DIS - Case Record for 11-2350-GE-CSS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
11/19/2012 Case Action Form Close and Archive electronically filed by Ms. Marta E. Stewart-Bates on behalf of PUCO
07/27/2011 Service notice.
07/27/2011 Entry ordered that the parties request to dismiss the complaint with prejudice be granted, that case 11-2350-GE-CSS be dismissed.
07/18/2011 Joint Motion to dismiss complaint of Kathryn Franklin and respondent Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and memorandum in support filed by complainant K. Franklin and respondent R. McMahon on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.
07/15/2011 Joint motion to dismiss complaint and memorandum in support of Kathryn Franklin and Respondent, Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. filed by Kathryn Franklin, Complainant and R. McMahon on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., Respondent.
05/23/2011 Entry that the settlement conference currently scheduled for May 23,2011, be held in abeyance. (KLS)
05/23/2011 Service Notice
05/19/2011 Letter confirming that the parties have settled their dispute and request that the continued settlement conference scheduled for May 24, 2011 be cancelled filed by R. McMahon. (FAX)
05/18/2011 Letter confirming rescheduled settlement conference to Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. due to prior commitments on May 23, 2011, complainant has consented to this request filed on behalf of Kathryn Franklin by R. McMahon. (FAX)
05/02/2011 Service Notice
04/29/2011 Entry ordering that a settlement conference be scheduled for May 23,2011, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission. (KLS)
04/27/2011 Answer of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. filed by R. McMahon.
04/08/2011 Complaint response letter and brochure sent to Kathryn Franklin.
04/08/2011 Complaint service letter and copy of complaint sent to Duke Energy Ohio.
04/07/2011 In the matter of the complaint of Kathryn Franklin vs Duke Energy, Ohio for the alleged erroneous billing.