DIS - Case Record for 10-2326-GE-RDR Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/16/2021 Motion of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. For Continuation of The Protective Order To Protect The Duke Energy Ohio Smart Grid Audit and Assessment Report, Duke Energy Ohio Audit and Comments of Staff on Behalf of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Kingery, Jeanne W.
04/02/2020 Motion of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. For Continuation Of The Protective Order To Protect The Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. Smart Grid Audit And Assessment Report, Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s Application And Comments of The Staff On Behalf Of The Public Utilities Commission Office and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M. Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and Rocco D'Ascenzo.
01/31/2020 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Vaysman, Larisa.
01/16/2020 Notice of withdrawal of Colleen Mooney electronically filed by Colleen L Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.
12/12/2018 Reply to Memo Contra the Continuation of the Protective Order electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Watts, Elizabeth H.
12/05/2018 Memorandum Contra Duke's Motion to Continue Protective Order That Keeps Certain Information About Duke's Smart Grid Secret from the Public by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Etter, Terry L.
11/20/2018 Motion of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for Continuation of the Protective Order to Protect the Duke Energy Ohio Smart Grid Audit and Assessment Report, Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. Application and Comments of Staff - on Behalf of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Rocco D'Ascenzo and Watts, Elizabeth H.
03/30/2018 Correspondence regarding PowerForward electronically filed by Vesta R. Miller on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio Attorney Examiner Nicholas Walstra.
01/31/2018 Notice of withdrawal of Amy B. Spiller as counsel for Duke Energy Ohio (Part 2 of 3) electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L. Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc., Rocco O. D'Ascenzo and Ms. Elizabeth H. Watts.
07/07/2017 Motion of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for Continuation of the Protective Order to Protect the Duke Energy Ohio Smart Grid Audit and Assessment Report, Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. Application and Comments of Staff-On Behalf of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Mrs. Adele M. Frisch on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Watts, Elizabeth H and Spiller, Amy B.
11/30/2016 Service Notice
11/30/2016 Entry ordering that the request by Duke and OCC to adjust the filing schedule for Duke's base electric distribution rate case be approved and that Duke file its pre-filing notice by January 31, 2017, and its base electric distribution rate case application by March 2, 2017.
11/08/2016 Joint Response of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., and the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel to Staff's Reply to Duke Energy Ohio's Application electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Spiller, Amy B. and Watts, Elizabeth H.
10/12/2016 Commission Staff's Reply to Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. to adjust and set its gas and electric recovery rate, filed by T. Turkenton, and D. Lipthratt, PUCO Staff .
09/22/2016 Memorandum Contra Duke's Application for Waiver That Would Delay Consumers Receiving Operational Savings of Smart Grid Promised Under a PUCO-Approved Settlement by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Etter, Terry L.
09/15/2016 Application For Waiver of June 13, 2012 Provision and Request for Expedited Treatment electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.
05/03/2016 Notice of Change of Address for counsel for the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, effective May 9, 2016. electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
02/24/2016 Motion and Memorandum in Support of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for Continuation of the Protective Order to Protect the Duke Energy Ohio Smart Grid Audit and Assessment Report, Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. Application and Comments of Staff- On Behalf of the Public Utilities Commission electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Spiller, Amy B. and Watts, Elizabeth H.
10/22/2015 Notice of Staff Determination submitted by Assistant Attorney General Thomas Lindgren on behalf of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. electronically filed by Kimberly L. Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
10/16/2014 Motion of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for Continuation of the Protective Order and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Spiller, Amy B. and Watts, Elizabeth H.
06/04/2013 Motion of Duke Energy, Ohio, Inc. for Continuation of the Protective Order to Protect the Smart Grid Audit and Assessment Report and Staff Comments and Memorandum is Support electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Watts, Elizabeth H.
06/22/2012 Revised tariff pages of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for PUCO Gas Tariff No. 18 filed by P. Laub.
06/15/2012 Revised tariff pages PUCO tariff No. 18 filed by P. Laub on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.
06/13/2012 Service Notice
06/13/2012 Opinion and Order stating that the Stipulation filed in this proceeding is approved and adopted and that Duke take all necessary steps to carry out the terms of the Stipulation and this order.
03/27/2012 Transcript of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. hearing held on 03/13/12 before AE J. Tauber electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Burke, Carolyn M. Mrs.
03/06/2012 SUPPLEMENTAL DIRECT TESTIMONY OF PEGGY A. LAUB ON BEHALF OF DUKE ENERGY OHIO, INC. electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.
02/24/2012 Stipulation and recommendation filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., by T.Etter on behalf of OCC, by C. Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy and By PUCO Staff.
02/07/2012 Service Notice
02/07/2012 Entry ordering that the parties' motion for an extension of the procedural schedule be granted and that the procedural schedule set forth in finding (4) be adopted. (KLS)
02/06/2012 Joint motion and memorandum in support to extend procedural schedule and request for expedited ruling electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.
