DIS - Case Record for 11-0351-EL-AIR Skip to main content

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Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: AIR-Application to increase rates
Date Opened: 1/27/2011
Date Closed:
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
08/28/2023Notice of Withdrawal of Matthew W. Warnock electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Devin D. Parram.3
04/17/2023Notice of Change of Law Firm Name by The Ohio Hospital Association electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Devin D. Parram.3
11/28/2022Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel of Record electronically filed by Mr. Matthew R. Pritchard on behalf of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC - Columbus, OH.4
02/15/2022Change of Address electronically filed by Mrs. Gretchen L. Petrucci on behalf of Ohio Cable Telelcommunications Association.3
01/16/2020Notice of withdrawal of Colleen Mooney electronically filed by Colleen L Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.10
10/04/2019Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel and Designation of Counsel of Record electronically filed by Mr. Matthew R. Pritchard on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.2
01/15/2019Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel and Designation of Counsel of Record electronically filed by Mr. Frank P Darr on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.2
10/19/2018Letter of Notification regarding change of address and firm affiliation electronically filed by Mr. Robert Dove on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Council.3
01/04/2018Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel of The Ohio Hospital Association electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Devin D. Parram.3
05/12/2016Notice of Withdraw and Substitution of Counsel of Ohio Hospital Association electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Matthew W. Warnock.3
05/03/2016Notice of Change of Address for counsel for the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, effective May 9, 2016. electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.3
09/04/2015Notice of withdrawal of Christopher J. Allwein as counsel electronically filed by Mr. Christopher J. Allwein on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Council.3
07/09/2015Correspondence electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J Satterwhite on behalf of Ohio Power Company.16
06/18/2015Notice of Substitution of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Robert Dove on behalf of The Natural Resources Defense Council.3
06/17/2015Final P.U.C.O No.20 Tariff electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J Satterwhite on behalf of Ohio Power Company.4
01/05/2015Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel of Dan Barnowski electronically filed by Ms. Emma F Hand on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.5
12/01/2014Tariff -Compliance Tariffs electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J Satterwhite on behalf of Ohio Power Company.79
11/12/2014Notice electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J. Satterwhite on behalf of Ohio Power Company.13
09/03/2014Notice of Substitution of Counsel of Joel Sechler for Mallory Mohler electronically filed by Ms. Cheryl A. Smith on behalf of The Ohio Manufacturers' Association.3
03/28/2014Notice of withdrawal of Joseph E. Oliker filed by F. Darr on behalf of McNees, Wallace & Nurick LLC.4
10/15/2013Notice of substitution of Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Kimberly W. Bojko on behalf of Ohio Manufacturers' Association.3
10/15/2013Notice of withdrawal electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of J. Thomas Siwo, Bricker & Eckler LLP.3
09/16/2013Notice of withdrawal of Counsel submitted by Assistant Attorney General Stephen A. Reilly on behalf of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.8
11/07/2012Notice of withdrawal of counsel electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Bricker & Eckler LLP.3
07/27/2012Notice of update to PUCO Tariff No. 20, electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J Satterwhite on behalf of Ohio Power Company.20
04/06/2012Notice of withdrawal of counsel and substitution of counsel, Mark Yurick from the law firm of Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP, formerly Chester, Wilcox & Saxbe, LLP filed by M. Yurick.2
03/21/2012Service Notice9
03/21/2012Entry ordered, that Ohio Power's motion for clarification and request for expedited ruling is granted. 4
03/19/2012Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel and Designation of Counsel of Record by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Sauer, Larry S.4
03/16/2012Response by The Ohio Energy Group to Ohio Power's Motion Seeking Clarification and Request for Expedited Ruling electronically filed by Mr. Michael L. Kurtz on behalf of Ohio Energy Group.7
