DIS - Case Record for 11-2410-GA-CRS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/02/2024 In the Matter of the Application of Viridian Energy Ohio LLC.
07/24/2024 Notice of Material Change of Viridian Energy Ohio LLC.
06/23/2023 Certificate No. 11-218G issued and electronically filed by Ms. Alla Magaziner-Tempesta on behalf of PUCO staff.
04/19/2023 Confidential Document Target: Exhibits C-3, C-4, C-5 and C-9 filed by Dortan Moore on behalf of Viridian Energy Ohio, LLC. (17 pages)
04/14/2023 In the Matter of the Application of Viridian Energy Ohio LLC.
09/15/2022 Notice of Material Change to Company's legal name and contact information electronically filed by Dorian Moore on behalf of Viridian Energy Ohio fka Cincinnati Bell Energy LLC.
09/06/2022 Notice of Material Change to the Principal Officers, Directors and Partners of Cincinnati Bell Energy LLC electronically filed by Dorian Moore.
08/09/2022 Notice of Material change of principal offices, directors and partners of Cincinnati Bell Energy LLC, submitted by Dorian Moore.
07/15/2022 Amended Application - Updated Exhibit A-5 to the Application of Cincinnati Bell Energy LLC.
07/20/2021 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Gretchen L. Petrucci on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy, LLC.
05/19/2021 Certificate No. 11-218G issued and electronically filed by Ms. Alla Magaziner-Tempesta on behalf of PUCO Staff.
04/14/2021 Confidential Document Target: Exhibits C-3, C-4 & C-9 filed by Dorian Moore on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy, LLC. (27 pages)
04/14/2021 In the Matter of the Application of Cincinnati Bell Energy LLC.
10/21/2019 Notice of Material Change to Email Address for PUCO Staff Use electronically filed by Mr. David F. Proano on behalf of Service Providers Listed in Appendix A.
08/14/2019 Notice of Material Change electronically filed by Mr. David F. Proano on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy, LLC.
08/13/2019 Notice of Appearance of David ProaƱo, Kendall Kash, and Daniel Lemon electronically filed by Mr. David F. Proano on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy, LLC.
05/20/2019 Renewal certificate # 11-218G(5) issued.
04/12/2019 Renewal Application for Certification as a Competitive Retail Natural Gas Suppliers electronically filed by Mrs. Gretchen L. Petrucci on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy, LLC.
04/12/2019 Confidential document target - Exhibits C-4 and C-5 filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy, LLC by G. Petrucci. (5 pages)
04/13/2018 Notice of material change filed by E. Arena on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy, LLC.
03/22/2018 Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel of record electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Settineri on behalf of Settineri, Michael J.
08/08/2017 Notice of updated information filed by Aleksandra Petunova on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy, LLC.
05/16/2017 Renewal Certificate 11-218G (4) issued.
04/14/2017 Confidential treatment of document Exhibits C-4 & C-5 filed by S. Howard on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy, LLC (pg ct 5)
04/14/2017 Renewal Certification Application Competitive Retail Natural Gas Suppliers electronically filed by Mr. Stephen M. Howard on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy, LLC.
11/03/2016 Amendment to the applications filed by Aleksandra Petunova on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy LLC.
10/05/2015 Correspondence regarding an update to contact information filed by B. Clay on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy, LLC.
05/15/2015 Renewal Certificate No. 11-218G(3) issued.
04/13/2015 Renewal Certification Application Competitive Retail Natural Gas Suppliers electronically filed by Mr. Stephen M. Howard on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy, LLC.
04/13/2015 Correspondence Letter of Compliance informing the Commission that TriEagle is licensed to provide retail electric service, including the applicable license numbers filed by B. Clay, Senior Vice President and General Counsel.
04/13/2015 Confidential document target: Exhibits C-4 & C-5 filed by S. Howard on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy, LLC. (5 pages)
12/31/2014 Correspondence Update of Section A-6 of the Renewal Application electronically filed by Mr. Stephen M Howard on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy, LLC.
04/04/2014 Correspondence regarding Change in Regulatory Contact electronically filed by Mr. Stephen M Howard on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy LLC.
06/27/2013 Confidential release of document: Exhibit C-3, C-4, & C-5 originally filed on 04/12/11 on behalf of Viridian Energy NJ. (50 pages)
06/19/2013 Service Notice
06/18/2013 Attorney Examiner Entry granting the motion for a protective order filed by Cincinnati Bell Energy with regard to the information contained in exhibits C-3, C-4, and C-5, of Cincinnati Bell Energy's renewal application. The entry directs the Commission's docketing division to maintain, under seal, the un-redacted exhibits C-3, C-4, and C-5, which were filed under seal in this docket on April 11 and 22, 2013, for a period of 24 months, ending on May 14, 2015. Further, the entry directs the Commission's docketing division to release into the public record, on June 27, 2013, exhibits C-3, C-4, and C-5, which were filed under seal in this docket on April 12, 2011; electronically filed by Vesta R. Miller on behalf of Kerry K. Sheets, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
05/14/2013 Renewal certificate 11-218G (2) issued.
04/22/2013 Confidential document target for supplemental Exhibit C-5 filed by S. Howard on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy LLC. (1 page)
04/22/2013 Supplemental motion for protective order and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. Stephen M. Howard on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy, LLC.
04/11/2013 Motion for Protective Order and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. Stephen M. Howard on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy LLC.
04/11/2013 Renewal Certification Application Competitive Retail Natural Gas Suppliers - PART II electronically filed by Mr. Stephen M. Howard on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy LLC.
04/11/2013 Renewal Certification Application Competitive Retail Natural Gas Suppliers - PART I electronically filed by Mr. Stephen M. Howard on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy LLC.
04/11/2013 Confidential document target for Exhibits C-3 and C-4 filed by S. Howard on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy LLC. (37 pages)
10/09/2012 Letter informing the Commission of material changes to the information contained in their certification applications filed by Jan. L Fox on behalf of Cincinnati Bell energy.
03/30/2012 Updates and Supplements to the information filed in the original application filed by J. Fox on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Energy, LLC.
09/23/2011 Amended to change the name on the license to Cincinnati Bell Energy LLC filed by Rafi Jacobs.
05/31/2011 Service Notice
05/27/2011 Entry ordering the motion for protective order be granted with regard to the information contained in exhibits C-3, C-4, and C-5, of Veridian's application and denied with regard to exhibit D-1; the Commission maintain under seal, the unredacted exhibits C-3 and C-4. (KKS)
05/12/2011 Certificate # 11-218G(1) issued
04/28/2011 Letter of parental guarantee for Viridian Energy NJ LLC filed by R. Jacobs.
04/12/2011 Confidential document target for exhibit C-3, C-4, C-5 and D-1 filed on behalf of Viridian Energy NJ, LLC. by T. Stewart.
04/12/2011 Motion and memorandum in support for protective order filed on behalf of Viridian Energy NJ LLC by M. Cioffi.
04/12/2011 In the matter of the application of Viridian Energy PA LLC for certification as a Retail Natural Gas Marketer.