff.
03/12/2014 Response letter sent to the Board of Commissioners of Ross County from T. Snitchler, OPSB Chairman.
03/11/2014 Letter to the Chillicothe Gazette in regards to the Biers Run – Hopetown Delano 138 kv Transmission Line by Patty Haller.
03/11/2014 Public comment in opposition of AEP transmission line placement filed on behalf of concerned consumer.
03/11/2014 Response letter sent to: John and Jan Buchanan Fortney from K. Wissman, OPSB Staff.
03/11/2014 Public comment in opposition th the Biers Run-Hopetown-Delano Transmission Line Project filed by consumer, Brenda Johnson.
03/06/2014 Letter informing that the referenced application, filed with the Ohio Power Siting Board (Board) on January 6, 2014 has been found to comply with Chapters 4906-01, et seq., of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC). filed by T. Snitchler, OPSB Chairman.
03/05/2014 Response letter sent to: Ms. Brenda L. Johnson by Todd Snitchler, Chairman on behalf of OPSB.
03/05/2014 Response letter sent to: Mr. Roger Severson filed by K. Wissman on behalf of OPSB.
03/04/2014 Response letter sent to: Larry C. and Janet J. Smith filed by K. Wissman on behalf of OPSB.
03/04/2014 Response letter sent to: Patricia A. Kelley filed by K. Wissman on behalf of OPSB.
03/03/2014 Public comment in opposition to the Blue Route filed by Brenda Johnson. (Fax)
02/21/2014 Public comment response letter to Robin P. Hand regarding American Electric Power Transmission Company's proposed Biers Run - Hopetown - Delano 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by OPSB Staff, K. Wissman.
02/20/2014 Public comment response letter to Paul Martin from S. Irwin, OPSB Staff.
02/19/2014 Petition regarding the Biers Run Hopetown Delano Transmission Line Project filed by Michael and Kathryn Kerns.
02/10/2014 Public Comment noting being in favor of the Alternate Route of the proposed project filed by Staff.
02/07/2014 Letter submitted on behalf of the Staff of the Ohio Power Siting Board by Assistant Attorney General John H. Jones, stating Staff does not object to the applicant's requested waiver. electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board.
01/08/2014 Application (Part 6 of 6) Biers Run-Hopetown-Delano Transmission Line Project electronically filed by Mr. Yazen Alami on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
01/08/2014 Application (Part 5 of 6) Biers Run-Hopetown-Delano Transmission Line Project electronically filed by Mr. Yazen Alami on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
01/08/2014 Application (Part 4 of 6) Biers Run-Hopetown-Delano Transmission Line Project electronically filed by Mr. Yazen Alami on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
01/08/2014 Application (Part 3 of 6) Biers Run-Hopetown-Delano 138kV Transmision Line Project electronically filed by Mr. Yazen Alami on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
01/08/2014 Application (Part 2 of 6)- Biers Run-Hopetown-Delano 138kV Transmission Line Project electronically filed by Mr. Yazen Alami on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
01/08/2014 Application for Biers Run-Hopetown-Delano 138kV Transmission Line Project electronically filed by Mr. Yazen Alami on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
12/31/2013 Public comment response letter to Union-Scioto Local School District from K. Wissman, OPSB.
11/18/2013 Public comment supporting the Blue Route filed by consumer, S. Cormany.
11/13/2013 Public comment in opposition to the Blue Route filed by consumer, Lt. Col John R. Venneman, USAF, (Ret.)
11/13/2013 Response letter to Scott Cormany from S. Irwin, OPSB, Staff.
11/06/2013 Response letter sent to: Mr. Paul and Mrs. Nancey Gerber filed by K. Wissman on behalf of OPSB.
10/10/2013 Response letter sent to: Richard Lemonds filed by K. Wissman on behalf of OPSB.
09/25/2013 Correspondence of September 25, 2013 electronically filed by Mr. Yazen Alami on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company.
08/28/2013 Response letter sent to: William S. Dancey, Ph.D. filed by K. Wissman on behalf of OPSB.
08/28/2013 Response letter to Mark Salyers from K. Wissman, OPSB Staff regarding his opposition to the Biers Run Hopetown Delano Transmission Line Project.
08/26/2013 Public comment response to L. Hanson form K. Wissman, OPSB regarding the proposed route of the Biers Run-Hopetown-Delano Transmission Line.
08/22/2013 Public comment from consumer, Brenda Johnson.
08/22/2013 Response letter to W. Pickard regarding the Biers Run-Hopetown-Delano Transmission Line Project filed by K. Wissman, Executive Director Ohio Power Siting Board.
08/15/2013 Public comment response letter mailed to Mr. Bruce Lombardo, Director of Heartland Earthworks Conservancy from K. Wissman, OPSB Staff.
08/09/2013 Motion for Waiver and memorandum in support electronically filed by Erin C. Miller on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company, Inc.
08/08/2013 Public comment response letter mailed to Mr. Jerrel Anderson from K. Wissman, OPSB Staff.
07/31/2013 Public comment response letter to Brenda Johnson from OPSB Staff, K. Wissman.
07/17/2013 Public comment response letter to Mr and Mrs. Darren and Tamera Price from S. Irwin, OPSB, Staff.
07/03/2013 Public comment response sent to Justine Fyffe.
06/18/2013 Public comment response letter to Mr. and Mrs. Deborah Crabtree from S. Irwin, OPSB, Staff.
06/17/2013 Response letter sent to Matt Sutherland filed by K. Wissman on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board.
06/13/2013 Public comment in opposition to the Blue Route filed by consumer, M. Kerns.
06/12/2013 Response letter sent to: Greg & Becki Smith filed by K.Wissman on behalf of OPSB.
06/06/2013 Comments and signatures of appeal pertaining to the Biers Run - Hopetown -Delano 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed on behalf of Golf View Subdivision Residents..
06/04/2013 Public comment regarding proposed route of Biers Run Transmission Project filed by consumer, Lt. Col. John R. Venneman, USAF.
05/21/2013 Response letter sent to: Michael and Kathryn Kerns filed by K.Wissman on behalf of OPSB.
05/20/2013 Project materials submitted by Scott Cormany to OPSB Staff at the Biers Run - Hopetown - Delano Transmission Line.
05/15/2013 Proof of Pub -Biers Run-Hopetown-Delano electronically filed by Erin C Miller on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company, Inc. (Ross County)
05/14/2013 Response letter sent to: Lt.Col. John R. Venneman filed by K.Wissman on behalf of OPSB.
04/23/2013 Supplement to the pre-application notification letter submitted on April 5, 2013 electronically filed by Erin C. Miller on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company, Inc.
04/05/2013 In the matter of BR-Hopetown Delano-Pre Application Notification Letter electronically filed by Erin C Miller on behalf of AEP Ohio Transmission Company, Inc.