03/15/2012Motion Seeking Clarification and Request for Expedited ruling and Memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J Satterwhite on behalf of Ohio Power Company.14
03/05/2012Letter expressing concern over the rate increase filed by V. Williams. 2
02/15/2012Service Notice9
02/14/2012Entry ordered, that the application for rehearing filed by Ohio Power be denied. It is, further ordered, that the application for rehearing filed by OCC be denied. 10
02/10/2012Amended certificate of service filed on behalf of American Electric Power by S. Nourse.8
02/01/2012Service Notice9
02/01/2012Entry granting the application for rehearing filed by AEP-Ohio for further consideration of the matters specified in the application for rehearing.3
01/27/2012Public comment regarding the AEP rate case filed by Keith Graney. 1
01/17/2012Application for Rehearing and memorandum in support by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Grady, Maureen R. Ms.21
01/13/2012Ohio Power Company's application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed by M. Satterwhite.9
12/29/2011Tariff 3 of 3 - electronically filed by Mr. Steven T Nourse on behalf of Ohio Power Company and Columbus Southern Power Company.12
12/29/2011Tariff 2 of 3 - electronically filed by Mr. Steven T Nourse on behalf of Ohio Power Company and Columbus Southern Power Company.12
12/29/2011Tariff 1 of 3 - electronically filed by Mr. Steven T Nourse on behalf of Ohio Power Company and Columbus Southern Power Company.6
12/22/2011Compliance tariff continued (Part 3 of 3) electronically filed by Mr. Steven T Nourse on behalf of American Electric Power Service Corporation.162
12/22/2011Compliance Tariff continued (Part 2 of 3) electronically filed by Mr. Steven T Nourse on behalf of American Electric Power Service Corporation.196
12/22/2011Revised tariff COMPLIANCE TARIFFS (PART 1 OF 3) electronically filed by Mr. Steven T Nourse on behalf of American Electric Power Service Corporation6
12/20/2011Letter expressing that NRDC does not support Straight Fixed-Variable rate design for the reasons stated in the Sullivan's Direct Testimony filed by C.J. Allwein. 2
12/15/2011Service Notice8
12/15/2011Entry NUNC PRO TUNC that the Opinion and Order of December 14, 2011, be amended, nunc pro tunc, to provide for the revised sentences and ordering paragraph as set forth above.3
12/15/2011Service Notice8
12/14/2011Opinion and Order that the Stipulation presented in these proceedings be adopted by the Commission and, that the applications of CSP and OPCo for authority to increase electric distribution rates, approval of tariff modifications, and approval of changes to certain accounting methods, are granted to the extent provided in this Opinion and Order.15
12/13/2011Transcript of the Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company hearing held on 11/30/11 electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Dillion, Iris I. Mrs.45
12/13/2011Transcript of the Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company hearing held on 11/29/11 electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Gibson, Karen Sue Mrs.5
12/13/2011Exhibits for transcript held before Gregory Price and Mandy L. Willey, Attorney Examiners, on November 30, 2011.3
12/08/2011Transcript Public Hearing from 10/26/11 electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Anderson, Rosemary Foster Mrs.18
12/01/2011Transcript of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company hearing held on 11/17/11 before AE's G. Price and M. Wiley electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Jones, Maria DiPaolo Mrs..7
11/30/2011Transcript of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company hearing held on 11/14/11 electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Anderson, Rosemary Foster Mrs.13
11/29/2011Direct Testimony in Support of the Stipulation of Wilson Gonzalez on Behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Grady, Maureen R. Ms.13
11/29/2011Proof of publications continued electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company. (part 2)57
11/29/2011Proof of Publications electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company. (part 1)68
11/29/2011Direct Testimony of Dylan Sullivan in Support of the Stipulation - Attachment Y electronically filed by Mr. Christopher J Allwein on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Council.34
11/29/2011Testimony of David M. Roush in Support of the Stipulation and Recommendation electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J. Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.425
11/29/2011Testimony of Selwyn J. Dias in Support of the Joint Stipulation and Recommendation electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.19
11/28/2011Joint Motion for an Extension of Time to File Testimony and Continuance of the Evidentiary Hearing, Request for Expedited Ruling and memorandum in support by Columbus Southern Power Company, Ohio Power Company, Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and Natural Resources Defense Council electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Larry S. Sauer.10
