DIS - Case Record for 12-3007-RR-RCP Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/31/2013 Memo from staff stating that the grade crossing improvement/upgrade ordered in the above case has been completed and is in service. Staff requests that this case be closed of record.
03/06/2013 Service Notice
03/06/2013 Opinion & Order granting an exemption to allow buses, school buses, and any vehicle transporting a material or materials required to proceed without stopping at the grade crossing located at Pennsylvania Avenue (151440G) in Wellston, Ohio; that the city of Wellston place "Exempt" signs at appropriate locations in advance of the crossing; that U.S. Rail should provide at least 90 days advance notice to the Commission and the city of Wellston in the event it intends to commence rail operations at the crossing in the future.
02/01/2013 Return Mail
01/28/2013 Transcript of the Wellston City School District hearing held before Mr. Jonathan Tauber, Attorney Examiner at 1 East Broadway, Wellston, Ohio, on 01/10/13 electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Gibson, Karen Sue Mrs.
01/22/2013 Proof of Publication ( Jackson County ).
01/02/2013 Proof of publication for the County of Vinton.
12/11/2012 Attorney Examiner Entry scheduling a hearing as set forth in Finding (3), ordering the Secretary of the Commission cause publication of the legal notice in accordance with Finding (4), and ordering comments on the exemption request be filed as set forth in Finding (5). - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Jonathan Tauber, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
12/11/2012 Service Notice
12/10/2012 Staff Report for Wellston City School District in Jackson County for Exempt Crossing Status, filed by G. Martin - Staff.
11/16/2012 Memorandum to serve parties of record filed by G. Martin.
11/16/2012 In the matter of the application requesting an exemption for railroad crossing 151440G filed K. Boch on behalf of Wellston City School District.