01/27/2012 Service Notice
01/27/2012 Entry ordering the parties' motion for an extension of the procedural schedule be granted: the procedural schedule set forth in finding (4) be adopted. (KLS)
01/26/2012 Service Notice
01/25/2012 Entry ordered, that the motions for protective order filed by Duke and Staff be granted; that the Commission's docketing division maintain, under seal, the unredacted information in the model, MetaVu report, and Staff comments, which was filed under seal on June 30, 2011, and November 4, 2011, for a period of 18 months, ending on July 25, 2013, as set forth in Finding (12). (JJT)
01/25/2012 Joint Motion to extend procedural schedule and request for expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed by Thomas G. Lindgren on behalf of Attorneys General, Elizabeth H. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc, Terry L, Etter on behalf of Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, Collen L, Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy, Dane Stinson on behalf Direct Energy Services, LLC.
12/21/2011 Service Notice
12/21/2011 Entry ordering that the parties' motion for an extension of the procedural schedule be granted; and the procedural schedule set forth in finding (4) be adopted. (KLS)
12/21/2011 Joint Motion and memorandum in support to Extend Procedural Schedule and Request for Expedited Ruling electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.
11/22/2011 Service Notice
11/22/2011 Entry that the motion for intervention filed by Direct Energy be granted and that the procedural schedule set forth in finding (5) be adopted. (KLS)
11/21/2011 Joint Motion To Extend Procedural Schedule, Memorandum in Support And Request For Expedited Ruling electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms..
11/18/2011 Reply Comments of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.
11/18/2011 Reply Comments by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Etter, Terry L..
11/07/2011 Comments of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by C. Mooney. (original)
11/04/2011 Comments submitted on behalf of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio filed by AG Staff, T. Lingren.
11/04/2011 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support submitted on behalf of the staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio by T. Lindgren.
11/04/2011 Comments of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by C. Mooney. (FAX)
11/04/2011 Comments by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by T. Etter.
11/04/2011 Confidential document target: Comments filed by T. Lindgren on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.. ( 41 pages)
09/28/2011 Amended Motion of Duke Energy Ohio Inc for Protective Order filed by Elizabeth Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Business Services LLC.
09/26/2011 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by D. Stinson on behalf of Direct Energy Services, LLC and Direct Energy Business, LLC..
09/19/2011 Service Notice
09/19/2011 Entry ordering that Duke Energy follow the procedure set for in finding (12).. (JJT)
09/09/2011 Service Notice
09/08/2011 Entry ordering; that the motion for admission pro hac vice of David Rinebolt be granted, that the motions for intervention filed by OCC and OPAE be granted and the procedural schedule set forth in finding (6) be adopted. (KLS)
08/16/2011 Notice of the substitution of counsel and designation of counsel of Terry L Etter for Ann M. Hotz filed by T. Etter.
06/30/2011 Confidential document target for smart grid audit assessment report filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. by E. Watts. (158 pgs)
06/30/2011 Confidential document target for application filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. by E. Watts.
06/30/2011 Motion of Duke Energy Ohio for protective order and memorandum in support filed by E. Watts.
06/30/2011 Application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. to adjust rider DR-IM and Rider AU for 2010 smart grid costs and mid-deployment review filed by E. Watts.
06/30/2011 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support to protect a very limited amount of information contained in its application filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. filed by E. Watts.
06/30/2011 Duke Energy Ohio Smart Grid Audit and Assessment report. (Public version)
04/18/2011 Entry ordered that staff's motion for extension be granted, therefor MetaVu is directed to provide a draft of the audit report to staff by June 17, 2011 and file a final version of the audit report with the Commission by June 30, 2011. (KlS)
04/18/2011 Service Notice
04/13/2011 Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed by Staff.
03/15/2011 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel by A. Hotz.
01/11/2011 Service Notice
01/11/2011 Entry ordered that Meta Vu be selected to perform the auditing activities, that the audit of Duke be conducted with the provisions of RFP No. EEIO-OA-1 and the findings of this entry.
11/18/2010 Motion to intervene, memorandum in support and motion to Pro hac Vice before the Commission filed by D. Rinebolt on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.
10/27/2010 Service Notice
10/27/2010 Entry ordering that Staff issue the RFP attached to this entry and the proposals in response to the RFP are due by December 1, 2010; that in accordance with finding (5), Duke bear the cost of the auditing services of the auditor chosen by the Commission; that Duke and the auditor shall observe the requirements set forth.
10/08/2010 In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. to adjust and set its gas and electric recovery rate for 2010 SmartGrid costs under riders AU and Rider DR-IM and Mid-Deployment Review of AMI/SmartGrid Program.