11/23/2011Joint Stipulation and Recommendation electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.200
11/14/2011Returned mail.1
11/09/2011Joint motion and memorandum in support of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company for a scheduling change and request for expedited treatment filed by M. Satterwhite.6
11/08/2011Transcript of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company hearing held on 10/24/11 electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Guzzo, Deborah Mrs.24
11/02/2011Transcript of Public Hearing held at Glenwood Middle School Auditorium 1015 44th Street, N W Canton, Ohio 44709 on October 18, 2011, at 6:00 p.m., before Chairman Snitchler and Attorney Examiner, M. Willey. 18
11/01/2011Service Notice8
11/01/2011Entry ordered, that the motions to intervene filed by various parties be granted in accordance with finding (5). It is further ordered, that the motions for admission pro has vice filed by various individuals be granted in accordance with finding (6). It is, further, ordered, that the motion to intervene filed by FES be granted for the reasons stated in finding (12). It is, further, Ordered, that Ormet's motion to consolidate the above-listed cases is denied in accordance with finding (16). (MLW).7
10/28/2011Memorandum contra motion to strike certain objections to the Staff reports on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company filed by M. Satterwhite.14
10/28/2011Revised motion for permission to practice pro hac vice of John Davidson Thomas and memorandum in support filed by J.D.Thomas on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company. 8
10/26/2011Transcript to the testimony of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Public Hearing, Marietta, Ohio August 30, 2011. 19
10/25/2011Proof of publication notice filed by Matthew J Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power and Ohio Power Company.228
10/24/2011Direct testimony of Amr Ibrahim filed by L. Sauer on behalf of The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.40
10/24/2011Direct testimony of Ibrahim Soliman filed by L. Sauer on behalf of The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.107
10/24/2011Motion to strike certain of AEP Ohio's objection to the staff reports and memorandum in support filed L. Sauer on behalf of Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.14
10/24/2011Direct testimony of J. Edwards Hess filed by S. Randazzo on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.33
10/24/2011Direct testimony of Edward Kozelek filed by Benita Kahn on behalf of The Ohio Cable Telecommunications Association.24
10/24/2011Direct testimony of Wilson Gonzalez filed by L. Sauer on behalf of The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.74
10/24/2011Direct testimony of Donald A. Skaggs filed by B. Royer on behalf of The Ohio Department of Development.20
10/24/2011Prefiled supplemental direct testimony of Patricia Kravtin filed by B. Kahn on behalf of Ohio Cable Telecommunications Association.57
10/24/2011Prefiled supplemental direct testimony in support of objections to the staff reports of Renee V. Hawkins filed by M. Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.12
10/24/2011Prefiled supplemental direct testimony in support of objections to the staff reports of Selwyn J. Dias filed by M. Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.7
10/24/2011Prefiled supplemental direct testimony in support of objections to the staff reports of William E. Avera filed by M. Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.36
10/24/2011Prefiled supplemental direct testimony in support of objections to the staff reports of David M. Roush filed by M. Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.46
10/24/2011Pre-filed supplemental direct testimony in support of objections to the staff reports of David A. Davis filed by M. Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.7
10/24/2011Prefiled supplemental direct testimony in support of objections to the staff reports of Jeffrey B. Bartsch filed by M. Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.13
10/24/2011Prefiled supplemental direct testimony in support of objections to the staff reports of Thomas L. Kirkpatrick filed by M. Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.10
10/24/2011Prefiled supplemental direct testimony in support of objections to the staff reports of Thomas E. Mitchell filed by M. Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.41
10/24/2011Prefiled supplemental direct testimony in support of objections to the staff reports of Andrea E. Moore filed by M. Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.19
10/17/2011Objections to the Staff Report of Investigation of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company by M. Satterwhite.17
10/17/2011Objections to the Staff Report of Investigation filed on behalf of the Ohio Hospital Association by R. Sites.4
10/17/2011Objection of The Ohio Department of Development to the Staff Report of Investigation filed by B. Royer.4
