Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
08/14/2012 | Memo closing case with an effective date of 08/14/12. | 1 |
05/10/2012 | Revised sheet No PIR 1 filed by M.L. Thompson on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company. | 2 |
04/26/2012 | Revised tariff pages PUCO Fifth revised sheet No. PIR1 filed by M. Thompson on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio. | 5 |
04/25/2012 | Service Notice | 2 |
04/25/2012 | Opinion & Order that, OCC's motion to intervene be granted; that the stipulation filed in this proceeding be approved and adopted; that DEO take all necessary steps to carry out the terms of the stipulation and this order. | 8 |
04/20/2012 | Transcript of The East Ohio Gas Company hearing held on 04/9/12, before AE D. Jennings, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Sloas, Valerie J. Mrs. | 11 |
04/06/2012 | Testimony of Vicki H. Friscic electronically filed by Ms. Melissa L. Thompson on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company d/b/a Dominion East Ohio. | 6 |
04/06/2012 | Stipulation and Recommendation electronically filed by Ms. Melissa L. Thompson on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company d/b/a Dominion East Ohio, S. Reilly, Staff of the Public Utilities Commission and L. Sauer, Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel. | 7 |
04/06/2012 | Motion and memorandum in support to extend time to file stipulation electronically filed by Ms. Melissa L. Thompson on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company d/b/a Dominion East Ohio. | 6 |
04/02/2012 | Statement informing the Commission whether the issues raised in the comments have been resolved filed by Melissa L.Thompson on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio. | 2 |
03/28/2012 | Service Notice | 1 |
03/28/2012 | Entry ordering the parties motion for a continuance be granted: the hearing scheduled for April 6, 2012, be continued to April 9, 2012, at 10 a.m. at the Offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, 11th floor hearing room 11-D, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (LDJ) | 2 |
03/26/2012 | Testimony of Vicki H. Friscic electronically filed by Ms. Melissa L. Thompson on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company d/b/a Dominion East Ohio. | 19 |
03/26/2012 | Comments on the Application of the East Ohio Gas Company d/b/a Dominion East Ohio by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Patti Mallarnee on behalf of Sauer, Larry S. | 5 |
03/26/2012 | Motion to intervene and memorandum in support by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Patti Mallarnee on behalf of Sauer, Larry S. | 8 |