10/17/2011Objection to the staff reports of Investigation and summary of major issues of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy and The Appalachian Peace and Justice Network filed by C.L. Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy and J.V. Maskovyak on behalf of Ohio Poverty Law Center. 16
10/17/2011Letter in response to Columbus Southern AEP plans to raise electricity rates to be effective January 1, 2012 filed by D. Riley. 2
10/17/2011Objections to the staff reports of Investigation and Summary of Major Issues of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by J.E.Oliker. 28
10/17/2011Objection to the PUCO Staff's reports of Investigation and Summary of Major Issues by The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by L.S. Sauer. 27
10/14/2011Objections of the Ohio Cable Telecommunications Association to Staff Report pertaining to the rates, terms and conditions of pole attachments filed by B. Kahn.9
10/14/2011Motion for permission to practice pro hac vice of John Davidson Thomas, attorney for Hogan Lovells US LLP filed by J.D. Thomas.7
10/13/2011Service Notice7
10/13/2011Entry ordering that the deadline for the filing of intervenor testimony and Applicants' supplemental expert testimony be extended from October 17, 2011, to October 24, 2011. (MLW)3
10/11/2011Joint motion and memorandum in support for an extension of time to file testimony and request for immediate ruling filed by L. Sauer on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, C. Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy and H. Eckhart on behalf of the Sierra Club. 12
10/07/2011Notice of withdrawal of motion for permission to practice pro hac vice filed by K. Burke.5
10/07/2011Notice of withdrawal of motion for permission to practice pro hac vice filed by G. Gillespie.5
10/03/2011Service Notice7
10/03/2011Entry ordering the local public hearings in these proceedings be held as set forth in Finding (5); that AEP-Ohio publish notice of the local public hearings as set forth in Findings (6) and (7).4
09/19/2011Service Notice7
09/16/2011Service Notice 32
09/16/2011Entry ordering that a prehearing conference will be held on November 2, 2011, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, 180 E. Broad Street,11th Floor, Hearing Room 11-D, Columbus, Ohio 43215 and evidentiary hearing in this proceeding will commence on November 14, 2011, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, 180 E. Broad Street, 11th Floor, Hearing Room 11- A, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (MLW)3
09/15/2011Staff report (part 1of 2)210
09/15/2011Staff report (part 2 of 2)13
08/31/2011AEP Ohio's (1) twelve-month actual income statement versus the partially forecasted income statement and (2) Schedule E-4.3 including actual test year data filed on behalf of American Electric Power Company by M. Satterwhite.7
08/12/2011Reply of The Ohio Department of Development to Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company Memorandum Contra Motion to Consolidate filed by Barth E. Royer on behalf of the Ohio Department of Development.14
08/04/2011Memorandum contra Ohio Consumers' Counsel's motion to consolidate and to intervene by Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company filed by S. Nourse.8
07/26/2011Letter expressing concern over AEP-Ohio Electric application to increase its electricity prices starting 1/1/12 filed by B.J. Arnold. 1
07/20/2011Motion and memorandum in support of the Ohio Department of Development to consolidate proceedings filed by B. Royer.13
07/20/2011Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of the Ohio Department of Development filed by B. Royer.10
07/13/2011Notice of substitution of counsel and designation of counsel of record by the Natural Resources Defense Council filed by C. Allwein.6
07/05/2011Letter of notification electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company2
06/30/2011Notice of withdrawal of counsel filed by M. Idzkowski on behalf of OCC.2
06/20/2011Reply to Columbus Southern Power Company's and Ohio Power Company's memorandum in opposition to Ohio Consumers' Counsel's motion to consolidate filed by A. Hotz on behalf of OCC.5
06/17/2011Motion and memorandum in support to compel responses to discovery filed on behalf of The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by M. Grady.32
06/14/2011Motion to Intervene and Memorandum in Support filed by H. Eckhart on behalf of The Sierra Club.4
06/08/2011Memorandum contra Ohio Consumer's Counsel's motion to consolidate filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company filed by M. Satterwhite. 6
05/24/2011Motion to consolidate, memorandum in support and comments filed on behalf of The Office of the Consumers' Counsel by A. Hotz.10
05/20/2011Revised Motions for Permission to Appear Pro Hac Vice of Emma F. Hand and Douglas G. Bonner and Memorandum in support filed by E. Hand on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation. (Original)10
05/19/2011Motion for permission to appear pro hac vice of Emma F. Hand and memorandum in support filed by E. Hand on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation. (FAX)9
05/09/2011Reply memorandum in support of motion to consolidate of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation by E. Hand.8
05/06/2011Reply memorandum in support of motion to consolidate of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation filed by E. Hand. (FAX)6
05/05/2011Motion for permission to practice pro hac vice for Gardner F. Gillespie filed on behalf of Hogan Lovells US LLP filed by G. Gillespie.7
05/05/2011Motion for permission to practice pro hac vice for Katie Burke filed on behalf of Hogan Lovells US LLP by K. Burke.7
05/05/2011Notice of withdrawal of counsel, Richard Reese filed on behalf of The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small.5
04/29/2011Memorandum in opposition to the motion to consolidate of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company by S. Nourse.5
04/27/2011Service Notice5
04/27/2011Entry ordering that AEP-Ohio's notice for publication be modified in accordance with finding 4. (JRJ)3
04/26/2011Correspondence stating that AEP Ohio and Ohio Consumer's Counsel had been discussing inclusion of an additional paragraph in the notice and reached an agreement, thus, AEP Ohio would like to propose an additional paragraph filed by S. Nourse.5
04/20/2011Amended motion to intervene of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation and memorandum in support filed by E. F. Hand. 16
04/20/2011Notice of amendment or withdrawal of prior filings of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation filed by E.F. Hand. 6
04/20/2011Motion to consolidate of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation and memorandum in support filed by E. Hand 8
04/20/2011Motion for permission to appear PRO HAC VICE of Douglas G. Bonner and memorandum in support on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation. 9
04/20/2011Motion for permission to appear PRO HAC VICE of Emma F. Hand and memorandum in support on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum. 9
04/19/2011Motion and memorandum in support to consolidate of Ormet Primary Corporation filed by E. Hand. (FAX)7
04/19/2011Motion for permission to appear Pro Hac Vice of Douglas G. Bonner filed on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation by D. Bonner. (FAX)8
04/19/2011Motion for permission to appear Pro Hac Vice of Emma Hand filed on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation by E. Hand. (FAX)8
04/19/2011Amended motion to intervene and memorandum in support of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation filed by E. Hand. (FAX)15
04/19/2011Notice of amendment or withdrawal of prior filings of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation filed by E. Hand. (FAX)7
04/18/2011Motion to Intervene and memorandum in support of the Ohio Cable Telecommunications Association electronically filed by Benita Kahn on behalf of Ohio Cable Telecommunications Association11
04/13/2011Service Notice4
04/13/2011Entry ordering that the application of AEP-Ohio be accepted for filing as of February 28, 2011; and the proposed newspaper notice submitted by AEP-Ohio be approved for publication as set forth in Finding (6).3
03/14/2011Volume 2: Prefiled direct testimonies of Thomas L. Kirkpatrick, Gregory A. Earl, Hugh E. McCoy, Jeffrey B., Bartsch, Teresa A. Caudill, Daniel E. High, Thomas R. Zelina, and William E. Avera on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company. (continued) (part 2 of 2)116
03/14/2011Volume 2: Prefiled direct testimonies of Thomas L. Kirkpatrick, Gregory A. Earl, Hugh E. McCoy, Jeffrey B., Bartsch, Teresa A. Caudill, Daniel E. High, Thomas R. Zelina, and William E. Avera on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company. (part 1 of 2)175
03/14/2011Volume 1: Pre-filed direct testimonies of Joseph Hamrock, Selwyn J. Dias, Renee V. Hawkins, Oliver J. Sever Jr., Thomas E. Mitchell, Andrea E. Moore & David A. Davis on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company. (continued) (part 2 of 2)135
03/14/2011Volume 1: Pre-filed direct testimonies of Joseph Hamrock, Selwyn J. Dias, Renee V. Hawkins, Oliver J. Sever Jr., Thomas E. Mitchell, Andrea E. Moore & David A. Davis on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company. (part 1 of 2)127
03/11/2011Reply in support of the motion to intervene of FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. filed by N. Trevor Alexander.6
03/10/2011Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of The OMA Energy Group filed by M. Warnock.6
03/04/2011Memorandum of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company in opposition to the motion to intervene of FirstEnergy Solutions Corporation filed by S. Nourse.6
03/03/2011Motion and memorandum in support to intervene of The Kroger Company, filed by M. Yurick. 5
02/28/2011Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of the Appalachian Peace and Justice Network filed by M. Smalz and J. Maskovyak. 6
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 25 of 25)193
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 24 of 25)178
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 23 of 25)170
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 22 of 25)214
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 21 of 25)174
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 20 of 25)210
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 19 of 25)207
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 18 of 25)202
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 17 of 25)207
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 16 of 25)240
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 15 of 25)152
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 14 of 25)157
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 13 of 25)150
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 12 of 25)223
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 11 of 25)211
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 10 of 25)212
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 9 of 25)199
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 8 of 25)200
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 7 of 25)231
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 6 of 25)197
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 5 of 25)206
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 4 of 25)165
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 3 of 25)203
02/28/2011delete Application continued. (Part 2 of 25)129
02/28/2011delete Application of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company filed by S. Nourse. (Part 1 of 25)135
02/28/2011Application & Schedules Volume 2 filing table of content schedules A-D filed by Ohio Power Company (Section 2 of 25) 129
02/28/2011Application continued. (Part 2 of 25)129
02/28/2011Application of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company filed by S. Nourse. (Part 1 of 25)135
02/23/2011Service Notice3
02/23/2011Entry ordering that the test period of the Applicants, Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company shall begin June 1,2010, and end May 31,2011, and that the date certain shall be August 31,2010; and the appropriate method for making any changes;to the date certain or test period shall be the filing of a new notice of intent to file an application for an increase in rates and withdrawal of the pending application.6
02/23/2011Motion to intervene of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation, filed by E. Hand. 8
02/23/2011Motion for admission pro hac vice of Clinton A. Vince, Douglas G. Bonner, Daniel D. Barnowski and Emma F. Hand, filed by E. Hand on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.6
02/22/2011Motion to intervene, memorandum in support and motion for admission pro hac vice of Clinton A. Vince, Douglas G. Bonner, Daniel D. Barnowski and Emma F. Hand of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation, filed by E. Hand.12
02/17/2011Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. by M. Hayden.8
02/09/2011Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by H. Eckhart on behalf of The Natural Resources Defense Council.4
02/09/2011Additional information provided filed by PUCO Staff.3
02/09/2011Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by M. Grady on behalf Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.7
02/08/2011Ohio Partners For Affordable Energy's motion to intervene and memorandum in support, filed by C. Mooney. 5
02/03/2011Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of The Ohio Hospital Association filed by R. Sites.4
02/02/2011Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of The Ohio Energy Group, filed by M. Kurtz. 5
01/28/2011Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by J. Oliker.6
01/27/2011Exhibit - Volume 2 filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company. (Part 3 of 3) 124
01/27/2011Exhibit - Volume 2 filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company. (Part 2 of 3)201
01/27/2011Exhibit - Volume 2 filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company. (Part 1 of 3)201
01/27/2011Exhibit - Volume 1 filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company. (Part 3 of 3)202
01/27/2011Exhibit - Volume 1 filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company. (Part 2 of 3)201
01/27/2011Exhibit - Volume 1 Pleading, filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company. (Part 1 of 3)201
01/27/2011Motion and memorandum in support of Columbus Southern Power and Ohio Power Company to establish test period dates and for waiver of certain filing requirements filed by S. Nourse. 11
01/27/2011In the matter of the pre-notification of the application of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company, individually and, if their proposed merger is approved, as a merged company (collectively AEP Ohio) for an increase in electric. distribution rates.1